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61 votes

Why exactly can't Microsoft Word close if there's a dialogue box open?

Because most dialog boxes are considered "modal" which means that control does not pass back to the main program, or calling container, until the dialog itself is closed. This is by design and the ...
Bill Hileman's user avatar
19 votes

Why exactly can't Microsoft Word close if there's a dialogue box open?

The dialog box might be saying something like: You have made changes to your document, do you want to save them? (Yes) (No) There is no obvious right answer here. You may have accidentally ...
Nick Gammon's user avatar
16 votes

If someone opens a Word document from a USB drive but does not save it to the computer, can I access the file's contents after the drive is removed?

Do this first, before restarting Word. Depending on the settings, and what happened, search for *.doc, *.docx, *.dot, and *.wbk files in the following locations: C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\...
Kyle's user avatar
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15 votes

Disable spell checking in Word 2016 for one single document

You can hide spelling errors in the current document like so: File > Options (bottom left) > (2) Proofing > (3) Hide spelling errors in this document only
Matthew's user avatar
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11 votes

Table shading in Word leaves text with unwanted white background

OK, I think I've got this sorted. The text in my cells uses the Normal style and had exactly the problem shown in the question - a white highlight against the cell shading colour. I fiddled with ...
Adam Warren's user avatar
7 votes

Adding a vector\arrow above letter in Microsoft Word 2016 without Equation Editor

Please try this when enter equation: (ABC)\vec After entering this, you should enter some spaces. You can find the information in this pdf: Plain Tex Math at 3.8 Stretchy Characters.
stalendp's user avatar
  • 101
7 votes

MS Word footnotes skip numbers when using Track Changes

I've had a similar issue. I sent a document to a reviewer, and they returned it having deleted two footnotes with track-changes enabled. In the footnotes I could see the "Deleted" balloon, but couldn'...
Sam's Dad's user avatar
7 votes

Multiple instances upon opening multiple Office Documents

I apologize if I reiterate my explanations throughout, but I find this issue very complex so I tried to ensure it contextually makes sense to readers: While it may not be known whether this is a bug ...
El8dN8's user avatar
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7 votes

How do you apply the table style of a table to another?

The easiest way is to: Duplicate the whole original table (your publisher table). Empty its cells. Put as many rows as your new table requires (add one + several Ctrl+Y). Copy/paste the cells from ...
Manuel Rozier's user avatar
7 votes

How do I show the page margin in Word 2016?

Thanks to bagwell005, I found a variation that works for my purposes. I went to File>Options>Advanced. Under "Show document content" I selected "Show crop marks." IMHO, this provides a workable sense ...
Hummingbird008's user avatar
7 votes

Table shading in Word leaves text with unwanted white background

I have found that when the No Color options do not work, I choose the Clear Formatting icon in the Font section (AB Eraser icon). It removes the color and the formatting, but the formatting is much ...
Stephanie Zobay's user avatar
7 votes

Pressing Enter Key gives space instead of newline

This happened to me too! If you click on the little paragraph icon that appears on the Home tab, it will show you all the formatting marks and symbols throughout your document. It showed me that I had ...
Andrea's user avatar
  • 71
7 votes

Remove Tab After number in auto-numbering

Microsoft Word numbered lists are complex, arcane, frustrating, and easily corrupted. I'm only answering your specific question in this response but there is quite a bit to learn about numbered lists ...
MAK's user avatar
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6 votes

Word 2016 - Check spelling without checking grammar

You need to go to File -> Options -> Proofing -> When correcting spelling and grammar in Word and uncheck Mark grammar errors as you type and Check grammar with spelling. You also should ...
MrPublic's user avatar
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6 votes

How to permanently ignore a Proof Reading error in Microsoft Word 2016

Have no fear! This can be done. You do NOT need to turn off grammar (and/or spelling) checking for your document. You do NOT need to disable any rules. You do NOT need to add it as a "global" ...
spam spam bacon spam's user avatar
6 votes

Custom Date Format in Microsoft Word 2016

I’ll assume that you are talking about one of the handful of date values that Word offers in fields.  I’ll also assume that you are inserting fields through the ribbon / GUI, and that you know how to ...
G-Man Says 'Reinstate Monica''s user avatar
6 votes

MS word. Non-breaking paragraph / hidden paragraph breaks

So, it turns out what I needed was a "style separator" which is pretty damn arcane. In fact it is (apparently) undocumented. There is a command style-separator which is available to add to the quick ...
Will's user avatar
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5 votes

Word 2016: How to align equations on the = sign when equations are in a column in a table

The Align at = option isn't available across table cells. As a workaround, you can split your equations to three columns: the left hand side, the equals sign and right hand side. So for each equation ...
Atzmon's user avatar
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5 votes

Keeping comments in Word after deleting associated text

It can be done with a workaround. Put whitespace into the commented text. Say you have some commented text, it shows in Word with brackets: Insert some whitespace, e.g. just a space within this ...
Chenmunka's user avatar
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5 votes

Disable spell checking in Word 2016 for one single document

All Word paragraph styles inherit from the Normal style. If you edit the Normal style not to check grammar and spelling mistakes, it will affect every style in the whole document. To do so, go to the ...
math3006's user avatar
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5 votes

MS Word : Priority management between table and paragraph styles

Seems that we're stuck with old dev choices, back in the days where object oriented thinking wasn't in the users' minds. There is some kind of Internal Root Style (lets call it IRS) which is built-in ...
math3006's user avatar
  • 326
5 votes

How do you apply the table style of a table to another?

If the original document did not use a custom style to create the table, it appears you will need to create one from scratch or modify an existing style to match. I have not been able to find a way to ...
Ray M's user avatar
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5 votes

Remove Tab After number in auto-numbering

Hope this will help you: Left Click on the number of the numbering Right Click - Option Window opens Left Click on adjust list indent Change "Text after" to nothing
Jörg's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I unlock a paragraph when co-authoring a Word document?

I had the same issue. In my case the document section was mistakenly blocked for editing by a user. Following steps helped to resolve the issue: Select the locked section Click on review tab on MS ...
Aslam Parvez's user avatar
4 votes

Word 2016: paragraph spacing not working - paragraph stuck to page top

Without having access to your document, it is hard to tell if this answer will work for you. I suspect that the problem is you might have the "Don't add space to paragraphs of the same style" selected....
k6adams's user avatar
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4 votes

Collaborative Word 2016 without onedrive or sharepoint

From research online it appears the collaboration promised in Office 2016 is not really mature, and really relies on syncing functionality built into OneDrive (and Sharepoint). You can try using ...
music2myear's user avatar
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4 votes

Show 2nd level headlines in Word document header only if it exists in chapter

After another hour of painful headache over this problem, I found a solution for me: Press Ctrl+F9 to create a field in edit mode at the current cursor location. You can switch all fields between ...
Byte Commander's user avatar

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