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How can I reach the last Zip file in a long row of nested Zip files

I have a task to reach the last file in long row of nested Zip archives. They go like this: | | | ...
Cipri Rengle's user avatar
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Is it possible to unzip in parallel with AES-256 encryption?

I compressed and encrypted (AES256) a folder with millions of JSONs using (in Ubuntu): 7za a -tzip -p -mem=AES256 json/ The compression seems to have gone fast, 4 hours or so. Now, I am ...
toto_tico's user avatar
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Unable to unzip multipart zip file

When I am unzipping a combined multi-part zip file, I am getting error : error: invalid zip file with overlapped components (possible zip bomb) Initially I thought maybe because of the special ...
djgcp's user avatar
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How can I unzip files in a child directory?

Say I have the following directories and files /folder1/subdir/ /folder1/ /folder2/ /folder2/subdir/ If I am in /, how can I extract all .zip files quickly? Edit: The ...
twlscnds's user avatar
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how can i unzip a zip file with creating a new folder on the given path in linux

i have to unzip a file, i don't want to CD and then run mkdir newfolder then come again to the folder where i have the zip file and then run unzip /home/user/newfolder i want to simply run ...
csx4's user avatar
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unzipping and re-zipping a file results in a different hash

I have an ev3 file called robot.ev3, when I ran file on it, the output I got was robot.ev3: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract, I unzipped the file using unzip robot.ev3 -d robot moved into ...
Ilai Segev's user avatar
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Trying to unzip a file inside sub directory getting error: caution: filename not matched

So I have a script that iterates over zip files, lists their content with unzip -l $filename, and looks for matches to pattern (.*)report.xml, in this case yields test0\report.xml But when it tries ...
Carmageddon's user avatar
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Rezip file without creating temporaries

Maybe it's best I just start off with the use case. I have a large zip file full of many files and I suspect it was originally zipped at a low compression level. I want to create a new zip file from ...
Hashbrown's user avatar
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