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Why do documents with inequalities often display incorrectly?

I am a Maths teacher and regularly download worksheets that after unzipping and opening in Word or as a PDF will have inequalities replaced with ... or ,,, and it is always the same, so ... means less ...
Dean Wattam's user avatar
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File shows up in zipinfo but not unzip?

I have a huge (~300GB) zipped archive and I'm trying to extract a few files from it while ignoring the rest. Running zipinfo on the archive brings up a list of files but when I try to extract one of ...
Josh Tint's user avatar
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Unzipping potentially corrupt zip file

I have the following file: When I try to unzip it: unzip Archive: End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it ...
pkaramol's user avatar
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How can I reach the last Zip file in a long row of nested Zip files

I have a task to reach the last file in long row of nested Zip archives. They go like this: | | | ...
Cipri Rengle's user avatar
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How can I command `zip -u ` to target folder?

When I command zip -u -f hello it tells me to specify only one action!! I do not know how to fix that.
samuelnihoul's user avatar
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Using 7zip to extract multiple zips in multiple folders

I have a large folder tree. Let's say there are folders named A, B, C, etc. through Z. Inside each folder are a number of zip files. I can select all the zips in a folder, right click, select 7zip, ...
Robert M.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to unzip in parallel with AES-256 encryption?

I compressed and encrypted (AES256) a folder with millions of JSONs using (in Ubuntu): 7za a -tzip -p -mem=AES256 json/ The compression seems to have gone fast, 4 hours or so. Now, I am ...
toto_tico's user avatar
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zip archive not asking for password while unzipping but 7z file does, other files like 7z?

Zip password protected file is not asking password while opening, we can view internal file but this is not the same case with 7z file. while opening 7z file it asking for password.I want to know ...
user3629's user avatar
1 vote
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How to extract zip file in remote host

I'm looking for a way to extract zip files on the remote FTP host from my own computer. I tried both Filezilla and Liximomo's Sftp extension in Vscode. Both are working nicely and I can download/...
Shahriar's user avatar
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2 answers

Unzipping a document on a certain date and it appearing on the installation folder with another date

Windows 10 user here. I don't know how WinZip or other unzipping programs work, but when I unzip a certain folder or document using WinRAR, the date of the unzipped contents are the dates they were ...
Joao Silva's user avatar
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Unable to unzip multipart zip file

When I am unzipping a combined multi-part zip file, I am getting error : error: invalid zip file with overlapped components (possible zip bomb) Initially I thought maybe because of the special ...
djgcp's user avatar
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How can I unzip files in a child directory?

Say I have the following directories and files /folder1/subdir/ /folder1/ /folder2/ /folder2/subdir/ If I am in /, how can I extract all .zip files quickly? Edit: The ...
twlscnds's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to unzip a file with a hyphen at the beginning of the file name

I have a Zip file with a hyphen at the start of its name, let's say '-' If I need to move or copy the file, this means that I need to use a double-hyphen so that the filename isn't ...
user123065's user avatar
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What does 'Unk:' mean in 'Stored' column of `unzip -v` output?

Running unzip -v, where is an encrypted archive, I get the following output: Archive: Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name -------- --...
NickKolok's user avatar
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How do I unzip zip archives and delete the files that I just unzipped at the same time?

I have a large zip file (101 GB) and I don't have enough disk space to directly copy all the files inside the zip archive. I was wondering if there was a way to extract the contents of the zip file ...
Fateh A.'s user avatar
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unzip file without using `unzip` on Linux on a file zipped on Windows

When using unzip in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) to deflate an 8.8Gb zip file created on a Windows 10 64-bit system, I am getting an error bad CRC eb71d36a (should be b0968d02). The single text ...
Clay's user avatar
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Why is VBScript slow when it comes to unzipping files?

I know that there are of course going to be some struggles. But I'd love to know what specifically makes it so much slower, compared to a JavaScript equivalent, or just using 7-Zip.
Andrew Larson's user avatar
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how can i unzip a zip file with creating a new folder on the given path in linux

i have to unzip a file, i don't want to CD and then run mkdir newfolder then come again to the folder where i have the zip file and then run unzip /home/user/newfolder i want to simply run ...
csx4's user avatar
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How to keep file and folder names the same as on Windows when extracting on Linux

I have problems compressing and extracting a folder containing Chinese characters (ISO-8859-1 encoded) between windows and Linux I have a folder named ÖÃÔ­¶þÇø (and many files have similar ...
Trần Thành's user avatar
38 votes
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Why is unzipped directory much smaller (4.0 K) than zipped (73.0 G)?

I unzipped a zipped file using zip -l <filename> but what get is a dir much smaller than what it was before unzipping. Unzipped dir has all the files mostly videos. Why is the unzipped ...
bluedroid's user avatar
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Invalid file name inside zip file

I have a ZIP file, and inside that zip file, there's multiple files with invalid file names (for my Debian OS): for example fileABC£ [abc123].txt When I attempt to extract it unzip error: ...
user96931's user avatar
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unzipping and re-zipping a file results in a different hash

I have an ev3 file called robot.ev3, when I ran file on it, the output I got was robot.ev3: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract, I unzipped the file using unzip robot.ev3 -d robot moved into ...
Ilai Segev's user avatar
2 votes
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Why do some (but not all) zip-Files greater than ~3.7GB fail to extract

I am dealing with a lot of zip-files (DCP Films for a Film-Festival) between 4GB and 40GB that are sent to me by various individuals that use various programs to compress the folder that they are ...
farbenrausch's user avatar
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Unable to get data from unzipped file

I have a file on MacOS that I extracted from a ZIP archive that appears to have 113020 bytes or zero bytes depending on who's asking. So far I can't open it.The Finder's GetInfo function reports that ...
Logicrat's user avatar
4 votes
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Unzip File: Permission Denied

I am trying to unzip a file (Facebook download-your-info zip file), but here's what I got: Is there a way I can force-unzip it? Update: I tried sudo unzip -d destination_folder in terminal, ...
Vee Hua Zhi's user avatar
2 votes
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Trying to unzip a file inside sub directory getting error: caution: filename not matched

So I have a script that iterates over zip files, lists their content with unzip -l $filename, and looks for matches to pattern (.*)report.xml, in this case yields test0\report.xml But when it tries ...
Carmageddon's user avatar
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How to know if a zip file has a root folder?

I regularly got suckered by zip file (libraries, programs, ...). Sometime, I am cautious and I do: $ mkdir content && cd content $ unzip ../ Archive: creating: ...
nowox's user avatar
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Count number of top-level items in ZIP archive

I'm looking for a terminal command to count the number of top-level items in a ZIP archive. I know that zip -l will show the file count, but this shows all files, not just top-level items. ...
BallpointBen's user avatar
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3 answers

Rezip file without creating temporaries

Maybe it's best I just start off with the use case. I have a large zip file full of many files and I suspect it was originally zipped at a low compression level. I want to create a new zip file from ...
Hashbrown's user avatar
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Unziping multiple ziped and rename automatically files with same name if needed

I have a bunch of Ziped files in a folder, and i would like to unzip all, ut automatically rename folders or files with the same name, example: In and i have one ...
FXux's user avatar
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92 votes
4 answers

Equivalent to tar's "--strip-components=1" in unzip?

I have a script that extracts a tar.gz-file to a specified subdirectory mysubfolder: mkdir mysubfolder; tar --extract --file=sourcefile.tar.gz --strip-components=1 --directory=mysubfolder; Is there ...
Fredrik's user avatar
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