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Questions tagged [v8]

V8 is Google's open source JavaScript engine used in e.g. Google Chrome.

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Firejail and chrome: limiting RAM useage

Long story short, I have a consistent memory leak coming from somewhere. I'm thinking that it's my browser. So I've tried using firejail to limit the memory as follows: firejail --rlimit-as=8048576000 ...
Anton's user avatar
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Installing v8 on mac: v8: command not found

I am trying to use v8 on mac and I have tried installing it using homebrew. When i run: brew install v8 I get: Warning: v8 7.3.492.27 is already installed and up-to-date But, when I run v8 ...
John's user avatar
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Build V8 from source failing at gclient

I wanted to try building Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine from source (I'm on Windows, so that adds to the pain) and I followed This Guide which walks through how to build V8. I follow the instructions ...
J-Cake's user avatar
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Node.js fails to start with v8 symbol error

I installed the nodejs package on CentOS release 6.3 (Final) But it crashed on startup when run with no arguments: [root@lcnolw1073 ~]# nodejs nodejs: ../src/ static v8::...
Bob Smith's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I build Google V8 on FreeBSD with clang?

I'm trying to build Google's V8 on FreeBSD 9.1 using clang and running into the following error: /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Nonrepresentable section on output clang++: error: linker command ...
Utkonos's user avatar
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5 answers

Node.js from yum on Fedora fails to start with v8 symbol error

I installed the nodejs package on Fedora 16 this way: # yum install nodejs But it crashed on startup when run with no arguments: $ nodejs nodejs: ../src/ static v8::Handle<v8::...
John Zwinck's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't install Google's v8 on FreeBSD

The thing is on ports and keeps saying it can't be maked: make ===> License check disabled, port has not defined LICENSE ===> Found saved configuration for v8-3.10.4 ===> Extracting for ...
Masquer's user avatar