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Questions tagged [mv]

mv is a UNIX command to move a file to another directory or rename it.

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Linux homelab - wiped the Ubuntu OS by accident

(My question got closed on servervault due to it being a home server, and was advised to ask here) I have a homelab which is a HP Proliant 9 and had Ubuntu 18.04 server installed. I had software ...
DeeGr's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How can I make second argument path relative to the first on a command? [duplicate]

For example, let’s say that you want to copy a file like this: cp path/to/the/file.txt path/to/the/file.copy It’s very frustrating to write the path twice so is there something like this with a ...
RoadRoller01's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Moving all files in sub directories into a main directory

I have a directory called "public" that contains a thousand of subdirectories eg: public/63a/e9b/79a/file.pdf public/64a/2cd/184/other_file.pdf ... My aim is to move all the files ...
Duddy67's user avatar
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mv in script eports "cannot stat"

I'm trying to write a script that adds the last accessed time to the end of the basename. Here is the script: for f in *.doc; do DIR=$(pwd) FILENAME="$f" FILETYPE=${FILENAME##*.} ...
MSS's user avatar
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Moving all pwd contents to pwd's parent directory?

Another user asked about this and I'm looking for clarification because apparently I can't comment until I have 50 pts. One of the given answers for moving everything(including hidden items) up a ...
Karl Heisler's user avatar
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Unix mv *.* moves also subdirectory

I have a main directory main_dir and subdirectories v1, v2, v3 all containing the same files. I rename v3 : mv v3 v3_old and recreate it mkdir v3. My jobs then create the files in main_dir. Up to this ...
user3645882's user avatar
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What to do when *nothing* will stop a mv command that did not finish

See screenshot. As you can see, I've tried all the things that I've read about to use. Nothing can kill this dang mv command. The last line with "mv: failed" has been there for 12+ hours, ...
Jayden Lawson's user avatar
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How to change directories recursively in huge files

I tried to copy data between two huge NFS folders. I copied all the data, but I noticed that by mistake I made duplicate directories only in the 6th depth. For example, instead of copying: /mnt/nfs1/a/...
Yagel's user avatar
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3 answers

Moving files only linux

I have a path /participant/data where all the files are in the data directory. However, I want the directory-structure to be /participant/data/subdirectory, with subdirectory containing all the files. ...
Jakob Kessler's user avatar
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How to check what was moved when using “mv” and the process stops due to permissions issues?

I want to move a folder (test) on our server from /home/data to /home/projects/data. What I did is to use mv. It did not move the folder in the end for some permission problems. However, the folder ...
Laurie1989's user avatar
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Ubuntu mv Command turned folder in file with unknown details

I moved a folder using mv and now my folder is a file with unknown details. The command I ran was mv juno-projects/ juno. After running this command juno is a file not a folder and more than that the ...
Brandon Nadeau's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

bash move file relative to its position

As the title says, can I move a file relative to its current position? Let's assume I am in the root directory, with the following file structure: ... ├──home └──user ├──Documents └──...
T1M's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

mv: target 'XXX' is not a directory

I am trying to write a bash script that will go through a directory and rename the files (the file name is really crazy and is not recognizable to any human as what they are) to "Chapter1.mp3&...
Jacob Hornbeck's user avatar
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My user home directories disappeared after a move command

I was trying to move some files and following a post here on the forum I ran the follow command, but an error came and I hit Ctrl+C and my /desktop /documents /music folders and its contents are gone....
FabioB's user avatar
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How to prevent interrupted mv moving data

On Ubuntu 18.04 I am running a small PHP web application which moves directories one by one with nested dirs and files from one filesystem to another via exec(mv filepath) method. Now I have the ...
Mango D's user avatar
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Best method (mv/cp) to replace an active file in linux?

I am making a script for updating a text include/conf file for an active service. The script will first write changes to a temp file. When done, to replace the include file with the temp file, ...
Private_Citizen's user avatar
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Unable to use mv with wildcards in Mac OS X

I am trying to use the command mv ./?*20?* new_directory running ls ./?*20?* gives multiple matches, but the above command gives me usage: mv [-f | -i | -n] [-v] source target mv [-f | -i | -n]...
Ceres's user avatar
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how to make mv ignore when renaming directory with the same name

I have a for loop on which I have directories that the mv command will apply the same name to its directories, other directories have different names, for example: for i in {1..3};do mv hg/ hg done ...
moth's user avatar
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How to move all subdirectories into the parent folder in bash?

Suppose, I have a parent folder which includes 4 sub-folders. Each of the sub-folders can have a different number of subfolders (let's call them sub-sub-folders). How do I move all sub-sub-folders ...
Avijit Dasgupta's user avatar
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“The system cannot find the path specified” error in Jupyter Notebook

I have been given a Jupyter Notebook which was made on a Linux computer and now I'm trying to get it to work on my Windows home computer. The problem comes when using the !/bin/mv command. I have ...
user1231753's user avatar
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Shrink filename (remove last N columns)

I want to remove from this filename last 3 columns david@david-ThinkPad-E480:~/Downloads$ ll A* -rw-rw-r-- 1 david david 16006720 сен 9 11:03 'A.Matrosov. E.Rodionov. S.Bratus. Rootkits and Bootkits. ...
salius's user avatar
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2 answers

Using MV to rename image files using a script

I am trying to rename a set of Tiff images 001, 001 x, 002 , 002 x sequentially. I am looking for the script to name image 001, 002, 003 and so on This is the script I am running. num=1 # Rename ...
user1555314's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Move multiple directories at once, how?

In directory_1, I have numerous subdirectories with names consisting only of digits, and some of these need to be moved to directory_BB: directory_1 3245561 8978554 2345556 3453456 6873253 ...
webuser57's user avatar
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While doing mv from one disk partition to another disk partition, my files are deleted, is there any way i can retrieve it?

I mounted /backup partition by adding another disk than ran a command in /backup1 directory which is the part of root partition which belongs to old disk. I ran this command - mv * /backup/ Now, my ...
reincarnate's user avatar
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How does this find state actually work in moving a file up one directory?

Can someone explain how the string manipulation in this find statement actually works? My head is about to explode trying to figure it out. :-o From: UNIX shell scripting: how to recursively move ...
Richard Westby-Nunn's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Remove a word from file names on Linux

I accidentally ran exiftool -all= * on my Linux system in my Downloads folder (the command removes the EXIF metadata from all files in the current directory). Luckily, exiftool creates backup files by ...
Merlin04's user avatar
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Move only a certain sub-directory to a new folder with shell script

I have a folder Accounts containing mail accounts, all of these folders have a folder Archive.folder. I want to move all of archive folders with a simple script to a new folder. I tried this so far: ...
user3742929's user avatar
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Find and rename forward slash in directory name (Linux / OmniOS)?

On a fileserver at work, we have a bunch of old directories made on macOS (that was previously on an AFP share) that has / in the name. I would like to replace / with -, but am having a hard time ...
nle's user avatar
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Where did my files go after using mv command?

All my .c source files and a Readme file were in a subdirectory called assignment2 in a directory called Assignment2. Originally, from assignment2 directory: $ ls corrupt.c decode.c encode.c fix.c ...
Cid's user avatar
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mv all files with different extention to a new directory with new filename and same extention

could anyone tell my how I could make a script for moving files (filename given but all possible extentions) to another new directory with new filename but same extentions. f.e. (dir or filename ...
Walter Schrabmair's user avatar
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When moving a directory into another directory, is there a simple way to generate a failure when the target directory doesn't exist?

I had a habit of using mv directory1 directory2/ thinking that if I mistyped the name of directory2 it would fail and warn me the directory didn't exist. As it turns out, that's not the case. Is ...
Dan's user avatar
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Added files and folders gone after MV run

I ran mv /folder1/folder2/folder3/ /folderA/FolderB/FolderC/. Then I added more files and folders to /folder1/folder2/folder3/ during the move. It seems all of the files I added after I started the mv ...
Leprechaun's user avatar
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4 answers

Linux: moving files from different directories with same name into one while renaming them

I batch-ripped my old CDs to Track1.mp3. The problem is Each CD directory has Track1.mp3 so when I move them to /Music, they overwrite! Is there possibly a bash script or mv command to move .mp3s ...
Linux_User2019's user avatar
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4 answers

Keep SSH connection alive when moving large folder

Context : I have a web server (my hosting provider is OVH). I have a large folder with many files in many sub-directories (100k+ files). I need to move this directory from one place to anuther on ...
TooLiPHoNe.NeT's user avatar
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Move a range of numbered files and change their value

I've got numbered files (DSC_0001.jpg to DSC_0065.jpg), I know how to move them with mv DSC_{0001..0065}.jpg dir. I have no idea how to move them and change the range of values. mv DSC_{0001.....
b31eed0485's user avatar
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Renaming a file with mv: "cannot move to a subdirectory of itself"

I'm trying to rename a file using the regular mv command which has worked countless times before. $ ls -l |grep "Picture 001" -rwxrwxrwx 1 rolf rolf 657711 Feb 19 21:42 Picture 001_19.jpg $ mv "...
Rolf's user avatar
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OSX terminal: how to move thousand of files that match a specific name pattern [duplicate]

I have some 70,000 files (basically duplicates) most of which match a name pattern like name(1).ext, name(2).ext .... name(10).ext. However among these files there are others named name (xwz).ext. ...
bigo's user avatar
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mv files with multiple `.` in the file name

I have some files I receive with names like (to many to do this manually everyday): AA.B.txt WW.C.txt and I want to rename them to AA_B.txt and WW_C.txt so that existing SQL code still functions as ...
Jasmine's user avatar
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mv deleting files at the end instead of one by one

I am moving a folder recursively between two filesystems using mv -v. It seems like deletions happen at the end (in order to make mv transactional ?). I don't have enough space to hold two copies of ...
Paperino's user avatar
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how to rename all files under folder with specific extension name ( recursive approach )

we want to rename all files under /home/DB_home ( recursive ) so every file under DB_home will rename with .txt extension example before change /home/DB_home/hg/ir/qemu-ga /home/DB_home/td/...
King David's user avatar
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Moving files with extension from source to destination

Hello i am trying to move all files with .hi and .o extension from a target folder /src to another folder /Obj So far i have tried: srcpath=$(pwd)"/src" ghc src/Main.hs > Logs/output....
Bercovici Adrian's user avatar
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Linux: Move files from unknown folder to unknown parent of the same unknown folder

Got your attention with that title, didn't I? LOL. Problem: I have a lot of folders that have a folder inside them, with files inside. I want to move the 2nd level files into the 1st level and do so ...
Peter's user avatar
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moving files matching a pattern that catches the directory

Consider: $ ls foo xyfooz.tex $ find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*foo*' -exec mv {} foo \; $ ls ./foo* xyfooz.tex I'm trying to achieve the same sequence of instructions only with mv, not find: $ ...
Erwann's user avatar
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Mv all files to Dropbox

I accidentally moved all files from the directory to the Dropbox folder: mv * ~/Dropbox/ That was not my intention at all. Now, Dropbox informed me that 1200 new files were uploaded, but I can't see ...
Alex's user avatar
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What is the best and safest way to move files between HDDs in linux? [closed]

I have to move 5GB of data in certain folders (containing files smaller than 1MB) from an external HDD to another (both connected with USB 3.0). What is the best/safest way to make this transfer in ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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4 answers

Move files from subdirectories into single directory and prefix original directory name

I have a directory structure like this: ./a/1.png ./a/2.png ./a/3.png ./b/1.png ./b/2.png ./b/3.png ./c/1.png ... And I want to take all the files in the subdirectories and move them to a new ...
Brad Dwyer's user avatar
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accidentally clobbered directory using `mv` instead of `mv -t`

I accidentally did mv file /an/important/directory instead of mv file /an/important/directory/ or mv file -t /an/important/directory, so it now looks like /an/important/directory/ is clobbered. (I ...
isomorphismes's user avatar
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Fastest way to duplicate or copy or back up a directory with TB of data (image files) in it

Hi can you suggest an very efficient and high performance option to copy files (TB of data in the form of images are present) from one disk to another. I saw options like cp, rsync etc., but would ...
Nagarajan S R's user avatar
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What is the behavior of mv on /?

One of our users accidentally performed mv /* ../ without root permission. After checking the effects using diff I was surprised to find that mv apparently functioned as cp when applied to the / dir. ...
doliv071's user avatar
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mv command failed now file missing

So i ran mv command and it failed with mv: cannot stat ‘/root/HIDDENDIR/HIDDEN-DIR/recover.php’: No such file or directory And now file is missing from original and target directory. I even tried ...
Slouchy's user avatar
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