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Moving or copying a Thunderbird profile to the same version fails

Recently, I needed to import a saved Mozilla Thunderbird profile from a drive image made the day before. It should have been simple -- the newly-installed email client was the same version as that in ...
DrMoishe Pippik's user avatar
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How to move one file from a list and rename it?

I generate from time to time, in a directory, one file such as pi-hole-srv-teleporter_2024-08-27_13-59-16.tar.gz. But sometimes there are two or more following the same naming template (with different ...
WoJ's user avatar
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move copies instead of moves

for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (%file_list%) DO (move "%src_folder%\%%i" "%dst_folder%") This resulted in copy instead of move. I need to remove the files from the source ...
Robert J. Gonzalez's user avatar
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Any way to do a Batch file move operation only when the HDD is idle-ish?

I know how to check if a specific program is running like winrar which might indicate usage on drive d: but is there a better way to determine if a drive is relatively idle enough (via Batch or other ...
Bricktop's user avatar
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Shortcut to move shape without connectors in Visio

In Visio, is there a shortcut key that will let me move shape without any connectors attached to it. As in, click and hold mouse button while pressing a key, drag the shape and leave the connectors in ...
Mouthpear's user avatar
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4 answers

Windows 10: Moving a windows folder (A) to another folder (B) does not change folder's (A) date modified or date created

I have a Windows Folder A (containing some files/folders) with Date Created and Date Modified as 11/23/2023 05:26 p.m. I have another Windows Folder B (containing some files/folders) with Date Created ...
Gags's user avatar
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Move a given volume (size) of files

Need to move any given quantity of files from a given type (csv in example) from ./source to a ./target folder and that: the total size of all files moved is below a given value SrcMax files are ...
jt99's user avatar
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How do I "mv */* ./" in a Windows command shell?

On a Windows machine, I've got about 50 subdirectories in the same directory, each with around 5 files in it. I want to get all 250-or-so files into one directory. In a UNIX system, I'd just open a ...
onigame's user avatar
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How to monitor and move files to different directories one by one and in sequence on Windows?

How to monitor when files are created and then move them to different directories one by one and in sequence on Windows? For example, I have files in C:\Temp File names are random like File545.tmp ...
God of Money's user avatar
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How to affect only directories with Move-Item in PowerShell?

I am flattening a directory and I want to move items that are directories, but leave files untouched. Unfortunately, there is no distinct pattern that can be wildcard matched between the directories ...
Jordan Dennis's user avatar
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VSCode window cannot be moved when the title bar is not reachable

Usual Windows applications will open the "Windows menu" an upper-leftmost menu for resizing/moving/closing the window, by typing Alt+Space, which is a lifesaver when the title bar is not ...
jluu's user avatar
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Moving or copying single character folders names in windows explorer causes explorer crash

I have found a very specific bug in Windows in which folders whose names only have a single character cannot be copied/moved. If I have a folder named 'Q', and in explorer attempt to drag copy or move ...
J Collins's user avatar
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move folder from one thunderbird to another, not profile

I had to add a second profile to my Thunderbird and had to delete the original. Prior I backed it all up. Now I want to copy the previous folders to the new profile, but not copy the old profile. With ...
bobbee25's user avatar
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MOVE operation in a PS script has been failing for weeks; original files deleted but not written to new location. Are they recoverable?

We have a script that was supposed to move LOG files off a server onto a local repository. It turned out the author of the script added an apostrophe by accident in the destination: MOVE /y "C:\...
Jase's user avatar
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Batch create folders based on extension and move files into them

I have a directory structure that looks like this: Folder A A.PDF A_1.TIF A_2.TIF A_3.TIF Folder B B.PDF B_1.TIF B_2.TIF B_3.TIF Folder C C.PDF C_1.TIF C_2.TIF C_3.TIF What I want to be ...
NoorSafi's user avatar
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How To Move Picsart and Phonto Fonts To A New Phone [closed]

I have two apps on my phone (PicsArt & Phonto) that can handle fonts on images. It took me a long time to install fonts on these apps, especially the non-English fonts. My old phone was Samsung ...
Shadi's user avatar
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Move Complete Path in Windows

Using Windows 10 and File Explorer. Is there a way to do this that's optimal? I want to move files from one folder to another, but I also want to recreate the folder architecture from the source that ...
boobounder's user avatar
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Linux how to move n files out of nested subodirectories from a directory to another one

I have a directory invasive/ which contains 60000 files. I want to move only 1000 files out of nested sub-directories from invasive/ to invasive2/ I tried to do the following: find invasive/ -type f -...
user979974's user avatar
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Thunderbird: Mark all messages inside selected Folder(s) Unread

Its possible to mark all messages as read in selected folder(s). It is useful for archival purpose. But is it also possible to mark all messages of selected folder(s) as unread? It is useful for ...
Porcupine's user avatar
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Undoing Move Led to Delete

I am hoping someone can help me understand what happened in Windows 10. I have two folders, folder A and folder B. I did a move of files using Ctnl-X, Cntl-V, from A to B. I accidentally had selected ...
theguitarman's user avatar
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Can i move samba from device to another?

I downloaded the samba on my operating system (Oracle Linux 8), I want to copy it to another device that have the same operating system but without internet connection. Can I do that? if i can how to ...
user1499239's user avatar
3 votes
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Getting "Access is denied" when moving a folder to a symlink which is pointing to another drive

I have a drive named D and a drive named E. I created a folder named "test" in drive D and a folder named "destination" in drive E using the mkdir command. Then in D I created a ...
Cave Johnson's user avatar
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Perfect move command

Is there a command in CMD/PowerShell to perform a "perfect" cut-paste, where the command only copy file to target when he can delete the source? Because all my attempts with robocopy and ...
aab's user avatar
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Automatically move a specified file to another location

I am currently using the following bat code to move my files from one folder to another @echo off set X=0 set "source=C:\<Source Folder Path>" set "destination=D:\<Destination ...
Jackey Tran's user avatar
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for command does not allow move or xcopy command to move/copy the folder only the contents

have looked on this forum for several examples, started off with xcopy ( not allowing wildcards in the folder name ), wanted to pipe the dir command to either xopy or move but require the dir ...
Kevan Horncastle's user avatar
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How can I "fix" my transmission-gtk state after having moved the download directory?

Suppose you use the transmission-gtk BitTorrent client (v2.94) on a Linux system to seed some files, e.g. Linux distribution ISOs and LibreOffice versions. Suppose that the basic "Save To ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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move folders recursively using find

Please see the below issue. Actually I wanted to move only 20022021 folder (which cotains subdir and files) to the destination, But its moving both the directories. nasa:/# find /tmp/source -mindepth ...
nasa's user avatar
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How do I move Outlook emails to document folders and retain dates?

I want to move some of my old outlook emails from outlook to my C Drive folders retaining the same date created, emailed, sent etc properties. How can I do this?
SusanM's user avatar
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Unexpected error 0x8007000D "The data is invalid" when moving or renaming folders in Windows 7

A few weeks ago I began seeing this error every time I try to rename or move a folder in Windows 7 SP1: ] Things I've already tried to resolve this: Remove ALL Explorer addins and shell extensions, ...
rkagerer's user avatar
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My default ProgramData path is set to Drive F instead of C (system) for certain programs. How do change it back to normal?

Last year I accidentally moved ProgramData folder to Drive F from C. Realizing that I instantly moved it back and things were going normally until it finally caught up to me. Because of some programs ...
CrZero's user avatar
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How to move files from subdirectories that have the same directory name to its relative upper/parent directory? [closed]

So, I have a directory structure like this: parent/ └── sub1 | └── sub1.1 | | └── source | | └── something1 | | └── something2 | | | └── sub1.2 | └── ...
Nate's user avatar
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move folders up to root

I have a thousand folders on a drive that each have a folder in them (and files in that folder). that second level folder, naming is all over the map. sample: drive level 1 folder A level 2 folder ...
Tony Silveira's user avatar
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Outlook 2016, Windows 10, Outlook email in Explorer

Trying to do this in Outlook Email session on Explorer: but also I have the Application Outlook on Desktop. Really unfamiliar with how to operate the App, so please be specific in steps if it can be ...
Outlook user's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Can I move the C:\Users folder to D:\ drive?

Basically, the problem goes like this: I own a Windows 10 PC with 32 GB EMMC storage which caters to my need of sending mails, doing basic typing etc. There is a slot to insert a MicroSD card (D:\) ...
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Is there a way to assign my computer multiple locations to move multiple files?

My current issue is that when transferring photos and videos to my external hard drive, each transfer takes quite a while, and I must wait for the transfer to complete before I can transfer another ...
ICEMAN's user avatar
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Check and replace file same name only

Example: Folder 1 has A to Z file name Folder 2 has only V to Z file name I want to move then replace file in Folder 2 only with same name from file in Folder 1. is there a cmd/script...etc to do ...
willywonka's user avatar
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powershell move masterfolder items to destinationfolder matching filename

i have a masterfolder with 1000 files, they are reviewed. I have the same older files in a destination folder spreaded out in 100's of subfolders. I need to move the files from the masterfolder to ...
Patrick Van der Niepen's user avatar
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Move (NOT COPY) files & folders on mapped network drive using batch

I am trying to move folder and files from one location to another on the same mapped network drive. I have used ROBOCOPY and XCOPY. However, they copy and then delete the files. My files can be over ...
Arthor's user avatar
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Can I jump move the Microsoft reserved partition in Gparted?

There is similar question about moving msr, but it asks about previous version of gparted which did not supported that: Move MSR partition? Now, I know I can move msr left and right without a ...
Ashark's user avatar
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Can Gparted make a jump move of a partition?

There is a similar question: GParted moving partition from beginning of disk to the end of a disk? I know I can move a partition left / right if there is a free space to the left or to the right of a ...
Ashark's user avatar
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