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Having a hard time using Microsoft Excel IF function

I have been working on a simple tracking database, and I'm having a hard time using the IF function (or if this is even the right function to use for my problem). I want to create an ID number for the ...
rmp's user avatar
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Adding column description of one spreadsheet sheet in another spreadsheet of same excel

I have an excel sheet having 4 different spreadsheets. I need description of column header of three spreadsheets in 4th spread sheet. Example: Suppose I have sheet 1 with 6 headers for 6 columns, ...
Xyz's user avatar
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Automatically duplicate the same formula when adding new rows

Let's say we have a formula in column B, for example =LEFT(A2; FIND(" "; A2)) but it could be anything else. How to make that, when adding a new row in the future (here on row #4), the ...
Basj's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to unroll a row in Excel, to have a better view for editing?

Let's say we have an Excel spreadsheet like this: Is there an easy way, ideally built-in in Excel, to "unroll a row" to be able to: have a better view of all the data in this row have an ...
Basj's user avatar
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Excel - sort one spreadsheet by exact order of second spreadsheet based on one column with same data

I trying to find a way how to sort one spreadsheet into the same order like second spreadsheet - based on their one same column for example. Here's an example what i need, i will make more sense like ...
Martin Sprušanský's user avatar
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Hyperlink to certain text in excel page?

I'm trying to create hyperlinks to certain points in a large data sheet. Each are separated by a block of text identifying what is there. I know I could create the hyperlink to certain cells in the ...
Dustyn Yeagley's user avatar
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What should I do if I have to match one column with another column in excel in the same spreadsheet?

I need to find out how many rows in column B match with rows of column A.
Rishabh Shrivastava's user avatar
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How do I make an IF statement based on if one cell's content is matched within a range of cells

I have a range of values in B5:B30, and have singular values within a list, say one was in D5. What would I put in an empty cell to say; "IF D5's Content is matched in the B5:B30 range, display Y, if ...
Big Man Sam's user avatar
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Converting xlsx to xlsb

I recently discovered the benefits to converting Excel documents to XLSB (binary), mostly the cutting almost in half of file sizes. I would like to apply this to some of my older files, but don't ...
EXCEL LOVER's user avatar
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How to merge Excel worksheets by stacking columns, using an ID column?

I have a Worksheet #1 containing: ID VALUE1 ---------------- ABC 8274 DEF 613 GHI 236 and a Worksheet #2 containing: ID VALUE2 ---------------- ABC 11.13 XYZ ...
Basj's user avatar
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5 answers

How to fix Excel and prevent it from converting copy-pasted or imported strings to dates even when cells are formatted as text

Every time I copy-paste some numerical data written as fractions or separated by hyhens into Excel, it always converts numbers that could possibly be dates into dates. There's no way of getting them ...
Turkeyphant's user avatar
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Pivot table with multiple, non hierarchical, columns

Let's say my source data looks like this: Brand Model Color Region Sales --------------------------------------- Ford Focus Black N/A 23 Ford Focus White N/A 2 ...
jesjimher's user avatar
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Find highest number of consecutive outcomes for each person in list

I've got an Excel list that looks like this (with the name in column A and the score in column B): N. Nam Score 1. Jim 7 2. Jim 4 3. Jim 4 4. Jim 7 5. Jim 7 6. Jim ...
Zero Cool's user avatar
2 votes
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Creating an Invoice in Excel

I have only dabbled with Excel and not much in quite some time now. I have an Excel Invoice laid out so Column A is a name of a job and each row in column A can be a different job. Now column B ...
Bryant Johnson's user avatar
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How can I create sub-sheets in Microsoft Excel?

I have a workbook in excel that displays information from multiple processes and each of these processes has multiple sub-processes. I can display information for each process easily using one sheet ...
tjwrona's user avatar
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How do I add a button to a spreadsheet and remove borders from a particular cell?

I have two queries regarding the following Excel file: I would like a button on this excel sheet whose name should be “Save as PDF”. When I press this button it should save the excel sheet’s all ...
ramji's user avatar
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Combining Two Differently Formatted Spreadsheets

I'm relatively new to excel and am having some issues comparing two sheets of data. We're looking at the benefits over the fiscal year by month. One spreadsheet has the project ID on the left, and the ...
Kaitlyn Murdock's user avatar
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How to create a formula which finds a cell that matches a range of other cells then produces a number if the cell appears.

am having trouble with finding a suitable formula for my spreadsheet in excel. In column A i have a list of postcodes (439 postcodes). In column B-BL i also have postcodes (these postcodes are in ...
Emma's user avatar
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How do I add values in column B if column A contains the same employee surname more than once?

State of Data: I have column A which has names of employes and column B has number of hours. How do I add the hours if column A contains same employee surname more than once? I have been using what I ...
I AM L's user avatar
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Excel 2007 - changes on one sheet affecting other (without cell references)

Some strange behaviour I've encountered twice in Excel is that changes made to one sheet would be duplicated on another sheet in the same workbook. The first time, I typed values into a few cells on ...
WoodenKitty's user avatar
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Is there a way to delete everything except what is selected in Excel?

I have an Excel template with 20 tabs (worksheets) and plenty of data in each sheet. When a user opens a copy of the template, he will only need to use one tab. Is there a sneaky way to select that ...
yesmaybe's user avatar
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Make comma separated list from column with blanks, fed by checkboxes

I want to make a spreadsheet where user can check boxes on one worksheet, and have those values then be brought over, comma separated, into one cell, on another worksheet. The values of the checkboxes ...
Crystal's user avatar
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Referencing a single row to multiple rows in Excel

I have a worksheet with a list of sales, one sale per row. In order to import this data into my accounting software, I need to create a separate worksheet that formats the data differently. Each row ...
user151073's user avatar
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Auto updating similar formulas

I'm trying to see if there's a way to get my Excel sheet to auto update with new formulas as I enter it. For example if D4 down to D27 was the same formula(=SUM(B4/25)) and I wanted to change it too ...
Lucas's user avatar
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How do I delete excess cells in Excel 2007?

I am not the original creator of the spreadsheet so I am not sure how the person caused this. The issue is basically the excel spreadsheet has an excess amount of empty cells that won't delete and ...
qroberts's user avatar
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