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Timed out retrying after 4000ms: expected url to equal url in Cypress

Trying log in after 2fa , is not possible log in with Cypress, it gives the following error Timed out retrying after 4000ms: expected url to equal url. How can I handle this issue? it("Login"...
Mariam's user avatar
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How to prevent going to the Specs folder when the page URL changes during the test

I use Cypress to automate routine checks. In general, there is a problem that I cannot find a solution to. There is a small test that checks the presence of the word "Electronic" on the page....
Даниил Конарев's user avatar
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external hard drive (Old USB mass storage) wouldn't show up in media

I have this 20 years old USB mass storage. It doesn't want to show up in the media neither in Ubuntu no in windows 10 when I plug it. although ubunut is detetcting the hardware as lsusb: Bus 003 ...
Missoum Said's user avatar
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Error opening Visual Studio Code from Cypress on Mac: 'The editor process exited with an error: spawn EACCES'

I am trying to open Visual Studio Code from Cypress on my Mac by clicking on a file in the Cypress Test Runner, but I am encountering the following error message in VSC: "Could not open ...
user17410204's user avatar
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Dependency Xvfb missing error on npm run

On running the command npm run test on ubuntu WSL-2 Windows 11. I get the following error: [email protected] test cypress run It looks like this is your first time using ...
nicku's user avatar
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Download Cypress For Linux

I'm trying to download cypress for Linux so I would be able to install it later so my cypress project would run there. In cypresses website, they say this link: [][1] is "to ...
JohnD's user avatar
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How to modify a URL in a cypress test?

I have a Cypress test that I wrote, and to avoid writing a second test, I'd like to be able to take the resulting URL, and do two things with it: 1) I'd like to modify it to force it to another page ...
chrismjx's user avatar
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CypressError: Timed out retrying

Current behavior: I am getting the above error in my code, visiting a webpage and checking it contains the correct URL. This logic works on other links within the webpage. describe('Sectors Tab', ...
Kevdog777's user avatar
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