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Search topic at home device is pushed as ad banner on my office device's Yahoo page -- am I being hacked?

What I searched at home appeared as ad banner on my office device on Yahoo page, this is too creepy 1.both browsers are not login nor sync 2.the office device is new and I set it up at home (that's ...
Bella's user avatar
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Can browser cookies be protected (in Firefox)?

I read an article about identity hijacking that caught my mind. Today I save my credentials locally in Firefox (using a master password). I also use multi-factor-authentication for important sites. I ...
user3569107's user avatar
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console.log (Marketo Munchkin) appeared on my drive

I hope this is the right place for this question, help me if not! I just noticed that in my root folder on my E: drive, which is NOT my system (Windows 10) partition where programs are installed but ...
lesath82's user avatar
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Is there any way to whitelist specific cookies in a browser?

Is there any way to whitelist specific cookies when browsing? I know some things (chromium's built-in settings, umatrix) allow you to generally block cookies, and whitelist certain domains, but not ...
Hiccup's user avatar
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Firefox: limit cookie lifetime

For the sake of security: how can I limit the lifetime of every new cookie being created in the browser? For example, limit it to 2 hours even if the site tells browser to create cookie which expire ...
d9k's user avatar
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Is it necessary to log out of a website in an incognito window if you’re just going to close the window afterward?

I use online banking, typically in an incognito window. I also use other, less important accounts in incognito windows because I don't want websites to be tracking me across the Internet (tracking ...
S. Park's user avatar
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How can I automatically set tracking opt-out cookies in my browser?

How can I have Firefox automatically set tracking opt-out cookies? I've recently updated from Firefox 60 from Firefox 52esr, which means I've lost all my trusty XUL add-ons. This includes Beef Taco (...
Kaypro II's user avatar
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How to list only new cookies in Firefox

All Firefox version can be configured to delete cookies on exit, but "white list" certain cookies, preventing those from being deleted on exit. I happen to be using the current version of Firefox, 57,...
Dale's user avatar
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How to enable First-Party Isolation in Firefox?

I heard that in Firefox 55 a new feature was introduced as a part of the Tor-Uplift project which added a feature to Firefox called "First-Party Isolation" (FPI) which in Tor is known as "Cross-Origin ...
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Google Chrome SQLite cookies contains keywords : drugs, illegal and pornography?

I was just testing some things with cookies in Chrome. I opened Local Storage and its content with SQLite browser. Then I found something weird... {"http://***.***.***.***:8080/jforum/forums/list....
Ascendant's user avatar
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Chrome Incognito session cookie location?

What is the location of Chromes Incognito cookies while Incognito is active? We know the location for regular cookies in Chrome for Windows 7 is at: c:\user\appdata\local\google\chrome\user data\...
Xamidovic's user avatar
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Security with tracking cookies

I am a bit confused with the possible security risks with tracking cookies. From what I have read, if i am on a website and they have ads from a service like doubleclick, doubleclick will place a ...
Justin's user avatar
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How to disable 3rd party cookies in Chrome?

I have both the "stop websites from storing local data" and the "block all third party cookies without exception" settings enabled in Chrome 12 (I'm not sure what the exact names of these settings are ...
David Nordvall's user avatar
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What can I do to protect myself against Firesheep?

In the SU chat yesterday is was raised that the newly released FF plugin Firesheep makes it very easy (obviously it was already possible, just difficult) for an attacker to session sidejack another ...
DMA57361's user avatar
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Why doesn't disabling Third Party Cookies block authentication sites, LiveID, OpenID, etc

Why doesn't disabling Third Party Cookies block authentication sites, LiveID, OpenID, etc. Trying to not make this political, but I need to explain my motivation to assist those who may answer this. ...
user12491's user avatar
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What's the easiest way to detect and delete "Flash Cookies" [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to automatically remove Flash history/privacy trail? Or stop Flash from storing it? This article has some disturbing information on how "Flash Cookies" even traditional ...
user4100's user avatar
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Is there a standard meaning for _csuid/__qsa in cookies?

I was perusing my cookies, and discovered several cookies from various different sites, which all have the same value. They are all named "_csuid". I have another set, all from different sites, all ...
Dave Gamble's user avatar
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What are the solutions to challenge?

I was looking around to test my HTTP knowledge, and I found the challenges here and here I spent lot of time trying to figure out how to find the captcha and how to change some cookies ...
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