I was looking around to test my HTTP knowledge, and I found the ha.ckers.org challenges here and here

I spent lot of time trying to figure out how to find the captcha and how to change some cookies but I didn't find a clue!!

that's the first clue for example :

Clue 1: TWVldCB1cyBhdCAoSSdtIGEpIEJsYWNraGF0IGZvciBhIHRlZS1zaGlydC4gIERyb3AgbWUgYW4g

does anyone here has a clue on how to begin or the whole solution if possible?

  • 3
    Come on. No spoilers. Rule #10 reads: ,,Some parts are hard [...]''. Rule #11 reads: ,,Have fun''. Commented Aug 3, 2009 at 11:27
  • well it has more than 2 years now and it's closed also! so where is the problem?
    – user3864
    Commented Aug 3, 2009 at 12:34

1 Answer 1


The clue looks like it has been Base64 encoded:

It reads: "Meet us at (I'm a) Blackhat for a tee-shirt. Drop me an "

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