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Is there any way to whitelist specific cookies in a browser?

Is there any way to whitelist specific cookies when browsing? I know some things (chromium's built-in settings, umatrix) allow you to generally block cookies, and whitelist certain domains, but not ...
Hiccup's user avatar
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How can I automatically set tracking opt-out cookies in my browser?

How can I have Firefox automatically set tracking opt-out cookies? I've recently updated from Firefox 60 from Firefox 52esr, which means I've lost all my trusty XUL add-ons. This includes Beef Taco (...
Kaypro II's user avatar
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How to enable First-Party Isolation in Firefox?

I heard that in Firefox 55 a new feature was introduced as a part of the Tor-Uplift project which added a feature to Firefox called "First-Party Isolation" (FPI) which in Tor is known as "Cross-Origin ...
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