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iCal is the calendering application that comes with OS X from Apple, renamed to "Calendar" in OS X Mountain Lion.

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Can someone please help me to stop continual automatic iCal.ics replies to 3 meetings emailed to my yahoo account

My Calendar app is autoreplying to 3 meeting invites sent from 3 different people to a yahoo mail account (auto reply every few hours). Originally the auto reply was sending multiple 'meeting accepted'...
Nicola's user avatar
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Automatically add incoming .ics calendar invites to my iCloud calendar

Is there a way for Mail on my Mac to automatically add .ics calendar invites to my iCloud calendar? I am used to Outlook automatically showing calendar invites as tentative in my calendar, but with ...
binarymax's user avatar
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Adding invitations from email in Thunderbird (v. 91) on Mac

I'm a macOS user. When I use Thunderbird (91.5.0) and when I get an email with the invitation to a calendar event, it allows me to save it in the Thunderbird calendar. As I use the default Mac ...
Piotr Ciszewski's user avatar
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How to select multiple events with keyboard in Apple Calendar?

In Apple Calendar, Shift/Cmd + Click can select multiple calendar events with a mouse. How can I select multiple events with only the keyboard? Apple's "Keyboard shortcuts in Calendar on Mac"...
Pup's user avatar
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Is it possible to configure Safari to automatically open an app for a given file type?

Specifically, I would like to make it open Calendar automatically when downloading .ics files, instead of having to download them, then click on the file to have Calendar open it. Please don't explain ...
Marco Massenzio's user avatar
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Gulf regions schedules appearing 1 hr out in iCalendar

I am being sent schedules from colleagues in Oman and UAE. But they are appearing in my calendar 1 hr later than they should in iCal on my imac. This appears to be because ical is identifying them ...
Paul's user avatar
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How to sync a shared iCal with Outlook Calendar without iPhone (No iPhone, Mac (Catalina), Mail- Outlook, have icloud account)

I have an iCloud account and MAC (Catalina) but no iPhone. My boss has shared his iCal by sending me an invite on my Outlook email but I am not able to sync his iCal with my Outlook Calendar. Also, I ...
Ruchika Subedar's user avatar
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Sync mac iCal calendar with outlook calendar

I'm using both iPhone (iOS 12) and Mac (Catalina). iPhone mail client: Gmail Mac mail client: Spark Mails boxes: Outlook, iCloud Somehow, on my iPhone all events: both which are created by me ...
quento's user avatar
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BUG in Google Calendar iCAL / ICS export all day events?

I set up a test calendar on Google calendar. Following dates are marked: For September ------------------------ all day events 17.09.2019 - 20.09.2019 27.09.2019 - 27.09.2019 ------------------------ ...
Aldee's user avatar
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Windows 10 Calendar app not syncing properly with iCloud Calendar

I tried using the Windows 10 Calendar app but while I can edit events fine, when I delete them on the Win10 Calendar app they do not delete in iCal and eventually reappear in the Win10 Cal. The ...
Hugh Wish's user avatar
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Calendar on macOS 10.8.5 won't select app(-s) to run (only scripts are selectable)

Weird problem. Running MacMini running macOS 10.8.5 (Mountain Lion) and I cannot get my calendar to run an app. This is a new issue because up until recently I had no problem selecting apps to run. ...
morganF's user avatar
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Is it possible to use to open a third-party Calendar app?

From what I understand, MacHD/System/Library/LaunchAgents/ handles calendar requests and opens them in the default MacOS calendar ( I am wondering if it's ...
spamdawg's user avatar
3 votes
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How to handle .ics files properly on MAC OSX?

With CATSone we can download .ics files to share calendars between collegues. When I click this download link on Windows, the .ics file is downloaded after which I can import it in my Outlook calendar....
Forza's user avatar
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Daylight savings time has changed all of my iCal events?

Since Daylight savings time day, events that were already in my iCal are now off by one hour. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Patti's user avatar
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4 answers

Share iCal calendar with Google Calendar

Here's a concrete problem: I use Google Calendar and my coworker uses iCal. We need to be able to read (not write to) each others events. I can share my different Google calendars with him by ...
Misconstruction's user avatar
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Google Calendar One-Way Sync

I use Google Calendar and wish to sync it with my Android phone. Events I schedule from my PC always show up on my phone after sync, but events I schedule on my phone never show up on my on my PC when ...
bueller's user avatar
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2 answers

Error syncing google calendar with iCal

I am using OS X Lion, and have all my calendars (15) created in google calendar, but in my laptop I use iCal for syncing with my google calendars and working with them. The problem is that just for ...
Open the way's user avatar
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error in /usr/share/perl5/iCal/Parser/ on debian

how to fix this? when i type perl /usr/share/perl5/iCal/Parser/ i get syntax error at /usr/share/perl5/iCal/Parser/ line 64, near "$t qw(week month year)" Global symbol "$t" ...
lrnz's user avatar
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Mac always restarting after reboot

I created an AppleScript to restart my Mac: tell application "System Events" restart end tell I put this script into and set it to start at 7.00. When I put script into calendar and ...
Macko's user avatar
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Automator workflow not running on schedule

I have a workflow set up to download backups of my websites. The workflow itself works fine, but i am having trouble scheduling it with iCal. When the iCal event triggers, the workflow opens in ...
timatgetdim's user avatar
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Solutions on how to use an OS X calendar as a more perfect time tracking solution for 5-10 users in a small agency?

I really like OS X's iCal. Entering events is easy with the mouse and it also gives you a very real visual sense of how long tasks take to complete. We often work remotely in our organisation, so we ...
jnthnclrk's user avatar
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OS X 10.7 (Lion) iCal sync

One of the high level admins in my institution syncs her iCal calendars with several people. They are delegated to add, delete and edit. We are finding her desktop iMac really slowing down at times. ...
user800551's user avatar
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What do those little squiggly symbol on events in Apple iCal mean?

The symbol, which looks exactly like a sine wave in a tiny circle, seems to be appearing in the upper right hand corner of all recent entries in my iCal program. I can find no reference to that symbol ...
Ed Roberts's user avatar
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How do I fix a corrupt calendar cache?

I was tailing /var/log/system.log and noticed a sudden wall of text. Looking closer, I saw it was an error CalendarAgent got while trying to save something: Nov 18 11:42:45 rainbow-dash.local ...
Blacklight Shining's user avatar
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Sync Windows 8 calendar with iCal

Is there any way to connect the Windows 8 calendar app to my calendar? I see options to connect to the following types of accounts, but not an Apple one.
houbysoft's user avatar
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How can I disable the calendar agent from running on Mac OS X Lion?

I suppose that because because of the updated way that the Calendar application is integrated into the OS X system and the notification area the "calendar agent" needs to constantly run in the ...
cwd's user avatar
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Enable logging in for OS X 10.8

You used to be able to access a secret debug menu in iCal but this seems to have been removed in 10.8. Annoyingly the command used to enable logging seems not to work any more either. Can anyone ...
musoNic80's user avatar
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Applescript create event in calendar, how do I remove the default alert?

Running 10.8 Mountain Lion, I'm trying to create a new event with Applescript like this: set theDate to (current date) tell application "Calendar" tell calendar "Calendar" set timeString ...
zero0cool's user avatar
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iCal and Google Calendars - Same Grouping

Okay, I just started using iCal because I wanted to sync my Google Calendars to my local machine and allow it to deal with the new Notifications system built in Mountain Lion. What I want to do: Sync ...
richardhsu's user avatar
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Move Google Calendar delegates under Google Calendar in

I'm using Calendar on OS X Mountain Lion. Everything is updated. Problem: Is there any way to make it so that each delegate shows up under, this would be ideal. Or if they could ...
Mike Hagstrom's user avatar
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Only one calendar shown in GCal in Calendar in Mac

I've been searching answers for hours but cannot find one. There're several calendars in my Google Calendar. I want to sync all of them with my iCal (or "Calendar" in the newest Mountain Lion). But ...
songyy's user avatar
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How do I sync between iCal and Outlook Mac?

My iCal Calendar successfully shows Google Calendar events. But those events are not syncing to Mac Outlook 2011. Conversely, the Outlook events are showing up in ICal, but they are not showing up ...
Satchel's user avatar
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Can I change the iCal calendar server? [closed]

From a quick look at an Android powered Samsung Galaxy Tab, I've got the impression that there is no way to change that the built-in calendar syncs to Google servers. Is that so? Has Google hard-...
isync's user avatar
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iCal AppleScript, how to specify 'the same day at 9'?

I know that I can define a new iCal event programmatically, by means of AppleScript, defining something like: tell application "iCal" tell calendar "My Calendar" set theCurrentDate to ...
zakmck's user avatar
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Link file to iCal event

In OS X Lion, is it possible to link a file to an iCal event? so that when I get the info of the event and click somewhere, the file gets opened
Open the way's user avatar
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See only current day's events on iCal

Is it possible in iCal (OS X Lion), when one switches to "day view," to only see the events or tasks that belong to the day being displayed and not to the previous or subsequent days?
Open the way's user avatar
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3 answers

Global keyboard shortcut for adding an event/reminder to iCal

What is the best way in OS X Lion to have a global keyboard shortcut for adding an event/reminder to iCal?
Open the way's user avatar
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Propose new time in OS X iCal

Is there a way to propose new event time with iCal? When receiving new invitation I can't see any option to purpose alternative scheduling (as well as trying dragging the event). I'm using OS X Lion'...
user49204's user avatar
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Looking for a Mac Calendar application that provides alarms and only shows up in the menu bar (i.e. not in the dock or app switcher) [closed]

Most of the features of iCal are fine for me, except I don't want my calendar application to appear on the dock or--especially--in the Cmd+Tab app switcher. I'm looking for a calendar application that ...
maxedison's user avatar
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How to sync a new iCal calendar with iCloud

I have two calendars that are sync'd on iCould, and I created a new calendar in iCal, but it is not on iCloud.. how do I get this new calendar on to iCloud?
erikvold's user avatar
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iPhone calendar events not showing in iCal (Snow Leopard, iPhone 4S)

My wife's iPhone4S is all set up with iCloud synching, etc. However, she does not have Lion yet so she can't sync to iCal through the cloud. Anyway, in iTunes the Sync Calendar option is checked, ...
jlarson's user avatar
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iCal subscribe Holidays fails [closed]

I'm running OS X Lion, using iCal and tried to subscribe to and it failed saying it couldn't connect. Anybody else get that to work?
Charlie's user avatar
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Need an everyday reminder at a specific time of the day on Mac OS X?

Does anyone know how I can create an everyday reminder that pops up every day at a specific time to remind me of doing something? I need to make it remind me everyday at 1:00pm to update my daily blog....
Registered User's user avatar
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Convert RSS Calendar Feed to Google Calendar/iCal Format

I'd like to subscribe to my univeristy's online calendar with iCal. This used to work perfectly until recently they switched to an rss calendar feed and I can't seem to find a way to add it to iCal. ...
ssnthedj's user avatar
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iCal (10.6.8) and Google Calendar - issues sending invites

I have a user with a strange problem. Their Google calendars sync fine in iCal, their Me contact in AddresBook is properly set to their gmail address. The people she is sending invites to are usually ...
Manca Weeks's user avatar
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Select events from public calendar

There are some public calendars with many, many events listed. I want to look at the available events and choose a few to import into my personal calendar in iCal. If I subscribe to the public ...
LaC's user avatar
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Show just a two or three days view on OSX Lion's iCal

On Snow Leopard version of iCal it was possible to show 2 or 3 days on iCal using CMD+ALT+2 or 3. On OSX Lion this is not possible using the same keys, do you know about any other workaround for this?
Open the way's user avatar
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How do I stop Apple Mail from opening because of iCal appointments?

I use only webbased Gmail for mail, but keeps popping up as a result from iCal-appointments that have a e-mail reminder setting. I also get these reminders from Gmail anyway and I would like ...
Michiel Borkent's user avatar
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Why does iCal show a question mark person icon even though the only attendee for the event has accepted it?

I have a simple event in iCal with one attendee. I sent an invitation to the attendee via iCal and they accepted the invitation. When I double click on the event or do Get Info, it shows the attendee ...
Nate Pinchot's user avatar
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iCal event invitations not respecting time zone settings, contradictory

Products involved: iCal 4.0.4, Google Calendar (apps for domains) Both the sending and receiving and sending Google accounts are set to Central time zone, Google Calendars both set to Central time ...
Scott C's user avatar
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