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How do email clients know / identify meeting invitations (when amending or deleting)?

I'm rather curious to understand how Outlook and/or Google Calendar know which calendar entry to either amend and/or delete, once the original has been accepted? Here's a quick scenario: I receive a ...
Mark Dryden's user avatar
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Why do cancelled meetings show in Outlook on my boss' iPad but not on my laptop

I have full Outlook access to my boss' calendar however when meetings are cancelled by either me or the adminstrator in our team, they can still be seen in his iPad, but not in my laptop ie my laptop ...
Julia's user avatar
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2 answers

MS Outlook version 2208

is there a way to forward a recurring meeting to a colleague e.g. for a certain period only? If e.g. I am invited to a daily meeting Mon-Fri until to year end, but need my colleague to attend the ...
Paivi's user avatar
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Set up recurring meeting in outlook for multiple dates of the month

How would I set up a recurring meeting in Microsoft Outlook for specific numerical dates of the month? For instance, if I wanted to set up a meeting to always occur on the 13th and 28th of each month, ...
fireshadow52's user avatar
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I changed an occurrence for a recurring meeting however when the usual time came up for that meeting it still notified me

I created a reoccurring meeting, but needed to change one singular occurrence to a different time/day of the week. I did this with no issue. However, when the time came for when the meeting is usually ...
mhoov53's user avatar
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In Outlook, how to get a prompt when you've been added to a meeting or when a meetings time has changed?

I've had a few bad experiences where I missed a meeting because it was scheduled during the day and I was not at my computer when the outlook 15 minute prior to meeting prompt was displayed. I usually ...
Mandelbrotter's user avatar
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Outlook meeting for 2nd working day of month

Is there a way to set a recurring monthly meeting for the 2nd working day of each month. (assume Sat & Sun are non working days) So if the month starts on a Saturday the meeting would be Tuesday ...
PeterH's user avatar
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MS Outlook accept meeting multiple times

Is there a way to avoid accepting a meeting a second or third time? Short explanation: In our Company, we use MS Office 365 including now MS Outlook with Exchange Online. If Adam sends Bob an ...
Relative_Definition's user avatar
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Outlook open recurring item dialog box not displayed for some users

My predecessor created recurring meetings for our team. The title of the recurring meetings is "Available". When a member needs a specific occurrence of the meeting (let's say next monday) it will ...
excelguigui11's user avatar
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Delaying meeting invitations in Outlook 2010 - vba

I am trying to write a code to schedule a meeting invite and delay sending to participants at a later date/time automatically, i.e. delay sending a meeting invite Below is the code but it is giving ...
Adsar's user avatar
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How to share the text of a meeting between the attendants in Outlook

Is there a way to create a meeting in Outlook in a way that every attendant can edit the meeting text to include his own points to the meeting agenda? As far as I know by default only the creator can ...
Ignacio Soler Garcia's user avatar
4 votes
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How to find the next free slot for an appointment with Outlook 2013?

Example I'd like to create an appointment with 5 attendees and 1 room as a resource and a duration of 2 hours. It doesn't really matter how many attendees there are, but let's just assume some ...
Lernkurve's user avatar
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Outlook 2010 Meeting Invitation forwarding issue

I am having an issue with what I am assuming is a delegation access issue for a user in my office. User A used to work under Manager B and all meeting invitations would go to both User A and Manager ...
Jacob K's user avatar
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Editing Meetings in Outlook

my boss has recurring meetings on his calendars that take place off site. He wants me to change the start and end time of each meeting to allow for travel time. Another person originally scheduled ...
user420863's user avatar
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Outlook Calendar Reccurence: Meeting every day except every other Monday

I have a case, when I have meeting every day, but even Mondays (like, July, 6th or July, 20th) we have a day off. I'd like to create a calendar meeting for this purposes, but looks like I cannot ...
vestel's user avatar
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Cancelled meeting field in outlook 2010 calendar list view

In general I want to delete all cancelled meetings from calendar. I am not the organizer. I thought I could use list custom view but I was not able to find the field which would show "cancelled" ...
user275310's user avatar
3 votes
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Outlook: Default calendar for meeting request

I have Outlook 2013 and it synchronizes two calendars from Now, I am receiving meetings requests via email from another IMAP account. How can I choose, which calendar will be the ...
Petr's user avatar
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How can I save an Outlook forwarded meeting invitation?

Folks forward me meeting invitations as Outlook attachments. We use Microsoft Outlook Professional Plus. I can pop open the attachment and see a lot of things there about forwarding the meeting, ...
Hestia's user avatar
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is there a way to automate xx:05 as the meeting start and xx:55 as the meeting end by default in Outlook

Is there a registry edit trick or a macro I can use to have the default timings of my meetings start 5 minutes after full hour and end 5 minutes prior full hour. I do this by hand right now to remove ...
Piotr's user avatar
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Hide reoccurring meetings in outlook?

Is there a way to hide reoccurring meetings in outlook? Basically I have a bunch of reoccurring meetings that show up in my calendar. But they make the one-off meeting less obvious ... which are ...
llcf's user avatar
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5 answers

How can I adjust start and end time for reoccuring meetings in Outlook?

I have a situation where I have a few reoccurring meetings in my Outlook calendar for which I want to change the start and end time for. I didn't create the meeting in the first place, and I don't ...
Jonathan DeCarlo's user avatar
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How do I setup a recurring Skype meeting?

I would like to setup a recurring meeting using Skype. I tried to Google it but only received a closed question from Superuser with no answers(here).
dpollitt's user avatar
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