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Questions tagged [braces]

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2 answers

Formatting of braces for C++ in Visual Studio Code

I've C/C++ extension of Microsoft as my default formatter. When I save/run my code the opening curly braces automatically move to newline instead of staying in sameline. How can I prevent this? (It ...
Shub's user avatar
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Another Bracket Script issue

I use AutoHotKey to autocomplete all kind of brackets in the following way: typing ( gives ( -> opening brace bracket only typing (( gives () -> open & close brace with input ...
Michel's user avatar
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1 answer

rsync curly braces with one item issue?

I have a problem with rsync when I pass the exclude list in curly braces, what is the difference between the following two lines? sudo rsync -aHAXxhvi --delete --exclude={/1111111/} /etc/ /media/...
Sagitariozod's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Notepad++ Search/Replace Comments { inside } Curly Brackets

is there a way in Notepad++ (whether by Regex or some other way) to replace/remove comments within curly brackets? { some comments { nested comments } need to be deleted } I want to remove the ...
Swoop's user avatar
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1 answer

Prevent braces in BASH to create sub-shell

I need braces to specify evaluation priority of expressions, but I don't want braces to create sub-scripts. Look what happens when that example code is ran: Example script #!/bin/bash false || (...'s user avatar