For the first time ever, I feel like I'm on a Linux computer even though I'm on Windows. I say this, because usually Windows has it's stuff together, especially for something like what is going on with my system. I have two folders, Winsxs and Installer, both in C:\Windows directory. Winsxs seems to be growing faster than I can figure out why, and the installer folder...
Anyway, just trying to figure out what to do with these, how to fix it, how to stop it. Why haven't I ever run into these issues in the last how many years of using Windows 7? Did something with Windoze change?
Winxsx is 14GB. My Installer folder... after uncovering the hidden File menu (ALT) to show the options where I could choose to show hidden folders (and what's with hiding so many useful things lately!?!?!), and after UN-HIDING HIDDEN FOLDERS didn't actually un-hide the hidden Installer folder, and many minutes later trying to figure out how to find the size of a hidden-hidden "Installer" folder, is 11GB.
This is a VM. At this point I feel it will be quicker to delete the entire VM and re-install everything, but learning that the over-sized folders are exactly from Windoze updates (at least the winxsx folder is), I realize I'll be right back to where I started.
And to think, I'm only using this Windows 7 VM so I can use just a couple little tools that don't work in Ubuntu, yet. "Disk Clean-up"... only deletes 2GB worth of data.
Does anyone know how to get rid of this junk? Key-word there.... "know". I realize I could try this.... or try that....