Let's say I have a static LAN behind a NAT with the WAN network being dynamic. If I try to traceroute google.com from a board on the LAN, how does the board I'm tracerouting from know to send the packet to the bridging device on the NAT?

I'm trying to debug a problem like this right now. I have an OrangePi on a LAN behind a NAT created by another OrangePi.

But even I tcpdump on the OrangePi on the LAN when I traceroute I don't see anything on the tcpdump and traceroute times out. I'm guessing I'm missing something fundamental here so any help would be appreciated.

  • How might the same thing work without NAT? It's hard to tell what you're missing exactly, but the most important thing is that a network shouldn't be thought of as "a NAT", i.e. you seem to consider NAT the building block of networks while in reality it's more like duct tape.
    – grawity
    Commented Jul 8 at 20:44
  • This is the most stereotypical software forum comment I've ever seen. Commented Jul 10 at 14:43
  • Thanks, I try. That doesn't really make it any clearer what kind of explanation you seek – are you asking us to explain routing from scratch, or do you already know routing and only need an explanation of NAT?
    – grawity
    Commented Jul 11 at 11:26


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