Showing posts with label party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label party. Show all posts

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Rest and Relaxation in the Country

When AJ was invited to a birthday party in the 'middle of no-where' and the invitation extended to the entire family, we figured we may as well join him and head to the bush for some rest and relaxation.  After a long few weeks of being cooped up indoors trying to recuperate, I was looking forward to getting out and hopefully enjoying some sunshine.    

As the kids all ran wild playing 'Hunger Games', we sat around eating, drinking and chatting.  Some of us even managed to curl up on a picnic blanket and have a nap.  

In a place like this, it is no wonder we came home relaxed.
The perfect place to sit and relax.
Since we were in Kangaroo Ground, it only seemed appropriate that a mob of kangaroos hopped around the property.  I think they were looking for a way to avoid all the noisy kids that were running wild.

We did get some sunshine during the afternoon and it was a great day out for everyone.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Hunger Games

Have you read the Hunger Games series or even watched the Hunger Games movie?  I have and I have to say the books were awesome, so was the movie!  I'm not the only one who loves the Hunger Games, it is the most popular game to play at school.  The Hunger Games are so popular that some of my friends organised a Hunger Games birthday party.   

We all had to go to this big property in the bush where the games were held.  We split up into teams to represent each of the districts and then off we ran, up and down the hills and through the bush, trying to zombie-afy one another.  (Instead of killing one another and being out of the game, anyone 'killed' became a zombie and tried to create even more zombies.)   
We all had water guns, weapons made from paper or sticks we found as we ran through the bush.  I managed to get the coolest water gun from the stash at the cornucopia to use in the games.  (Hey Santa, I think a water gun like this might just make it to the top of my Christmas wish list!)
There was so much room to run wild, even little sisters and brothers were allowed to join in the games.  It meant there were more players to make into zombies!

I just have to say, that was the coolest birthday party EVER!  I had an awesome time and managed to survive the games without becoming a zombie.
Love AJ Pickle

Sunday, September 09, 2012

70 x 2

Friday was a pretty special day, it was the day that our Nanna Pat and her twin sister Aunty/Nanny Bette celebrated their 70th birthdays.  We know Aunty/Nanna Bette isn't really our Nanna, she is our great aunt but since they are twins and they look so alike, sometimes we get confused and we just call them both Nanna!
Aunty/Nanna Bette and Nanna Pat - 70 years and 1 day old!
The nannas didn't know about it, but the kids, grandkids and some of the nieces and nephews had a surprise planned, we had organised to all go out for lunch together and then to a winery.  First we had to get everyone there.  Now I guess most people would just meet wherever we were going but this is no ordinary family, this is a family that likes to have fun, so we all caught a bus out to lunch!

I am pretty sure all the trouble makers are up the back!
We headed out to Byramine Homestead for a great lunch and birthday cake, as well as an explore of the area.  The kids got to have a party lunch - can you imagine just how crazy it was with so many of us hyped up on junk food and fizzy drink!

Some of the boys, replenishing the energy supplies.
Most of the adults didn't mind, they were enjoying some of this!

Drinks for the grown-ups
Even when we caught the bus back to town, the party wasn't over.  Really, it was just beginning.  There was more food, more cake and more fizzy drink for everyone.  I think there were some pretty tired and grumpy party folk this morning!

Thanks for sharing your special day with us Nanna Pat and Aunty/Nanna Bette,  we love you.

Love AJ and Milla