4:19am[edit | edit source]
The phone in the superintendent's office rings and he comes to answer it. It's Jowd, calling for Sissel. He heads on over to the submarine. The lights in the room come on and Jowd realises he isn't alone, Sith's servant is also in the room. The servant brings up the communication screen and Sith appears on the screen to speak to Jowd. He's surprised that Jowd could have made it to the submarine. It turns out the bullet Cabanela fired into the manipulator was a radio transmitter disguised as a bullet and the watch he gave Jowd was a radio receiver.
Jowd asks where the man in red is and the chair is turned round to reveal that he's sitting right there. However, it's only his body and his spirit is elsewhere, likely controlling Kamila. Jowd begs Sith to let her go, but Sith isn't interested in hostages. He has what he needs now - the source of the manipulator's powers. The man in red has underestimated them by leaving the fragment alone. A strange capsule comes up on the table and plucks the fragment from the man's body then disappears into the chute below. Sith bids farewell and the screen goes blank. The servant taps the control panel and the entire command room goes rocketing off away from the submarine with Jowd still inside.
In the distance, Sissel hears a loud explosion and moments later, the lights go out. Now he needs to find Lynne and Kamila, and fast.
4:26am[edit | edit source]
When you enter the ghost world, you'll notice a flame close by. It's Missile. After a little chat, the phone starts ringing. Better get over there quickly. Have Missile swap the baseball with the middle basketball. Move Sissel across to the right emergency light. Then have Missile swap the baseball with the right basketball. The phone falls off the hook. Send Sissel to the phone. It's Kamila, and she needs help. It seems that something happened to Lynne. Go there.
Kamila hangs up the phone since nobody is answering. Lynne is dead again, floating in the water below. What a surprise. Sissel and Missile talk to Kamila. Sissel asks Missile to watch over Kamila while he goes to aid Lynne.
4:31am[edit | edit source]
Go down and turn the wheel then possess Lynne's corpse. She doesn't have much of a clue how she managed to die since it was so sudden. She explains that after she and Jowd left the office, they tracked down the man in red to a boat. They stowed away on the boat and snuck onto the submarine when it surfaced. It went down again and they split up. He went to hook up the phone while she went to look for Kamila. Lynne found Kamila hiding in the engine room after she escaped and ran away there. She doesn't remember what happened after that. Might as well go back and see for ourselves what happened.
4:22am, S-Yonoa Engine Room[edit | edit source]
Lynne was watching over the unconscious Kamila when she woke up. The little girl sat up... and immediately tried to brain her with a machine gun. It turned out she was being possessed by the manipulator. He had been waiting there for Jowd to come, planning to kill him in Kamila's body. Something struck the submarine hard and then the manipulator began to realise something was wrong. Lynne noticed the ceiling fall down and ran to shield Kamila. At that moment, there was an explosion that killed Lynne.
Wait for Possessed!Kamila to point the gun and jump across the cores to the ringing phone. Manipulate the wheel above it. It will fall off, knocking the handset down. Go to the phone. A crew hand is calling the engine room, warning whoever's on the phone to hurry over because they are evacuating the submarine. Go there and jump across the cores to the wastebasket. Open it and very quickly jump into the ghost world, then possess the basketball. When the basketball goes up, possess the emergency light. The Temsik fragment will be ripped out of the man in red's body and it comes down the chute. When it's close enough, possess the capsule.
The capsule goes on into Sith's escape vessel. He removes the Temsik fragment then tossess aside the capsule. He detaches the control room and then a torpedo bay opens up, revealing a torpedo. Sith makes his escape from the submarine. Lynne realises that the torpedo is the cause of the giant explosion and they have to do something before it's too late.
Go to the lever and lower it, then hop into the torpedo. There's nothing they can do to stop it from launching but maybe there's still something that can be done afterward. Stop the gyroscopes when they are both sticking up. The torpedo will turn over and the rat falls off. Now operate the joint and the safety device is clamped on, which prevents the torpedo from exploding. Unfortunately it's still going to impact.
Back in the present, things are still looking bad. Lynne might be alive but water is seeping into the engine room from where the torpedo struck.
4:40am[edit | edit source]
Operate the starter, which gets the gears moving. Sissel comments on it. Operate it again and jump across the cores while the gears move. When you get to the torch, Kamila wakes up. After a brief talk with Lynne, she passes out again. Lynne swears she'll get her out of there, no matter what.
4:45am[edit | edit source]
Turn on the flashlight. Lynne goes to pick it up. She can't open the door because of the water pressure so the only way is up. Jump to the emergency light then go to the handle above and turn it. Steam comes out of the pipe, knocking down the glove. Follow the path to the switch and lower it. The ladder comes down and Lynne climbs up. The submarine suddenly rocks, almost causing her to fall off. Then the flashlight stops working. Turn it on again. Now they just need to get to that door and they are safe.
... Or not, as the submarine suddenly capsizes and Lynne falls to the bottom. Fortunately, she survives, but now the water is rising quickly and she and Kamila are in great danger.
4:50am[edit | edit source]
Enter the Ghost World and Sissel spots Missile. He will help out with getting Lynne and Kamila back to the top.
Now, while in control of Missile, go to the fans and re-arrange them. There's a small fan that's easy to miss, a little way above, so watch out for it. Arrange the fans so that large is on bottom, medium is in the middle and small is on top. With that done, go up to the pipes. The top pipes will be referred to as A1 (left) and A2 (right) and the bottom ones are B1 (left) and B2 (right) Swap A1 and B2, then swap A2 and B1.
Sissel's turn. Wait for Lynne to point the flashlight at the water then go over to the starter and manipulate it. The pipes form a staircase for Lynne to go up. She gets stopped at the pipes because of the hot steam coming out however.
4:58am[edit | edit source]
Operate the starter again and ride the gears to the top. Jump to the wheel above Lynne and turn it. The steam is cut off and she's able to cross safely. Now how is she supposed to get up there to the door?
5:06am[edit | edit source]
Go across the cores to the hook, which is close to the door, and move it down. Lynne will climb onto the hook. Move it back up. Lynne tries to open the door but is unable to. Try to open it for her. Sissel can't do it either. The water rises higher and higher. Lynne screams in terror. The door suddenly opens and a giant clamp bursts in, grabbing Lynne and Kamila and whisking them out of the engine room. The door is shut, preventing the water from going any further.