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12:51am[edit | edit source]

Amelie is coughing furiously and it seems her fever has gotten even worse. She went out earlier to go and buy her father a lighter for his birthday when her fever went down. Amelie wants to call her father to wish him a happy birthday, but Emma is unwilling. We'll have to help Amelie call her father. Possess the lighter and light it. The phone falls down on Amelie's bed but before she can phone her father, Emma catches her and throws the phone up onto the top shelf where she can't reach. Looks like it's not going to be that easy.

Go up to the ceiling latch and turn it. The rat falls out and dangles on the pendulum. Make the wall clock chime. Emma notices the rat and hits it back into the ceiling. Turn the valve the rat landed on and it gets electrocuted. The lights end up going out and Emma goes to bring down the chandelier, which she lights and winds up. Now, go to the crank at the left side of the room and turn it. The chandelier falls down again. Emma will go to wind it back up. When she's walking back, turn the crank again. If you get the timing right, Emma should end up trapped in the chandelier.

Turn the crank to pull the chandelier and Emma up. Turn the latch above her and the rat's tail dangles over the edge. Next, make the chandelier burn brighter. This causes the poor rat's tail to catch on fire and it runs across the ceiling, falling out the other hole in the ceiling. Now go to the pendulum and swing harder. The rat's tail actually lights the candlestick, which burns the thin cords on the nearby shelf. The phone falls down next to Amelie. Since Emma is trapped, Amelie is free to call her father without any interruption and does so.

12:56am[edit | edit source]

Go to the phone and listen in on the conversation. After that's over, Amelie has a conversation with her mother. Now that things have been sorted out, Sissel returns to the minister's office. The minister will give his thanks now that he's learned his daughter is safe. Talk to him. He's finally willing to admit that ghosts do exist and the thanks were meant for Sissel. The justice minister tells him they have known about the powers of the dead for a while now though they didn't know it was the power of ghosts. They were aware of the existence of a "manipulator" - someone who could control others, and this manipulator was responsible for the cases at the Special Prison.

The minister confesses the truth about the time he signed the execution order. He was actually manipulated into doing it and the experience traumatised him so much that he couldn't tell anyone. He told his wife however and she ended up moving out because he wouldn't call off the execution. The minister then reveals the truth behind those powers to Cabanela. Cabanela is stunned to hear it's all the work of a ghost and quickly leaves to attend to some urgent business. The phone rings and the minister answers. It's Lynne, calling from the park, and she wants Sissel to head over immediately.

1:28am[edit | edit source]

Go through the phone to the park.