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Kevin Rian (ケビン・ライアン) is a member of the Second South Town S.W.A.T. Team. Due to him using a Sambo-like fighting style and his last name being Rian, he may be related to Blue Mary whose last name is Ryan.

Story (in Garou: Mark of the Wolves)[edit | edit source]

Kevin Rian is a high-spirited S.W.A.T. officer of Second Southtown. Kevin's partner was investigating several random acts of murder by a fighter. After several days, Kevin's partner was reported missing and later found murdered in a dark alley. The only detail given to Kevin about the killer's appearance was "a long haired man". Deciding to take care of his partner's son, Marky, Kevin entered the King of Fighters: Maximum Mayhem tournament, as he felt that the one responsible would show up. After initially mistaking Terry Bogard for the murderer, Kevin apologizes to Terry but Marky goes missing. In Kevin's ending, with Terry's help, Kevin found Marky peacefully sleeping.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Poli-Throwポリスルー (close) or +
T.O.P Attack
Blast Chargeブラストチャージ +
Command Move
Poli-Kickポリキック +
Special Move
Hell Rotorヘルローター + (hold)
Hell Arrestヘルアレスト (close) +
Hell Snipeヘルスナイプ +
Hell Trapヘルトラップ +
Special Move
Abide Mineアヴォイドマイン +
Creeperクリーパー +
├►Low Attack
├►Mid Attack
Super Move
Lucky Strikeラッキーストライク +
Gatling Freezerガトリングフリーザー +
Power Move
Lucky Strikeラッキーストライク +
Gatling Freezerガトリングフリーザー +