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Khushnood Butt also known as Marco Rodriguez (マルコ・ロドリゲス) in Japan is a Brazilian man and a Kyokugenryu Karate blackbelt taught by Ryo Sakazaki. He's very serious about his fighting and trains with a brown bear.

Story (in Garou: Mark of the Wolves)[edit | edit source]

Khushnood Butt was an apprentice of Ryo Sakazaki. When he became a black belt, he opened a dojo and started teaching Kyokugenryu Karate. To prove the might of the martial art, Khushnood entered the "King of Fighters Maximum Mayhem" tournament. When he returned home in his ending, he learned that all of his best students got beaten up by the "Gym Buster". Hearing that, he now seeks the maniac.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Kyokugen Zutsuki
(close) or +
T.O.P Attack
Zanretsuken (暫烈拳) +
Command Move
Kyokugen Hiji (極限肘) +
Special Move
Ko-ou Ken (虎煌拳) +
Ko Hou (虎咆) +
Jou-dan Harai (上段払い) +
Ge-dan Harai (下段払い) +
Special Move
Hien Shippu Kyaku
Ryuu-Sen Ken
Hold and release.
Ko-Sen Kyaku
Hold and release.
Super Move
Haou Shoukou Ken
Kyokugen Ko Hou (極限虎咆) +
Power Move
Haou Shoukou Ken
Kyokugen Ko Hou (極限虎咆) +
Ryuuko Ranbu