Stonehill College
Joaquim Marques de Araújo ardently defended the Portuguese Inquisition for fifty years, only to find himself sidelined and forgotten. In Defence of the Faith offers an insightful examination of one man's career as a comissário of the... more
Few people outside of Portugal and Brazil know that the Inquisition reached its tentacles across the Atlantic and took hold in Portugal’s Brazilian colonies. Not only did it take hold, but it played a significant role in the formation of... more
O impostor, Januário de São Pedro, andou pelo sertão no nordeste do Brasil entre 1735 e 1739 fi ngindo ser um sacerdote legítimo da ordem de São Domínico. As vezes era sacerdote, outras missionário. Mais outras era familiar do Santo... more
What happened on Columbus’s first voyage across the Atlantic? Who was responsible for the success of that voyage? How do we know? These questions were debated in the courts of Spain for decades after 1492. Some of those who sailed with... more
Working with the past always presents a bevy of challenges for researchers, and when material collections fall into disuse, it can be especially difficult to appreciate their intrinsic value. Incorporating new technological methods (GIS)... more
This study highlights research on Iraq that includes the Assyrians. It does not intend to argue the validity of definitions of ‘nationness’ and nationalism, but provides a brief description of the variety of ways in which Assyrians have... more
This work concerning Assyrian Christians originally from Harput, Turkey who settled in the United States will serve as a case in point of the past and current problems in assigning arbitrary names and nomenclature as monolithic rubrics of... more
"Sargon Donabed provides a comprehensive overview of the modern Assyrian story, merging emic and etic perspectives of their struggle to attain sovereignty over the past century and beyond. His work offers both an informative source for... more