We're having a lovely, sunny day here in the Panhandle, although I know that it won't last. When I last looked at weather.com, the prediction was for the snow to begin tomorrow morning around 6. The accumulation depends on what forecast one looks at; I was seeing snowfall amounts of 1-3 inches, but the last time I looked, it had been upped to 3-5 inches. And the temps will be in the teens, maybe even down to the single digits. ::sigh:: It's just January and I am sooo ready for warm weather!
I've been sticking to my stitching resolution and trying to get some things finished. This little piece had been languishing in my WIP basket since, oh, I think sometime in 2010:
When I pulled it out a few days ago, all that was done were the eyelet square and the pink eyelets above it and to the right. I've been working on it and this is my progress as of yesterday afternoon. Here's a closer look at the rose (not a real good picture, I'm afraid, but I think you can see a little bit about it):
The leaves are straight and back-stitches, while the rose itself is two colors of straight stitches. The designer didn't call for specific colors, only values, so here's what I'm using:
Light pink - GAST Cameo Pink
Light green - Olde Willow Creamed Spinach
Dark pink - GAST Copper (not strictly a pink, but I really liked the way it looked with the Cameo Pink)
Dark green - GAST Willow
I'm stitching this on a piece of 40-count; I'm not sure of the color, but I know it's something from Lakeside Linens. I think it might be Attic Lace or Magnolia. The designer is Eva Barath; I believe she is Hungarian, and she offered this as a freebie stitch-along on her blog. Unfortunately, the blog appears to have been taken down, which is too bad, because she posted photos of the piece that other stitchers had sent her, showing their color choices. My thinking is that I will finish it as a pumpkin pin cushion when it's finished.
I haven't neglected my more recent projects, and have been buzzing right along on the England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales mini-pillow. I finished the Irish flag yesterday evening. I love the colors in this.
I am off work for the MLK holiday today and have been knocking down the size of Mount Laundry. It's calling my name, so blogging must cease for now. Wishing everyone a good week and happy stitching!