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Questions tagged [partial-dependency-plots]

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Understanding negative partial dependency values

What does a negative partial dependency value (centered/mean value), such as a change from -0.8 to -0.7 with an increase in input, indicate for a parameter? Does this mean the parameter has a negative ...
mohammad24's user avatar
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Partial dependence plot from scratch - XgBoost depth 1

There are several packages that introduces enhanced explainability to a ML model like XGBoost, for example PiML. And there is a lot of other resources online about different aspects of ...
Henri's user avatar
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What is the connection of a partial regression plot and a partial dependence plot?

We have a partial regression plot as defined here: It's usefulness is discussed in What does an Added Variable Plot (Partial Regression Plot) ...
Ggjj11's user avatar
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Derive elasticities from partial dependences

I am producing a partial dependences plot based on a random forests (RF) binary classification model, which yields predicted probabilty of observation $i$ belong to class A for the outcome variable Z. ...
Giacomo's user avatar
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Suspicious Partial Dependence Curves from a Random Forest Model

I have created several Partial Dependence Plots (PDP) for some of the top variables in my RF model. Overall, the plots seem to make sense; however, for the 'Bog" class, the probability for all ...
John Gallop's user avatar
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Measuring features effect and importance in Partial Least Square (PLS) regression

Context: it is possible to assess features importance and effect for a model using model-independent scoring techniques such as Partial Dependence (PD) profile, Acculumated Local Effect (ALE) profile, ...
Paul's user avatar
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Interpretation of partial dependence plot for explanatory variables with different distributions

I've fit a random forest regression model to predict a continuous landscape metric y. One of the explanatory variables in the model is continuous (Longitude), while another is categorical (Class) with ...
Jaywalker's user avatar
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Why don't partial dependence plots match model predictions?

Background My training is in statistics, but I'm interested in machine learning. My models involve nonlinear relationships between 2-5 predictors and a single response (all variables continuous). ...
mkt's user avatar
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Is it right to have large partial dependence value?

I am trying to plot the Partial Dependence of built form against energy consumption (kwh/year) in python. As shown in the attached chart, so it returned a plot with huge partial dependence on the y-...
user376698's user avatar
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Partial dependency for random forest when predictive accuracy is bad

I have a relatively simple question which is just that if I run a random forest regression model and then use partial dependency plots to understand the influence the features have on prediction of ...
fpoll's user avatar
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2 votes
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Partial Dependence Plots for Linear Mixed-Effects Models?

I am currently using R and am trying to figure out a way to use partial dependence plots for mixed-effects models. I have heard that PDP plots are model-agnostic, but I have never heard of any PDP for ...
Detr4's user avatar
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3 answers

Understanding the behavior of a neural network when extrapolated

I trained a Multilayer Perceptron to predict a variable Y based on a set of predictors. Then I decided to test it on unseen data outside of the training range. I am aware of (some of) the implications ...
Henrique's user avatar
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6 votes
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Extrapolation using machine learning models under specific assumptions

I have a problem that requires inherently extrapolation. I am aware that this a crucial matter with most (if not all) machine learning models. Yet, given the physical phenomenon underlying the ...
Henrique's user avatar
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Using bootstrap confidence intervals for partial dependence plots

Core Question Bootstrapping could be used to calculate confidence intervals (CIs) for Partial Dependence Plots (PDPs) from a random forest. But would this be appropriate? Example I have a dataset with ...
TheBoro's user avatar
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