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Questions tagged [interpretation]

Refers generally to making substantive conclusions from the results of a statistical analysis.

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3 votes
1 answer

How do I interpret multiple linear regression results as % change in dependent variable

Say I'm interpreting my MLR and writing about one of my independent variables and it is an index (0-1), the coefficient is 4.169* . My dependent variable is in units degrees celsius. How do I ...
David Sturgess's user avatar
1 vote
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Confirm my understanding on the interaction term

I have a regression as follows: log(Wage) = B1Female + B2Non-white + B3(Female X Non-white) + Fixed-effect + e My understanding is that, the change in the wage for white-male = 0 (baseline) the ...
HappyFish's user avatar
6 votes
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Understanding the Interpretation of Confidence Intervals in Repeated Experiments

I understand that the interpretation of a 95% confidence interval (CI) is that, in the long run, 95% of such intervals computed from repeated experiments will contain the true parameter. I also know ...
Márcio Carôso's user avatar
2 votes
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Can a power analysis calculate n to detect changes in a population mean over time?

Would it be incorrect to interpret a power analysis as: one possible method of calculating the minimum required sample size to detect a change (%) in a population mean, from one point in time to ...
Nate's user avatar
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Whether to interprete Poisson model estimates as semielasticities or as marginal effects on expected counts

I am trying to better understand Poisson models whose coefficients are expressed in log-counts because counts are skewed. See example estimates on synthetic data below. Some suggest interpreting log-...
Johan's user avatar
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Understanding negative partial dependency values

What does a negative partial dependency value (centered/mean value), such as a change from -0.8 to -0.7 with an increase in input, indicate for a parameter? Does this mean the parameter has a negative ...
mohammad24's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Does an interaction mean anything if there is no main effect? [duplicate]

I ran a psychology experiment where I manipulated the participant's task. While I'm looking at the effect of Task on my measure, I also wanted to explore whether there is a trial order effect on that ...
Y. Huo's user avatar
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5 votes
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Interpreting logistic regression coefficients in "percentage increase/decrease"

I understand that from logistic regression, (let's say with two predictors) $$\log\left(\frac{p}{1-p}\right) = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_1 + \beta_2 x_2$$ and that when $x_1$ is binary, this can be ...
someoneyou's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is there a general interpretation for standardized beta strentgh?

After running a linear regression model I get the beta as effect size. This linear regression model was run in r using the geeglm...
NPpsy's user avatar
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How to convert beta coefficient to actual change?

I found an interpretation in an academic article. It mentioned: Firms that experienced EOD manipulation have 3.31% fewer citations in general, and the number jumps to 7.49% if it is a subsequent ...
Neal801's user avatar
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Doubts in interpreting 2 way interaction lme [duplicate]

I have some doubts in interpreting my data. So, if I have this model ...
Curious2024's user avatar
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Interpreting cross table summary

I am generating a simple 2 by N contingency table that summarizes women’s employment status before and during/after COVID-19. The columns represent the two time periods: 1) Before COVID and 2) During/...
Science11's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to interpret GAMs with multiple vs single variables?

So, I have been trying to use GAMs to observe the relationship between total economic damages (due to a certain event) and a variety of factors, including, total number of events, total number of ...
RdhaR's user avatar
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Interpreting parameter distributions and 95% confidence intervals from Monte Carlo sampling

I have fit two datasets with a model (multiparametric biochemical network models) and these fits give estimates of many parameters, including one that I'll call A. The best-fit values for parameter A ...
Glumpo's user avatar
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Interpretation of log-transformed explanatory variable in Poisson regression

I need to interpret a coefficient in a Poisson model that is log-transformed. Let's call the coefficient log(1+EO). The coefficient estimate is 0.0651. The mean of EO (i.e., not log transformed) is 0....
Jurian's user avatar
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Weighted linear regression -- how to interpret when weighting matrix is not diagonal

The classical case of weighted least squares problem$$(X^TWX)\hat{\beta} = X^T Wy$$ is solving a problem of minimizing $${\operatorname{arg\ min}}\, \sum_{i=1}^{n} w_i \left|y_i - \sum_{j=1}^{m} X_{ij}...
G H's user avatar
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Correct analysis interpretation of unusual study design

The National Audit Projects from the Royal College of Anaesthetists are a series of projects investigating rare complications of anaesthesia. Examples include severe allergic reactions and cardiac ...
DrDogg's user avatar
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Contradicting interpretations when including factor variables into GAM

the model I built is like this: ...
Chao's user avatar
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Categories automatically dropped in SPSS for my logistic regression [duplicate]

I have a problem with my logistic regression model. I use SPSS for analyzing the relationship between some categorical IV/2 numerical variables and customer churn (the well-known IBM Telco dataset). I ...
Zevion's user avatar
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Partial dependence plot from scratch - XgBoost depth 1

There are several packages that introduces enhanced explainability to a ML model like XGBoost, for example PiML. And there is a lot of other resources online about different aspects of ...
Henri's user avatar
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Chooice of the family distribution and handle of factor variables in HGAMM (Hierarchical Generalized Additive Mixed Models)

my research question is what covariates are related to higher contacts during the lockdown period. The dataset includes the contact information for each participant for at least two-time points. The ...
Chao's user avatar
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Why do I get a large difference between the p-value of a Chi-square test and the p-value of a KS test?

Introduction. I have data, representing the number of mammals, in a certain geographical region. I show here an example of data (please see the code below for more information): ...
Ommo's user avatar
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How can for two groups one variable be significantly different but another not if both measure same construct?

Overview: Two sets of ordinal data collected using two different measures for usability These two measures are proven to be correlated (also confirmed for this dataset) Each dataset can be divided ...
anjelomerte's user avatar
3 votes
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How to adress potential issues with interpretation/generalizability after discarding observations in exact matching?

Observations are discarded if they have no exact match, which potentially leads to a different distribution of the covariates in the matched sample compared to the original sample. I assume that at ...
mb1994's user avatar
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Resids vs fitted plot shows cyclical patterns. I have chosen 5 explanatory variables out of 300. Should I add more or do I risk overfitting?

I'm predicting the relative abundance of 1 genus (y) based on the relative abundance of other genus (the variables are each genus name). I have arbitrarily chosen the 5 genus that seemed the most ...
Samuel beauregard-tousignant's user avatar
1 vote
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How interpret contrary coefficient estimates in a logistic regression?

I need help to interpret a result output of a mediation analysis. I have a predictor X that predicts three mediators variables M1, M2, M3 in a negative way. When X increases M1, M2, M3 decreases. M1, ...
KB02's user avatar
  • 41
3 votes
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Distance between probability distributions

I am trying to understand the differences between three distances between probability distributions, for instance what are their advantages and inconvenients, what they do emphasize and what they don'...
xuanphong's user avatar
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Kproto, Kmeans and Gower with PAM (General Clustering Analysis)

Hi I have around 654 rows of data with mixed variables (both numeric and categorical). I have done all the scaling, transformation for numerical variables and replaced missing in both numerical and ...
user422204's user avatar
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Level mean from natural logarithm mean [duplicate]

Suppose I have a random sample $X_i$ where the values $x_i$ are strictly positive. I calculate the mean of the transformed variable $t_i = \ln x_i$ as $\bar{t} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n t_i}{n} \approx 9....
Papayapap's user avatar
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Is it necessary to transform the tide variable using a truncated Fourier series for GLM (Gamma), and how should I interpret interactions? [closed]

I’m using glm to see whether there is an association between zooplankton biomass (response) with two variables: 1) hours from high tide (high tide is zero, hours before are negative at one hourly ...
Jo Harris's user avatar
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Elasticity from differenced log-level regression

I have the regression $ \Delta \ln Y_i = \alpha + \beta \Delta X_i + \varepsilon_i $ where $\Delta \ln Y_i = \ln Y_{t,i} - \ln Y_{t-1,i}$ and $\Delta X_i = ((X_{t,i} - X_{t-1,i}) / T_{t-1,i} ) \cdot ...
Papayapap's user avatar
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Compare effect of two coefficients in logit model

I have a logit model with multiple independents qualitatives variables (A, B, C), and I would like to compare the probability of success between individuals who have a certain profile. For instance, ...
Léo Joubert's user avatar
1 vote
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Addition of regression coefficients in Linear Probability Models?

I'm reading this paper Sangyoon Park (2018) Coeducation, academic performance, and subject choice: evidence from quasi-random classroom assignments, Education Economics, 26:6, 574-592, DOI: 10.1080/...
Lucas Sempe's user avatar
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Interpretation of Poisson regression model (outcome variable - dietary diversity)

I would like to get some insights on how to interpret the Poisson model using the results shown in the picture. This is how I interpreted it: For every one unit increase in the number of cooked food ...
Lucy's user avatar
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Moderation coefficient in linear mixed models SPSS - interpretation

My model: IV: extroversion (5 point likert) Moderator: Comepetence (values 1-5) DV: Offer (values 5 to 15) Hypothesis: The negative relationship between Extroversion and offer is moderated by ...
breeks's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Interpretation of average marginal effect logistic regression model [duplicate]

I am currently writing a master thesis on the relationship between the unemployment rate (measured in percentage points) and first birth hazards (i.e. the probability of having a first child) using ...
Flap's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How to explain Hazard Ratio in layperson's terms

In the context of a Cox regression, I recently heard someone say that "the hazard ratio of 0.70 between the two treatment groups indicates that, during the whole followup time, of 100 persons in ...
Survival's user avatar
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Is the intercept of a complex sum-coded regression basically useless for interpretation? Maybe even for some simple models?

In regression analysis, one may choose to code categorical variables differently depending on interpretability considerations. One such coding scheme known as sum coding (a kind of effect coding ...
nsa's user avatar
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6 votes
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Simpson's paradox: How interpret results?

I am building GLMs to investigate the effect of environmental variables on frog occupancy and abundance (negative binomial). I am having an issue of reversal of estimates which, from what I found on ...
Marco Lassandro's user avatar
2 votes
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Why is it recommended to keep use.u=T (in bootMer) when doing parametric bootstrap for lmer models?

I am performing a parametric bootstrap with the intention of using the simulated values to create confidence intervals for my coefficients in a mixed model. I saw that it was generally recommended to ...
user229's user avatar
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Interpreting by dividing up results of AB test

at my company we are doing AB tests (with 95% confidence) for features of our game (mobile app, hyper-casual game, Global scale). After the tests had ran its course, we have a practice of dividing up ...
Thinh Vuong's user avatar
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estimating category thresholds across a continuous variable using Ordered logistic regression

I've got a set of tomatoes at various stages of ripening, with as an ordered categorical variable ["green","yellow", "orange","red"], along with their weight as ...
Nath's user avatar
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4 votes
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Comparing coefficients and confidence intervals when some categories have very few observations (logistic regression)

I'm fitting a logistic regression model (with multiple predictors) to data where the outcome is a success or failure. My data points are in the range of 100,000. Most of my variables are categorical, ...
Myungjin Hyun's user avatar
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After matching: How do I interpret the value of the type ‘distance’ (=Propensity score) in the balance measures table of the r-package cobalt

I have used the R-package ‘MatchIt’ to perform (1) a nearest neighbour propensity score matching (NNM) based on the Framingham Heart Study and (2) for comparison, an optimal PS matching (OM) for the ...
user19939387's user avatar
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Interpreting GAM intercept (mccv's bam() function in R)

I am very new to GAMs (and, frankly, regression models in general), and I am struggling to understand the model summary I get when using the bam() function from the mgcv package in R, more ...
aevilok's user avatar
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Cohen's d effect size of a medication

Studies use Cohen's d effect size to convey the effectiveness of an intervention. As a general rule in psychology, an effect size of 0.2 is considered small, 0.5 is medium, and 0.8 is large. Suppose ...
Spock366373's user avatar
0 votes
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Help interpret these P-values [duplicate]

What does it mean when the model P-value comes out larger than alpha but the P-value for one of the main effects comes out smaller than alpha? The actual ANOVA is below. Alpha is 0,0027.
Ladislav Révay's user avatar
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how to summarize moving average

This question is about how to summarize moving averages. Please assume the values in column Pct are % of people how have negative opinion about vaccine. column MovgAvg is the two year moving average ...
Ahir Bhairav Orai's user avatar
4 votes
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Can't get my head around how random effects affect interpretation of model coefficients

For example, if you are interested in the effect of age on another variable, and you have 3 repeats per individual, but individuals vary in age from the start, is the estimate for age in a random ...
Picapica's user avatar
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Why does the SHAP formula not state that |S| = |F|-1?

I recently read the paper "A unified approach to interpreting model predictions" by Scott M. Lundberg and Su-In Lee. In the paper, they establish that the Shapley value for the feature $i$ ...
Johan Nilsson's user avatar

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