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Questions tagged [heteroscedasticity]

Non-constant variance along some continuum in a random process, or varying between discrete groups

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Bradley's liberal criterion

I'm reading an article where the authors utilized Bradley's liberal criterion to estimate the robustness of the F statistic in the context of post hoc tests. The problem here is that they said the ...
Sergio Galarce's user avatar
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How to test for equal variances of correlated observations?

Let $r$ be a vector valued random variable with mean zero and variance $\Omega$. Let $r_t$ denote a specific observation of $r$ at time $t$. $\Omega$ is unknown but I have 2 estimates of it: $\Omega_a$...
Chechy Levas's user avatar
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How to separate 2 variances from observed variance?

I have that I broke down to the following: var(predicted_conc) = actual_conc*var1 + var2 Note that the random variable generators are independent, hence variance is added not standard deviation. I run ...
PPenton's user avatar
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Variance-Covariance Matrix of the OLS Estimator vs OLS Estimator of the Variance-Covariance Matrix

Suppose a model $y = X\beta + e$ that is unbiased and consistent but has some sort of heteroscedasticity or autocorrelation, thus, $E(ee'|X)=\delta^2 \Omega$. In the exercise that I'm currently trying ...
margaridaaviegaas's user avatar
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How to correct for Hansen-Hodrick standard error as Campbell & Shiller (1991) using R?

I am trying to replicate the Campbell & Shiller (1991) paper using Brazilian data. My data consists of the following. Each line is a triple $(n,m,t)$, where $n$ is the maturity of the bond, $m$ is ...
Diorne's user avatar
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How do you calculate the conditional heteroscedasticity $\mathrm{Var}\left( \epsilon |X=x \right) $in a logit model?

I am currently reading the book Nonparametric and Semiparametric Models, where it discusses conditional heteroscedasticity with the following formula. However, I'm not sure how this formula is derived....
shanak chuan's user avatar
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Heteroscedastic variance prediction constant where it should not be

I am trying to make predictions about the heterscedastic noise in my dataset. I have an FPN already set up, treating the variance as an additional class. My dataset is the aerial semantic segmentation ...
user9812063's user avatar
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The value of scale parameter σ in accelerated failure time model

my model follows Weibull distribution, my question about σ is when we could replace it with one and when we may consider it a scale parameter?
Ahmed Nazih's user avatar
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Assumptions of Linear Regression (homoscedasticity and normality of residuals)

I am confused about some assumptions of linear regression: homoscedasticity and residuals are normally distributed. These two require residuals, but to get the residuals, we need to fit the model ...
Ratchainant Thammasudjarit's user avatar
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Residuals changes with Predicted values range in LGBM regressor

I am doing a regression problem where the target variable ranges between 0.01 to 0.15. The model gives the best value when the predicted value is around 0.1. Plotting the residuals seems to show ...
NYWK's user avatar
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Does this graph show heteroscedasticity or homoscedasticity?

So I am using stock data for certain stocks over a period of about 13 years and now i want to check for heteroscedasticity and auto-correlation on stata. residual vs. fitted value is shown below. ...
Vanlorden's user avatar
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Welch t-test p-values are poorly calibrated for $N=2$ samples

I am performing a large number of Welch's t-tests (t-test with unequal variance) on very small sample sizes, often with only two samples per condition. I am finding the p-values are poorly calibrated: ...
emarti's user avatar
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I think standard deviation of y is related to size of x. How do I create a model for this / test this?

I have a sample of data $(x_i, y_i)$. I hypothesize that $y_i$ is not dependent on $x_i$, but the standard deviation of $y_i$ depends on $x_i$ More concretely, say I assume $\textrm{Var}(y_i | x_i) = ...
Lost1's user avatar
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What criterion to use to compare multiple correlations of binary variables?

I have $N$ definitions of certain properties of countries (for example, if the country is "democratic", "totalitarian" etc.), and want to test how consistently different people ...
Daigaku no Baku's user avatar
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Understanding Volatility Clustering: Conditional or Unconditional Variance?

A stylized fact observed in financial time series is volatility clustering. Volatility clustering is commonly described as the fact that large changes in asset prices are followed by large changes, ...
Monolite's user avatar
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GLMM for not so gaussian data

I am having an issue with GLMM and hope you could advice me. So basically I have data from microscopy experiment of three independent groups (variable: subfolder) nested within 4 experimental ...
Julius Bogomolovas's user avatar
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Question on ARCH effect Test

I try to conduct ARCH effect test. I have a time series (Global price of Brent crude oil) which follows AR(3). First of all, I estimate AR(3) model for the Oil price. $$Y_t = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 Y_{t-...
1190's user avatar
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Which analysis instead of linear regression?

I have collected data pertaining to suffering (scale from 0 to 8, higher is worse) and cognitive distortion (0 to 40, higher is worse) for a study with ~ 200 participants. My hypothesis is that there ...
David's user avatar
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Unbiased test for homogeneity of means of exponenential samples

Given $K$ independent samples of $Y_{i1},\dots,Y_{in_i} \ \text{i.i.d.} \ \sim Exp(\lambda_i)$ with $i=1,\dots, K$ and $n_i$ the size of the $i$-th sample, is there any statistics with analytically ...
Zipfer Zapfeln's user avatar
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Assessing heteroscedasticity in residuals vs. fitted values graph [duplicate]

I am running a mixed model regression with 3 levels (schools, groups and students). I applied robust standard errors with the R function ...
Elena García's user avatar
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Two Way Anova with Heteroscedasticity

I'm trying to run a two way anova test but the homoscedasticity condition is not met. My analysis is not balanced and I have over 3000 observations in my sample. Is it okay to proceed even if the ...
computer_goblin's user avatar
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Coefficient of determination in a linear regression model with a covaring predictor

Given a model: \begin{align}Y_{i}=Z_{i}*\beta * X_{i} + Z_{i}\tag{Eq. 1}&\end{align} I am interested in a closed formula for the proportion of variance explained by the predictor variable $X$, ...
CafféSospeso's user avatar
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Assumption in multiple linear regression

The principles of multiple linear regression are widely described, however there are still some aspects I don't truly understand why. Specifically speaking I don't understand why heteroscedasticity ...
Javier Hernando's user avatar
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Very basic questions about choosing weights for WLS

Hi all – very new to stats and ML here (though with plenty of math experience – I’m not a student looking for homework help, I’m 58, know plenty of math, and am looking to expand my skills).

I ...
Steve Lane's user avatar
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Does "residualising" out the effect of a covariate on the response variable achieve similar results to including the covariate as a predictor?

Sorry - the question itself is wordy! I am running a Welch ANOVA, but want to account for the effects of a covariate on this Welch ANOVA. I am unaware of any ways that I could conduct a Welch ANCOVA. ...
Cam_stats's user avatar
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Determining when two slopes are different or not, given heteroskedasticity

My current experiment investigates substrate consumption at two different substrate concentrations. My question concerns whether the slope of consumption is equal. However, I obtain an F-value ...
simon vandenberghe's user avatar
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Testing for Homoscedasticity - should Levene's and Brown-Forsythe use Welch's t-test/ANOVA?

This question just came up and I haven't seen any literature on the subject. Background: When testing homoscedasticity for, say, a two-sample t-test, the F-test for equal variances is deprecated due ...
Steven Ouellette's user avatar
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Trying to construct Response surface involving unequal variance for the data mentioned using Minitab [closed]

I'm new to Minitab and I never learned statistics as a proper subject. I need to get a response surface and CI for a factorial experiment for my thesis. I'm faced with what looks like unequal and ...
Ladislav Révay's user avatar
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Potential heteroskedasticity in maximum likelihood

I've created a bad loan classifier model using logit regression and maximum likelihood. The actual v expected comparison of the result is shown below. In order to create the chart, we binned the ...
user11209442's user avatar
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Different estimates of conditional mean parameters from OLS vs ARCH

Consider the market model for security $i$: $$ R_{i,t}=\alpha_i + \beta_i R_{m,t} + e_{i,t}. $$ I estimated the parameters with the OLS method. ...
Mattia's user avatar
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Addressing Heteroscedasticity in Mixed Effects Models with glmmTMB and DHARMa in R [duplicate]

I am analyzing ecological data in R, where I aim to understand the impact of urbanization on species trends. My response variable is the coefficient of species trends (estimate), and my main predictor ...
Pau Colom Montojo's user avatar
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Heteroscedasticity in VECM residuals: consequences and solution

Does anyone know the consequences of heteroscedasticity in VECM residuals? For impulse reponse, standard errors and so on?
user409978's user avatar
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Heteroscedastic residuals of a VECM estimated by MLE

I have estimated an VEC model in Matlab, and it turns out the residuals are heteroscedastic. Now, does anyone know how to apply HAC errors to a VEC Model in Matlab? Alternatively, given the model is ...
user409978's user avatar
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how to identify the form of heteroskedasticity?

After having done the heteroscedasticity test, and having confirmed its existence, I want to correct the model. To correct it, and proceed with the transformation of the data, I must identify the form ...
Taoufik7789's user avatar
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How critical/serious is the heteroscedasticity in my data (Breusch-Pagan test significant at p=.03)?

edit below I am doing this analysis for the first time. How concerned should I be about heteroscedasticity in my data? Here's the scatterplot of predicted values vs residuals: The Breusch-Pagan test ...
mbp's user avatar
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Regression with single-observation dummies: F-test under heteroskedasticity

I have a linear regression model with an intercept and a few dummy variables. Each of the dummies indicate a single observation, so the fit is perfect for these observations. Having fit the model, the ...
Richard Hardy's user avatar
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Trust the graphs or go with Breusch-Pagan and White's tests for Homoscedasticity on large datasets? [duplicate]

I have a large dataset (n > 500,000) which I'm building a linear model with lm(PV1READ ~ PV1MATH + PV1SCIE + ST004D01T). Tests for Normality, No ...
pluke's user avatar
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Heteroscedasticity in linear mixed effects models (lmer)

I am computing the following model in R, using lme4::lmer: m3 = lmer(e ~ (X*Y*Z) + (1|ID/R), data = data_transform) e is a continuous variable. X, Y, and Z are ...
hilberthotel's user avatar
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Robust standard errors leading to false positives [closed]

I have an odd scenario in my data analysis and I'm not sure what is causing it. I have a large set of tuples $(Y_1, X_i) \dots, (Y_N, X_N)$ where $Y_i$ is a random vector from some arbitrary ...
David Wang's user avatar
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True or False: If the distribution of Y|X is normal, then the regression of Y on X must be both linear and homoscedastic [duplicate]

I'm trying to interpret an early and pretty dense (to me) paper on the theory of linear regression: Bartlett, M. S. (1934). On the theory of statistical regression. Proceedings of the Royal Society of ...
virtuolie's user avatar
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How to deal with Heteroskedasticity in a GAM model

I am running a set of GAMs (Generalized Additive Models) to model a smoothed effect. I have verified all the other necessary checks of my GAMs for the basis functions, etc. However, I find persistent ...
flâneur's user avatar
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Non constant Feature Importance [closed]

I have a financial dataset which has 10 years worth of data. The aim is to build a regressor capable of predicting next year sales. So, if I want to predict sales for 2024, I could use data from 2023, ...
Nick's user avatar
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Conditionally conjugate prior in heteroskedastic model

I am researching a linear model where the noise is a function of the slope parameter as follows $$y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_i + \beta_1\epsilon_i$$ $$\epsilon_i \sim N(0, \sigma^2 g)$$ where $g$ is ...
spencergw's user avatar
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Heteroskedasticity Adjusted Correlation Coefficients

I've been reading Forbes & Rigobon (2002) "No contagion, only interdependence" article, in which they suggest to adjust the correlation coefficients for heteroskedasticity. I can't ...
justaneconomist's user avatar
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MLE of Linear Regression with heteroskedasticity

Assume a linear regression model $y = X \theta^{*} + \epsilon$, where $X$ represents a feature matrix and $\theta$ represents a parameter vector. Here we assume heteroskedasticity where $\epsilon \sim ...
basementGenius's user avatar
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Advantages of GLS Estimator for OLS in the Presence of Violated Spherical Assumption

Let be the linear model given by: $$y_i = x_i'\beta + \varepsilon_i$$ Using its matrix form, consider strictly exogenous assumption and spherical assumption, respectivelly: $$E[\varepsilon | X]=0, \...
user346624's user avatar
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What should I do when my data is normal, but not homogen?

My data is (n:43)genotypes with block as replication (n:2). the design is randomized complete block design. and I did normality test and the result said normal, but I did homogeneity test (levenetest) ...
Nimas Pertiwi's user avatar
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Optimal three parameter variable stabilizing transformation of a Poisson

In the paper: "On the classical choice of variance stabilizing transformations and an application for a Poisson variate", Shaul K. Bar-Lev and Peter Enis give an optimal two parameter ...
cfp's user avatar
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Resolving heteroscedasticity in Gamma GLMM glmmTMB

I am investigating the effect of predictor variables population.size (continuous), farm.type (categorical) and control measure y.n (binary) on my response variable outbreak duration (continuous). I ...
Tamsin Harper's user avatar
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Homoscedasticity across different samples

I understand that homoscedasticity, constant variance of the error terms at each different X value, is a key assumption for linear regression. Assume we collected a single data sample $(X,Y)$. The ...
Brett Cooper's user avatar

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