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Assumptions of Linear Regression (homoscedasticity and normality of residuals)

I am confused about some assumptions of linear regression: homoscedasticity and residuals are normally distributed. These two require residuals, but to get the residuals, we need to fit the model ...
Ratchainant Thammasudjarit's user avatar
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Assumption in multiple linear regression

The principles of multiple linear regression are widely described, however there are still some aspects I don't truly understand why. Specifically speaking I don't understand why heteroscedasticity ...
Javier Hernando's user avatar
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How critical/serious is the heteroscedasticity in my data (Breusch-Pagan test significant at p=.03)?

edit below I am doing this analysis for the first time. How concerned should I be about heteroscedasticity in my data? Here's the scatterplot of predicted values vs residuals: The Breusch-Pagan test ...
mbp's user avatar
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Trust the graphs or go with Breusch-Pagan and White's tests for Homoscedasticity on large datasets? [duplicate]

I have a large dataset (n > 500,000) which I'm building a linear model with lm(PV1READ ~ PV1MATH + PV1SCIE + ST004D01T). Tests for Normality, No ...
pluke's user avatar
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I am unable to relate the normal distribution dependency for regression . I need a mathematical intuition cum understanding for regression assumptions [duplicate]

What is the mathematical significance for the assumptions of linear regression to hold true for arriving at a single/multiple regression formula? Can anyone use the assumed normally distributed ...
2 votes
2 answers

Multiple linear regression homoscedasticity/linearity

My question is about the implications of the violation of homoscedasticity/linearity for multiple linear regression. I have tried to find the answer in multiple sources but could not figure it out. I ...
Morin's user avatar
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Why does heteroskedasticity not affect $R^2$ and why does it make estimated regression more statistically significant?

I am studying what the consequences of heteroskedasticity are. And i found that assuming that the model is linear in the parameters (i.e $Y=X\beta+\epsilon$), is identifiable, has no perfect ...
abhishek's user avatar
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Heteroscedasticity still present after Box-Cox transformation

I just started to learn regression and I'm trying to fit a linear regression model to some data with one continuous independent variable x1, one categorical variable x2, and the dependent variable y. ...
Vera's user avatar
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Can't fix non-normality and heteroskedasticity

I am attempting, via linear regression, to model a dataset.I've tried various transformations on the response/ and predictors, as well as WLS but the assumptions are not met. I'm looking for the ...
Chase_stats's user avatar
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Bootstrapping with Hetroskedasticity?

In most of the times in linear regression, the two problems of non-normality and hetroskedasticity are present both in the model. However, the two problems could be (but not neccessarily) inter-...
Hussain's user avatar
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Is it impossible to fit HC4 robust method for linear mixed models?

I've been struggling all day to fit a robust HC4 model to my lmer in R (all the examples I've seen were with lm. I simply cannot ...
Larissa Cury's user avatar
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What to do when there is Heteroscedasticity in a multiple regression model?

So I’m doing a multiple regression analysis with Y and 6 features. I realize that Heteroscedasticity exists between Y and 2 of the independent variables. How can I deal with this problem? Y is already ...
MirageCommander's user avatar
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Covariance matrix of errors for homoskedasticity/heteroskedasticity

I've seen homoskedasticty and heteroskedasticity defined as the following The error term of our regression model is homoskedastic if the variance of the conditional distribution of $u_{i}$ given $X_{...
a12345's user avatar
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How to tell if there is a homoscedasticity of the model based on this plot?

I am building regression model of cholesterol predicted by 4 dietary components. I want to check if the assumption of Homoscedasticity is satisfied. I plotted Residuals vs Laverage plot. ...
user13696679's user avatar
3 votes
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Does this plot show heteroscedasticity?

I am running a multiple regression with a continuous DV and a mix of dichotomous and continuous IVs (but mostly dichotomous). This is the ZRESID vs ZPRED scatterplot, and I think there is ...
Fiona Kennedy's user avatar
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Tried rectifying Heteroscedasticity and I don't know why I did not succeed

I am doing a regression on the influence on interest rates on marketing spending. I tried many different approaches to get my regression working. I have panel data and time series. I got a data set of ...
New_to_r's user avatar
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Trying to use the white test in r

I am doing a regression on the influence on marketing spending. I have already tested for heteroskedasticity with the Breusch-Pagan Test and found that the test came out positive. Based on the ...
New_to_r's user avatar
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Weighted least square regression - different ways of estimating weights

Newbie here. I have a question regarding WLS regression. Specifically, I've come across different ways of estimating weights in WLS regression, the most frequent ones being: ...
Marina's user avatar
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Test statistic for regression analysis with robust standard errors

I am looking for the test statistic for a regression analysis (using lm in R) with robust standard errors. As far as I understood the F-statistic from the original model is invalid but I was wondering ...
mafrikone's user avatar
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How can I transform response variable with negative values to fix heteroscedasticity

I'm trying to build a multivariable least-square linear regression model, and there is heteroscedasticity in my model. I saw many articles suggesting transformations such as log transformation or Box-...
Ahmet Atilla Colak's user avatar
5 votes
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how to deal with heteroscedasticity in least squares regression with multiple independent variables

I am trying to build a least-squares regression model and when I analyzed the independent variables, I saw a case of heteroscedasticity in one of the independent variables. I'm building this model in ...
Atilla Colak's user avatar
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Can I use an OLS regression model with assumption violations for filling the missing data and prediction?

I am working on a multiple linear regression model as ordinary least squares (OLS)with several predictors and one response variable. The data is for the counties for different years around 2200 ...
feri Amani's user avatar
6 votes
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Flawed multiple linear regression in academia? Heteroscedasticity's effect on p-value?

I believe I have found a paper in academia that has used a flawed multiple linear regression. I have downloaded the data set and replicated their regression results. I have done some diagnostics and ...
Ken Lee's user avatar
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3 votes
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Which plot to check for heteroscedasticity in a multiple regression model

I have a linear model like: Reg.Model = lm(Y~X1+X2+X3, data=DF) If I want to check for the presence of heteroscedasticity using a plot, should I plot the residuals ...
Jenny's user avatar
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Residual plot Diagnosis

I am working on a multiple linear regression model to investigate the relationship between several independent variables such as profitability, leverage, board size, percentage of women on board, ...
Sven's user avatar
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Do explanatory variables have to have a linear relationship with the response variables?

Do explanatory variables have to have a linear relationship with the response variable in multiple linear regression? What is the reason for this assumption? Also, why are heteroscedastic ...
user avatar
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Homoscedasticity issues? And how to solve this?

Based on the plots attached. Do i have any issues with the homoscedasticity assumption? It looks like the dots on the scatterplot are spread but there is some sort of downward trend. Is this causing ...
Chris's user avatar
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Assumption of Homogeneity of variance [duplicate]

Why is assumption of Homogeneity of variance required. What are the problems if they are not satisfied
Sathya Ih's user avatar
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How Do I Create a Better Model?

Disclaimer: I am a senior undergraduate student of Political Science with little proficiency in Data Science; please help me understand better and forgive any ensuing statistical illiteracy! TL;DR: I ...
Madhav Singh's user avatar
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In a multilinear regression, does the usage of White standard errors always correct for heteroscedasticity?

I've calculated a multilinear regression. When testing the assumptions of linear regression, I've come to understand that my model violates the assumption of homoscedasticity (as shown with a Breusch-...
bagel's user avatar
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Checking the constant variance assumption for residuals vs fitted plots: What about for the same fitted values?

For a residuals vs fitted plot, we use the fitted values $\hat{Y} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 + \cdots + \beta_p x_p$ on the horizontal axis and the residuals on the vertical axis, and then compare the ...
user523384's user avatar
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how to check heteroskedasticity in pyhton?

After building model by using glm. How to check heteroskedasticity? are there any tests available to find or is it checked by using graphs??
Ravi Teja's user avatar
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How can the below graph be interpreted

How can you interpret the scale location graph in terms of Homoscedasticity?
Roland Fannoh's user avatar
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Data transformation to deal with heteroscedacity

I am trying to build a linear regression model of the data which generally looks like this: Certainly due to the exponential (I guess) nature of the data, I have tried to do a logarithmic ...
huberttt's user avatar
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Generalized Least Squares for linear regression with continous and categorical predictors

I have a linear regression model in R studio with a continous and a categorical predictor, where the assumption of homoscedasticity is violated: ...
cholo.trem's user avatar
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How much heteroscedasticity need to be present in order to justify the use of robust standard errors?

Im trying to figure out if my data is heteroscedastic and if I need to use robust standard errors (Huber-White standard errors). The dataset contains 70 000 rows and 5 columns. Y is a numeric ...
Jam.Wil's user avatar
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Do these graphs show that the regression assumptions are met?

Is there any concern regarding this plot, specifically that it meets the homoscedasticity assumption? May I continue with multiple linear regression? How can I fix this? My research is on household ...
Kubra Alami's user avatar
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Minimizing the expectation value of least-squares loss when data and model are randomly distributed with known normal distribution

How do you minimize the stochastic robust least-squares problem $$ \min_x \mathbb{E}\left\{||A x - b||^2\right\} $$ in which both the parameters $b$ and the model $A$ are normally distributed with ...
fhchl's user avatar
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How to fix heteroscedasticity (funnel shape)?

I am running a mlr in python on a dataset with 2D feature vectors, X1 and X2 on a single response, Y. The data ends up being funnel-shaped, as below: X1 v Y, with the colors being X2. It was ...
Tuomas Talvitie's user avatar
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Multiple linear regression and model build in light of regression diagnostics

I have a dataset of approx. 200 observations, consisting of Profit which is my dependent variable and is continuous, and the independent variables are Turnover (also continuous), and 3 additional ...
Emil's user avatar
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Does this graph imply a violation of homoscedasticity?

I assume that this graph doesn't support the assumption of homoscedasticity. Am I right? Does it make sense to carry out another test to be sure? y-axis: Regression Standardized Residual, x-axis: ...
user avatar
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How do I appropriately control for a limiting/maximum value in regression?

I have a dataset where one variable is limited by the value of another. It is a study of participants with a particular disease. By necessity, therefore, age of disease onset, A, can be no larger than ...
Nick's user avatar
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Multiple Regression - Heteroskedasticity? - Is this a linear model?

I am analyzing a multiple regression model in SPSS. I am checking whether the requirements for a linear model are met. The last requirement is homoscedasticity. In my survey, you can choose between 1-...
Caroline's user avatar
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What are the differences between HC estimators and their small sample properties?

I am currently using R to run regression with the following code: ...
Brennan's user avatar
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Heteroscedasticity consistent (HC) standard error analysis and interaction effects in an OLS

I have made a model with several variables, and 8 of them interact with a dummy to find interaction effects. These are added stepwise, resulting in three models. Now, through a Breusch-Pagan test I ...
DBoet's user avatar
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Evidence for heteroscedasticity from unordered values

I'm fitting a linear regression model on a dataset about how many upvotes a certain post will get based on its views, its author's reputation ecc. To satisfy the normality assumptions I performed a ...
Lilla's user avatar
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Multiple linear regression: homoscedasticity or heteroscedasticity

Regarding the multiple linear regression: I read that the magnitude of the residuals should not increase with the increase of the predicted value; the residual plot should not show a ‘funnel shape’, ...
Pansen1515's user avatar
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Using coeftest results in predict.lm() in R [closed]

I am analyzing a dataset in which the variance of the error term in my regression is not constant for all observations. For this, I re-built the model, estimating heteroskedasticity-robust (Huber-...
Celeste's user avatar
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In the presence of heteroskedasticity, is quantile regression more appropiate than OLS?

..for understanding the relationship between a dependent and independent variables, given that quantile regression makes no assumptions about the distribution of the residual.
StatsScared's user avatar
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Constant Variance Assumption in Linear Regression

It seems to me that the following plot of "Residuals Vs. Fitted Values" violates the assumption of constant variance, since for lower fitted values, there are fewer points whereas for higher fitted ...
user149054's user avatar