According to Theorem 8.8 in Time Series by A.W. van der Vaart, an ARMA process $$ \phi (L)X_t=\theta(L)\epsilon_t $$ has a unique stationary solution $X_t=\psi(L)\epsilon_t$ with $\psi=\theta/\phi$ if $\phi$ has no roots on the complex unit circle. This would imply that the explosive process, with $\rho>1$, is a stationary process $$ X_t=\rho X_{t-1}+\epsilon_t $$ with stationary solution $X_t=\sum_{i=1}^\infty \rho^{-i}\epsilon_{t+i}$.
Now indeed $\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \rho^{-i} < \infty$ so that weak stationarity can be proved by using this representation.
However, here on Stack Exchange I see a lot of question/answers that suggest that the process above is not stationary (see for example Are explosive ARMA(1, 1) processes stationary? and Non-Stationary: Larger-than-unit root). In particular, the accepted answer of the latter question claims that the process is non-stationary by simulating a series and showing it displays explosive trending behaviour.
I think the only way to reconcile the theorem I mention above and the plots in the accepted answer of (Non-Stationary: Larger-than-unit root) is the following: the explosive process is indeed stationary but non-ergodic, that is, we cannot find the statistical properties of $X_t$ such as $\mathbb{E}(X_t)=\mu$ by observing a single infinitely long sample path of the explosive process, mathematically: $$\lim_{t \to \infty}\frac{1}{t}\sum_{t=1}X_t \neq\mathbb{E}X_t$$
Is this reading correct?