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Zombie.js unable to access dataset property of DOM elements

I have a page which contains a rich-text editor. I used CKEditor for this. You pass it a div element and it loads the editor into that element. Now I wanted to write integration tests for that page. ...
Laura L.'s user avatar
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Killing zombie.js browser object

I've got a problem with lambda function timing out. It times out because of zombie.js JavaScript browser. const login = async (url, pass) => { const Browser = require('zombie'); var browser = ...
Pawel's user avatar
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Zombie.js Click input type image

I use Node.js along with Zombie.js for scraping. On some pages, I need to click a Javascript link the part that I want to click is <input type="image" name="ok" src="" height="...
Firas's user avatar
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How to save the downloadable file link in zombie.js

I am scrapping a website using node.js and zombie.js. I am facing an issue where in a file I have an anchor which holds the link to download a pdf file. If I click it using browser.clickLink() ...
umair.ashfr's user avatar
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Looking for a program, that supports DOM funtions and run javascript in linux server, just like a browser but without User Interface

Currently, I create chart in client browser, using highcharts; Export them as svg with highcharts inbuilt export option; I use canvg to generate png base64 image string from exported svg; Then, I ...
Jeffrin John's user avatar
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Zombie.js - Check if Checkbox is selected and How to know where exactly test case is getting failed

I am trying to achieve functional testing on a HTML page using Zombie.js[headless browser] and Mocha[testing framework]. Below is my HTML page <div id="toggle" style="display:none">Hello ...
Tanmay Dubey's user avatar
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Uncaught NetworkingError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined Error

I'm getting the following error when trying to run the following code. My goal is to delete all items in both the User and Item tables. User and Item correspond to Dynamoose models. The for loop is ...
Charlie Fish's user avatar
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Wait until page is load Zombie testing node

While executing this test I allways get a timeout error. I need to uncomment the this.timeout function in order to get this working properly...I thought the done callback was called when page was ...
Frnnd Sgz's user avatar
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Zombie.js Error: Timeout: did not get to load all resources on this page

I'm having a problem where Zombie.js is throwing an error Error: Timeout: did not get to load all resources on this page. It's always super random and always seems to happen on a different test. I ...
Charlie Fish's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why doesn't Zombie.js work with Google Charts?

I have a simple web page that loads the Google Chart API: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> ...
ladenedge's user avatar
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Install ZombieDriver for Mink/Behat under Windows

The installation instructions at are (a) incomplete and (b) Linux only. How can I install ZombieDriver on Windows?
Thomas Landauer's user avatar
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Use promise to delay mocha

I'm using mocha and zombie. My goal is to load data from website <a> tags from website then query name and href. So far this is working: const Browser = require('zombie') const browser = new ...
Maciej Kozieja's user avatar
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How to handle unlimited scrolling/dynamic loading with CasperJS (PhantomJS) on Twitter

Trying to handle unlimited scrolling on Twitter, page doesn't seem to be loading dynamic content even though I'm scrolling to the bottom. I'm doing a quick test to see if content even loads with the ...
PGT's user avatar
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How to find multiple elements on headless browser and click them after a timeout

I want to detect elements in the DOM without a specific child, and then click the ones without the child after a timeout. There is no way to explicitly and directly find the elements only get all ...
PGT's user avatar
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What is the difference between Zombie.js and Jasmine?

May I know what is the difference between Zombie.js and Jasmine? are they both frameworks?
user5125652's user avatar
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ReferenceError: requirejs is not defined at

I am using Mocha with Zombie.js to test my application which uses require.js. I have the following content in the test.js file: process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test'; var express = require('express'), ...
Stefan Ciprian Hotoleanu's user avatar
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Why I can't check google login with zombie.js?

I have a web app and I want to test google login with zombie.js and mocha. My code looks like this: ... describe('Google login', function() { this.timeout(100000); const server = init_server; ...
alexarsh's user avatar
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How to login into the Wordpress admin with zombie.js?

I am trying to login in to my Wordpress site but seems like the login cannot be successful. describe('Administrator', function(){ const browser = new Browser(); this.timeout(10000); ...
l2aelba's user avatar
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NPM erros when installing zombie 4.2.1 on Centos 6.7

I'm running a vagrant bento/centos-6.7 box. My node version is v6.9.1 and my npm version is 3.10.8. When I run npm install [email protected] I get the following error: node-gyp rebuild make: Entering ...
Christopher Francisco's user avatar
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Zombie.js - Test if object property found

Im a bit new of Zombie.js testing, and hard to search so I will ask here ... Example : (Globla variable) hello = {"world" : "...."} So I test something like : describe('Check varibles', function() ...
l2aelba's user avatar
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Behat with local Zombie installation

I'm having troubles with Zombie.js and Behat. I'm trying to install it locally to the project (as we're trying not to depend on global packages) but I keep getting Error: Cannot find module 'zombie/...
Christopher Francisco's user avatar
3 votes
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Zombie.js Click Javascript Link

I use Node.js along with Zombie.js for scraping. On some pages, I need to click a Javascript link Here is the example of the page And ...
CherryBelle's user avatar
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Zombie.js Mink Behat not working

I have been struggling with getting to zombie.js work with mink behat. Below is the minimized version of my files. composer.json { "require": { "behat/mink": "^1.7", "behat/mink-zombie-...
Salal Aslam's user avatar
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NodeJS Express | ReactJS component causes timeout error while testing a view using Mocha and ZombieJS

I have added to my Node ExpressJS app some components in ReactJS. Since I introduced these components, my tests are failing due to timeout error. My test suites is including mocha, zombie, chai and ...
mabe02's user avatar
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Zombie.js - How to check the result of a form submission on DB?

Goal: Using Mocha, Zombie.js, and Mongoose, I am trying to test a signup form. I want to make sure that the user is added to the database using the following code: describe('User Signup', function() {...
kag359six's user avatar
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Zombie getting error Unhandled rejection Error: Timeout: did not get to load all resources on this page

I am new to zombie JS. I want to fill the login fields and post the login form. I tried to code this in zombiejs, but getting below error. Unhandled rejection Error: Timeout: did not get to load all ...
Sapna Maid's user avatar
8 votes
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Zombie.js pressButton Long Callback Delay

I've been trying to figure this out by using a bunch of console.logs and still can't figure out why these load times are so long. So I have the following code in my beforeEach in my Mocha unit test ...
Charlie Fish's user avatar
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Zombie.js jQuery Load Error 'j.getClientRects is not a function'

So first I have read this Stack Overflow question and it doesn't look like my same issue. Basically I'm trying to use Mocha and Zombie.js to run some tests on my Node.js site. I'm trying to check to ...
Charlie Fish's user avatar
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How to modify/fake document.referrer in any existing headless browser?

Idea is to be able to modify document.referrer variable just before any JavaScript execution on website loaded by headless browser. What browser to use is not relevant, I have tried PhantomJS and ...
kaytrance's user avatar
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Error while processing event 'click': "SyntaxError: Unexpected token u\n

I am using basic features with MinkZombieDriver. my node -v 5.2.0, npm -v 3.10.5, mink-zombie-driver v1.4.0 .. behat.yml default: extensions: Behat\MinkExtension: base_url: 'https://...
Hasan's user avatar
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zombie : ajax call don't work

I'm using behat/mink with zombie.js for testing. Everything workedwell so far, until I wanted to test an ajax call. I'm using an API ( to convert money. This part works well : the user choose ...
ramsey_lewis's user avatar
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Testing with Zombie.js across two browsers

I'm building a real time chat app using node and Having problems trying to feature test using Zombie. The app itself is working fine in browser but test is failing with the message ...
Toby Wilkins's user avatar
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Node.js, Express, Mocha, Zombie missing bindings file

I'm following the Web Development with Node and Express tutorial by Ethan Brown published by OReilly. In the fifth chapter Mocha is used with Zombie to test basic functionality but it isn't working ...
Manics lie ohm's user avatar
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Debounce function not firing in Cucumber.js & Zombie.js feature test

I have a feature test that tests the following Given I am on "search" listing When I search for "31380" by "instance-id" Then "1" "orders" are shown The #instance-id input has a debounce function ...
Foxhoundn's user avatar
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How can I unit test my facebook login using passport js in mocha nodejs?

I am new to unit testing. I have been writing test case using mocha for Nodejs. In my case need to write test case for facebook login. I have firstly tried with facebook-mock but i was not able to ...
Janani's user avatar
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Zombie.js pressButton how to access post-ajax version of the browser?

I'm using zombie.js to automate testing of browser actions, in this case clicking on a button to submit a form. Outside of the tests, in the real browser, when the button is clicked, an AJAX request ...
s2t2's user avatar
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Checking JavaScript AJAX loaded resources with Mink/Zombie in PHP?

I'm trying to test a page, which otherwise uses massive asynchronously loaded JavaScript resources, with PHP script that uses Mink and Zombie. Unfortunately, this process fails (leaving behind hanging ...
sdbbs's user avatar
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PHP Mink/Zombie - handling hanging processes after a fatal exception?

I'm using the PHP script with Mink+Zombie driver (install as on nodejs cannot find module 'zombie' with PHP mink) from here: PHP Mink/Zombie - page visit returns status code 0? ; re-posting ...
sdbbs's user avatar
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nodejs cannot find module 'zombie' with PHP mink

I'm trying out Mink (PHP) on Ubuntu 14.04; I basically did the following: $ apt-show-versions nodejs nodejs:amd64/trusty 0.10.45-1nodesource1~trusty1 uptodate $ npm -v 2.15.1 $ sudo npm install -g ...
sdbbs's user avatar
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How to press an <a> link with zombie.js?

I am using behavior driven development with cucumber-js, and trying to write a test to follow a link, and I have the following code: When I click "Add page" this.When(/^I click "([^"]*)"$/, function(...
Alexandru Olaru's user avatar
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zombie.js how do i select from a dropdown

I have a blank page with a single select box which contains IP address' as values and i want to select a single value using zombine.js one of them. this.browser.fill('select', ''); ...
Pandem1c's user avatar
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How can i test on readonly input with zombie.js and node.js

I would like to to a browser.assert in my mocha tests with zombie.js. How can i select / test the readonly flag for the bootstrap input field (i use jade) input.form-control(name="OSMUser",id="...
TheFive's user avatar
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How to run an external script in mocha

This might be a silly question, but I've got to ask the community anyways. I am using Zombie.js and Mocha for my test and I have an external script named:external.js. // external.js module.exports =...
Ezekiel's user avatar
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ZombieJS: intermittently crashes when called repeatedly from a for loop

I have a ZombieJS node server on Heroku scrapping data from the internet. The server code is called from a for loop on the client side. Each iteration of the loop makes a server call which makes a ...
user3320795's user avatar
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zombie.js-triggered AJAX requests don't complete

I'm trying to write unit tests with Zombie.js. My problem is that AJAX requests aren't finishing when initiated using browser.evaluate, even though they execute fine when included on the page with a ...
statusfailed's user avatar
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Zombie.JS not executing page javascript

I have a simple html form that runs a javascript function on submit however the function does not appear to run when I run a simple Acceptance test using Zombie.js <!doctype html> <html lang=...
Mark Tyers's user avatar
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check multiple classes with zombie.js

Using zombie and mocha to test the frontend of the website. Zombie documentation says: assert.className(selection, className, message): Asserts that selected element(s) has that and only that ...
boomcode's user avatar
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Quill.js and zombie.js

Trying to test quill.js editor (contenteditable div) in the zombie.js headless browser. Complaining about document.getSelection missing Complaining about document.createTreeWalker missing Doesn't ...
goofballLogic's user avatar
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How to know which APIs zombie.js have?

In the example of Zombie.js there is code as following: const Browser = require('zombie'); // ... const browser = new Browser(); // ... browser .fill('email', '[email protected]') ....
slayerxj's user avatar
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Zombie.js is not executing javascript

I am using zombie.js with node to request a site. But all I get back is the raw HTML, before JS has executed. var Browser = require('zombie'); var browser = new Browser(); browser.visit('http://...
wazzaday's user avatar
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