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Zombie.js Mink Behat not working

I have been struggling with getting to zombie.js work with mink behat. Below is the minimized version of my files. composer.json { "require": { "behat/mink": "^1.7", "behat/mink-zombie-...
Salal Aslam's user avatar
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Debounce function not firing in Cucumber.js & Zombie.js feature test

I have a feature test that tests the following Given I am on "search" listing When I search for "31380" by "instance-id" Then "1" "orders" are shown The #instance-id input has a debounce function ...
Foxhoundn's user avatar
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How to press an <a> link with zombie.js?

I am using behavior driven development with cucumber-js, and trying to write a test to follow a link, and I have the following code: When I click "Add page" this.When(/^I click "([^"]*)"$/, function(...
Alexandru Olaru's user avatar
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Zombie.js not playing nice with Backbone form submissions

Not sure if it's on my end or zombie.js's, but I cannot seem to get this very simple zombie.js script to work on my Backbone app. Is it something entirely on my end, or is it a known issue that ...
joeellis's user avatar
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Mocha and ZombieJS

I'm starting a nodejs project and would like to do BDD with Mocha and Zombiejs. Unfortunately I'm new to just about every buzzword in that sentence. I can get Mocha and Zombiejs running tests fine, ...
Joel's user avatar
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Node.js and coffeescript -- testing app with Mocha and Zombie

I am trying to test a node.js webapp I have started working on with Mocha and Zombie. But there are a few things I still don't understand and would like some help. Please note that I am using express ...
joque's user avatar
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Best practices for testing views in a Django profile app?

I want to write some tests for views in a Django profile app. The views have some smart error-handling logic. e.g. if we try to create a profile, but the profile already exists, then just redirect to ...
Joseph Turian's user avatar