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WPF - Create a ListView that can Wrap its Content to an Specific Shape

If possible to create a listView that can Wrap its content to a specific shape instead of rectangular? So when its content touched the border it can go to next line What I tried is create a shape by ...
GYNB's user avatar
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Something like a resizeable WrapPannel in WPF

I am looking for a wrappanel or rather something that works similarly. The wrappanel grabs the Uielement in a new line, but the elements are not dynamic in width, but static. The setting »...
formeo's user avatar
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image gallery with scrollviewer - wrap panel does not respect boundaries of scroll viewer

I'm trying to create a gallery-style layout with a ScrollViewer and a WrapPanel in WPF, but the WrapPanel is extending beyond the boundaries of the ScrollViewer. I've tried setting the ...
julian bechtold's user avatar
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Autosize and scale WrapPannel

I would like to have a wrap panel (or similar) with a bunch of names scale the text size to fill all available space (from left to right and top to bottom) the best it can when i change the size of ...
Cedric's user avatar
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clearing child controls from wrappanel does not clear memory and references

Issue I have a wrappanel which is beeing used to apply tags to an image. Tags can be added and removed: The problem is the following: Upon removing an element, the memory is not released and also ...
julian bechtold's user avatar
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System.Windows.Data Error: 25 : ItemTemplate and ItemTemplateSelector are not valid for item Type='CheckBox' in Debug Output

i`m looking for quite some time through the WWW with out Success my Debug Output get flooded with System.Windows.Data Error: 25 : ItemTemplate and ItemTemplateSelector are not valid for item Type=...
Deagle's user avatar
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WPF Wrap Panel that outlines 4 columns at a time

I have a list view with a wrap panel as its itemsPanelTemplate. The items in the wrap panel are going to be displayed in pages in groups of 28. I would like to draw a box around every 28 items, or ...
John Schruben's user avatar
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How to 'wrap' the columns (not the text/content) of a WPF DataGrid?

I'm trying to implement a solution where I can 'wrap' a WPF DataGrid - by that I mean that the entire columns and rows wrap, not their text or content (see image below). I have a set of data comprised ...
Luke's user avatar
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WrapPanel hides half of the last uiElement of each line

Each UserControl I have in a stackPanel has a WrapPanel, and each UserControl in this WrapPanel is a word (so they have a different size from each other, depending on the length of the word), so that ...
Rayane Staszewski's user avatar
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Add border when setting wrap panel in an itemscontrol

I'm using ItemsControl, and set ItemsPanel to WrapPanel, so I can show the data in multi-columns. Now I want to add a border to each item, just like DataGrid. But the border always overlapping. So how ...
Vincent's user avatar
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How to make usercontrol on a WrapPanel fill correctly each line

I am looking for a way to make the UserControl fill each line without letting a blank zone at the end of the line. That's my WrapPanel: <ScrollViewer VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Margin=&...
thecoureurdu23's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to correctly implement VirtualizingWrapPanel in WPF

I'm kinda new to WPF and I am having a few issues with the performance of my application. The solution should be a VirtualizingWrapPanel. I made some research and there are not many tutorials or ...
zKeviin's user avatar
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WPF Vertical WrapPanel stretch to fill space

I want to build a WrapPanel with some elements, e.g. labels, and I while they are all beneath on another, I want the to fill the entire horizontal space. As far as I can tell, the WrapPanel fills the ...
theSimbox's user avatar
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Can't get ScrollViewer to work within ItemsControl>WrapPanel

I have the following code: <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding ItemsList}" Visibility="{Binding HmiState, Converter={StaticResource IsHmiViewState}}"> <ItemsControl....
Al Anderson's user avatar
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How to setup a vertical WPF WrapPanel to use as much columns as possible

I have an ItemsControl with WrapPanel as ItemsPanel. The ItemsControl is inside a ScrollViewer. Depending on how wide the window is, the ItemsControl/WrapPanel shall have more columns to make more use ...
Martini Bianco's user avatar
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How to display days in calendar properly using wrapPanels?

I am writing a WPF application. I have a Calendar and Buttons for previous (<), current (today) and next (>) month. My problem is, when I switch a month for next or previous, first day of each ...
mateuszj's user avatar
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Dynamically adjust ItemWidth in WrapPanel

I am using WPF MVVM. I have the following code: <ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"> <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding ItemCollection}" Height="160&...
Simon's user avatar
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WPF - WrapPanel Child Item Height

There is a WrapPanel. When I add a new post, it looks like the photo below. If the height of the new item is larger than the old item in the row, height is increases. How I can I do without increasing?...
Torchizm's user avatar
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Can I use a WrapPanel to organize ListView group headers?

I would like to be able to use a WrapPanel to wrap by group header instead of by item. I have implemented the following ICollectionView view for a ListView bound to an ObservableCollection studentlist:...
SAG's user avatar
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Wrappanel Not Updating After Drag&Drop Files

I have a View that has ItemsControl and Wrappanel inside it. By using Drag&Drop files I am trying to update the Wrappanel. I have all data related to files in a JsonFile. There is no problem with ...
Emre Kadan's user avatar
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WrapPanel get First child element when resizing

I have a user control PianoScore and it has WrapPanel in order to display many bars. For example, here is a piano score with 8 bars. <ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"> <...
Joy Hyuk Lee's user avatar
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WrapPanel does not Wrap in Reponsive Container

Problem So, I have a WrapPanel that contains a dynamic list of cards such as you can see here. The cards change size according to the size of their content (basically the name) and all cards have the ...
Angevil's user avatar
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WPF wrappanel: manage horizontal and vertical behaviour

is there any way to obtain this layout using a WPF Wrappanel? B and C in the pictures should be vertically aligned in horizontal mode and horizontally aligned in vertical mode. Letters orientation ...
michele74c's user avatar
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Could someone show me how to use this UniformWrapPanel?

Here is the link describing it: I have two questions. 1) In the article the UniformWrapPanel Class is ...
Astralogic's user avatar
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WrapPanel children order

i use WPF and add WrapPanel children in User Control panel. like that: SearchPanel sp = new SearchPanel(); sp.Clock = clock; sp.Name = item.CustomerTwo; sp.Color = "Purple"; wPanel.Children.Add(sp);...
x76's user avatar
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Animated ListBox Item when scrolling in WPF

I need advice. How can I create an animation of items in the ListBox with scrolling, see the picture. I need to achieve the same animation when using WrapPanel. I will be glad for any advice. ...
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Can WPF Listview has an element with different height that is embed in layout?

I've a listview that is dynamically populated by code. In some case I need to put a note that has different height respect other components. My goal is to have Note and listview items wrap all around, ...
Alan Serpini's user avatar
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ScrollViewer has line across at topmost and bottommost positions

I have a ScrollViewer, which contains a set of items in a WrapPanel. The xaml tree is as follows: <Grid> <ScrollViewer> <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding xyz}" Tag="{Binding ....
bb723584's user avatar
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WPF Best way to add generated Content

currently do it like this: <Grid VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Grid.Column="2"> <ListBox Name="lb_right" Background="Red"> <ListBox.Resources> ...
user3600403's user avatar
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Set maximum line count for WrapPanel containing text and images?

Is there a way to set a maximum line count for a WPF WrapPanel? The goal would be to max out at 2 lines and add an ellipses if the content would normally wrap to a 3rd line. The trick is that the ...
Bill Tarbell's user avatar
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How to draw a WrapPanel in a specific way in XAML / WPF

I have a listbox of elements, and I set the ItemPanel as a WrapPanel as I want my Panel to wrap every 4 elements. I used the following: <ListBox.ItemsPanel> <ItemsPanelTemplate> ...
NTinkicht's user avatar
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Is there a way to stop items in a wrap panel from wrapping "too soon"?

I am trying to dynamically add buttons into a wrappanel that is inside a scrollviewer. I am having no problems adding the buttons, but I am having troubles with the wrap panel bring the buttons up "...
Matthew's user avatar
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WPF WrapPanel inside WrapPanel without free space

I have the following situation: Inside my main page, I have an ItemsControl and the ItemsPanelTemplate is set to a WrapPanel <ItemsControl Grid.Row="1" ItemsSource="{Binding StepItems}" x:Name="...
Caipigott's user avatar
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WPF Datagrid Inside WrapPanel?

I have a lot of columns in my DataGrid and would like to be able to put it into a wrap panel so it has the ability to resize while still displaying all of it's contents. Here's a visual example: No ...
Zach R's user avatar
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Sizing Viewboxes in wrapPanel

I'm trying to get a wrappanel to display multiple controls that are in a view box to all size automatically so that they will all be displayed as big as they can be without any of them disappearing ...
user10803474's user avatar
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Expand item of WrapPanel over other items in WPF

I am trying to create a list of items where items can be expanded over other items on hover/click/some other event. Currently I am using a WrapPanel and I'm binding Items to ItemsControl's ...
Marcin Bator's user avatar
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Grouping issue in Virtualizing Wrap Panel

I am displaying around 1000+ images in my WPF application. All these images are grouped using "GroupID" property. Since I have to take care of memory ,I have used VirtualizingStackPanel and secondly I ...
Nap William's user avatar
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WPF Wrappanel in Listbox

I want to display several images in a vertical scrolling list, but these images are subdivided into several groups that must be distiguishable by the user. To achive this, I use a ListView which items ...
dontspeak's user avatar
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Custom WrapPanel weird behavior - Is Layout Broken vol.2

Im trying to create a WrapPanel that stretches its children horizontally when there's space. I've used the solution provided here: How to make WPF wrappanel child items to stretch?, althought it doesn'...
Brat Wiekszy's user avatar
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WPF custom shaped wrap panel

I have a Window with a WrapPanel containing a variable number of custom items. By clicking on an item I need to display a panel containing some information about the item selected. While displaying ...
Fabio L.'s user avatar
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Error adding WrapPanel

I created a new blank Windows 10 Universal app and tried to add a WrapPanel exactly as per the sample code in the link: WrapPanel XAML Control I am getting the following error message on wrapPanel:...
slayernoah's user avatar
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WrapPanel with 2 items WPF

I want to show a big text next to an image, in a resizable window. I found here that it's pssible to use a WrapPanel, but this control need a fixed width and the width of my window is not fixe. I ...
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4 answers

Is there any way to occupy blank space in WrapPanel automatically?

The Children of WrapPanel are populated sequentially like attached screenshot. Therefore, according to the length of each child, the Panel makes long blank space. How can I utilize the blank space ...
Kay Lee's user avatar
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Modifying Custom WrapPanel to add linebreak functionality

I'm trying to modify the solution found here to have a separate method that will insert a linebreak. What I was able to do so far is very hackish but I basically inserted a control type that I don't ...
Jackie Jones's user avatar
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WrapPanel not wrapping when using it with ItemControl

I have a WrapPanel that I'm filling in my ViewModel with UserControls: <WrapPanel Width="250" Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="3"> <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding ...
kuemme01's user avatar
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Unable to reorder items in GridView when WrapPanel is used UWP

And am creating a sorting app and in some cases i will hide the gridview item and i encountered the same error as this person: Hide GridViewItem and reposition items in GridView So I implemented ...
Annonymous177's user avatar
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WrapPanel doesnt wrap horizontal with DataTemplate

I'm filling a two WrapPanel with Buttons via DataTemplate but they all align vertically for some reason, what exactly is wrong here? It doesn't matter if I set the Orientation property or not. XAML: ...
Elsbeth's user avatar
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WPF ListBoxItem with WrapPanel doesn't wrap when vertical scrollbar is visible

I have a WPF ListView containing multiple ItemsControl that have WrapPanels. The items wrap as expected as long as there is no scrollbar visible. When there is a scrollbar visible, when the window ...
eriksmith200's user avatar
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WPF Wrappanel nicely aligned Textblocks and Textboxes

I have been banging my head for a few hours trying to figure out how can I have my textblocks and textboxes aligned in a Wrappanel. I have tried everything that I could find on stackoverflow but the ...
Cosmin's user avatar
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Cutom WPF WrapPanel with overridden OnVisualChildrenChanged won't work as expected

I am working on an app on Windows, and I want a Panel that layouts its children like this: The closest I find in WPF panels is a WrapPanel with a vertical orientation which has a layout like this: ...
Pejman's user avatar
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