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3 answers

Windows Phone 8 more Items in column - row as template

I'm new in Windows Phone 8 development and I want to create a page with any number of items sorted in first row-four columns and second row- one column as this great image shows. Thanks!!
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wrappanel listbox item select event

I have used wrappanel and listbox to display my items on wp7. but item click event does not working. my code is as follow <Grid x:Name="ContentPanel" Grid.Row="1" Height="Auto"> <...
Kevan's user avatar
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Keeping one Tile Constant in a Wrap Panel

Is their anyway of keeping one tile at a constant position in a wrap panel and having all the added items (currently implementing through a listbox, so listboxitems) wrap around this item. For ...
Justin Dalrymple's user avatar
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Check if the WrapPanel is overflowed?

I'm currently doing some pagination things. I would like to know if I can check whether the TextBlock inside of the wrappanel is overflowed or not? By the way I would like to ask if you know something ...
Tuấn Nguyễn's user avatar
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Wrappanel in ItemsControl.ItemsPanel throws XamlParseException

In my wp8 app I show some content (images for example). I use LongListSelector, and in each LLS's item have ItemsControl with collection of images. I want to show two images in one line, so I use a ...
Dima Serdechnyi's user avatar
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How do I animate adding an item to a Silverlight Toolkit WrapPanel

I'm building eyecandy to a WP7 application. I have a WrapPanel and I'm adding items to it in code. Instead of just popping up, I'd like these items to slide in to the WrapPanel one by one. How ...
Esa's user avatar
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How to wrap ItemsPanel in LongListSelector?

I am using listbox and wrappanel for displaying data. For example: <ListBox ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ItemTemplateListBoxAnimation}"> <ListBox.ItemsPanel> <...
Serhii Kyslyi's user avatar
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WP7 toolkit wrappanel virtualization [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: WP7 Virtualizing WrapPanel I am using wrappanel control in Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone to display 100+ images. But the wrappanel does not support UI virtualization (...
Alex's user avatar
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Wrap-Panel reording items using drag and drops

I need to change position of items in WrapPanel (or stack-panel with horizontal orientation) using dragging when user touches with it. I tried MouseDragElementBehavior, but it changes position for ...
Roman Golenok's user avatar
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how to change in panorama horizontal width in windows phone 7

I would like to create a page in panorama in WP7, using wrap panel in the content. I would like to create something like the People Hub, a few hubtile (i.e. 5) and spend across the width larger than ...
Snake Chia's user avatar
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Windows Phone 7 Wrappanel visibility

I have a list that displays a bunch of images in gridview style, the following is my code: <controls:PanoramaItem x:Name="Pano_Photos" Header="photos"> <ListBox x:Name="...
Alex's user avatar
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Wrap panel in windows-phone 7

I want to use wrap panel in my silverlight phone application. I downloaded and installed the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit - Aug 2011.msi, but I can't still use wrap panel. Is there any other ...
aakpro's user avatar
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Use Wrappanel in LongListSelector

I am currently using the LongListSelector from the latest release of the Silverlight Toolkit. What I now want to do, is to arrange several items in one line, just like in the Wrappanel, but I don't ...
Nuker's user avatar
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How to set WrapPanel itemsource to list?

I want to show in WrapPanel a list of images. How can I do that or maybe I shall use other control ?
Aram Gevorgyan's user avatar
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How to adjust control to fit to the screen inside a listbox?

I am trying to create listbox with images wrapped in a wrappanel. I want to show the items fit to screen. like if the items width is less than the available screen width then the items should be ...
master.fake's user avatar
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Virtualizing WrapPanel for WP7

I need to create a wrap panel with my facebook friends, meaning the itemcount is over 400, and it takes 5-10 seconds for all the items to load. <ListBox.ItemsPanel> <...
Igor Meszaros's user avatar
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WrapPanel Content Alignment

I have a toolkit:WrapPanel showing in my WP7 app, I have 5 items and the first row only has enough space for 3 items, I would like the wrap panel to place 3 items on the first row, followed by the 2 ...
Joseph Le Brech's user avatar
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Wrap Panel is not wrapping DataItems

I have WrapPanel where I want the control inside of it to go horizontally and centered, but when I have a listbox or a ItemsControl those elements just go downwards. <toolkit:WrapPanel> &...
Joseph Le Brech's user avatar
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Wrap Panel in ListBox

I have the following XAML code: <DataTemplate x:Key="FriendsDataTemplate"> <toolkit:WrapPanel Orientation="Horizontal" ItemWidth="173" ItemHeight="233"> <Grid ...
VansFannel's user avatar
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DataList equivelant for WP7?

I'm trying to databind a list of image thumbnails in a grid fashion. In, I would use something like the DataList and set my repeat columns to 4 or 5. Simple. I'm going through different ...
earthling's user avatar
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Windows Phone 7 WrapPanel within a ScrollViewer

I've got a page with the following XAML in my application. <ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"> <toolkit:WrapPanel x:Name="WrapPanelImages" /> </ScrollViewer> In ...
Praetorian's user avatar
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