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How does an event handler of type PropertyChangedEventHandler get subscribed to PropertyChanged event?

I have a class of type TEntity which is bound to a View: public class TEntity { private string _name; public string Name { get {return _name;} set {_name = ...
Suraj's user avatar
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Threestate checkbox inital binding Windows Store App / RT

my checkbox doesn't bind the initial value correctly on startup: <CheckBox IsThreeState="True" IsChecked="{Binding StartWithSettings,Mode=TwoWay}"/> The checkbox is displayed empty on startup, ...
tronc's user avatar
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Developing a Kinect Speech Recognition app for a Surface table

I'm currently developing a Kinect Speech Recognition application. The target platform will be a Surface tablet although the model hasn't been decided. The application itself will allow interaction ...
user3019217's user avatar
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Changing what DataTemplate is used by a GridView programmatically

I am creating a Windows RT app that uses a main GridView to list videos. The videos are shown as thumbnails and clicking on the thumbnail takes you to another page that shows the video. My question ...
Jeff Pegg's user avatar
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WPF .exe application file is not working in Windows 8 surface Tablet

Am new to WPF .Previously was worked with Windows 8 /Windows phone application developer. I created a List application using ListBox in WPF. Since i wanted to test the application on a touch device i ...
asitis's user avatar
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WPF touch application for Windows 8

I know it is possible to do a Touch Application for Windows 7 using the Surface SDK in Visual Studio 2010. I would like to do the same thing in a Windows 8 environment but Surface is unfortunately not ...
user1630939's user avatar
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Coding for Silverlight, WPF and Windows RT

We have a VS2012 solution that contains two class library projects, one that produces a Silverlight DLL and one a standard .NET DLL. The class files are shared ("Add as Link") between the two ...
littlecharva's user avatar
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Microsoft Surface Tablet: Writing Apps for Both Devices?

I'm having trouble finding info right now; it might still be too early. But I'm curious if developers will be able to easily write an application that can target both the ARM and Intel versions of the ...
Peder Rice's user avatar
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