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TPM provisioning on Windows 10 IoT Enterprise

I have a UWP background app running on Windows 10 IoT Enterprise. Currently I am in the audit mode and setting up everything. I need help with the steps to setup TPM so that I can provision my device ...
Preksha Butani's user avatar
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Run a WSL-2 Ubuntu script on Windows 10 using Task Scheduler

I'm running Windows 10 Enterprise (22H2) I've installed Ubuntu 20.04 via WSL2 I've written a Python script, to be run within Ubuntu, that accepts input. I've configured the Windows Task Scheduler ...
RightmireM's user avatar
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ClickOnce setup.exe not working. new problem besides known issue reinstalling?

I am on KB5028849 as latest update and before that a security update KB5028166 was installed. Are there any other known issue's besides what is currently known about clickonce app need to be ...
Dimitry Okken's user avatar
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DigitalPersona SDK Runtime issues with Windows 10 IoT Enterprise

I hope someone can help me. We recently purchased a new kiosk model that has a built-in computer. The OS installed on this computer is Windows 10 IoT Enterprise. These kiosks are also equipped with a ...
Marco Renucci's user avatar
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WIM to ISO fails, failure when attempting to copy boot files

I am facing a bit of a conundrum. I've been trying to form an ISO from a WIM for some time now, but always run into the same error: It plays up nicely, merges the swm-files as well, but in the end the ...
Tyramizou's user avatar
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Getting Mac Address and IP through PowerShell Script

I needed to get the MAC address of several PCs as well as there IPs. I came across this command over PowerShell to get the MAC address Get-NetAdapter -Name "*Ethernet*","*Wi-Fi*"| ...
Ebrahim Karam's user avatar
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Windows 10 IoT Enterprise - Soft Real-time Performance with Audio Service enabled

I want to use soft real-time performance on Windows 10 IoT Enterprise, but in the required steps it lists disabling the Windows Audio Service. Is there any way to keep audio on the machine while still ...
P60151's user avatar
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Error applying provisioning package for multi-app kiosk

I am setting up a multi-app kiosk in audit mode on a fresh install of Win 10 IoT Ent LTSC 1809. I've create an XML assigned access file based on:
ti034's user avatar
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Anyone used Unified Write Filter (uwfmgr) and netsh together? I'm seeing some off things after running netsh and then rebooting

I've have a Win10IoT Enterprise image I've built. It is running with Unified Write Filter enabled on the system (C:) volume. I have the following registry exclusions added to the system disk (the ...
martinarcher's user avatar
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Why is the standard output from UWFMGR is not readable unless directed to a file

Not sure if it's something in my code or how I'm handling launching the process but in the code below, if I turn on the boolean outputToFile TRUE, the program will happily output the standard output ...
martinarcher's user avatar
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SetSystemTime crashes Windows 10 if write filters are on

I have a problem whereby sometimes (I haven't yet managed to figure out a pattern, it only happens every few times I try) if my application changes the windows time using SetSystemTime(), Windows ...
komodosp's user avatar
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Shell namespace extension registry on windows 10 IOT enterprise

I am creating a virtual folder with shell namespace extension on windows 10 IOT enterprise. The code I am using come from windows 7 SDK samplesm which is provided by microsoft. Here is the whole ...
beasone's user avatar
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Bluetooth LE GATT server on Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2016

I'm trying to create a GATT service on Windows 10 IoT, which requires the Low Energy Peripheral Role (LEPR). We tried on Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 and it works, but it fails in Windows 10 IoT ...
ososnilknarf's user avatar
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Execute windows 10 IOT cmd command from c# code

Windows10 IOT enterprise has a feature to protect write access on drives. This feature is known as UWF "Unified Write Filter". I enable this feature and protect write access on C drive. Now I am ...
Apoorva Asthana's user avatar
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IoErr (10), message = System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException (0x800007FF): disk I/O error at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Prepare(SQLiteConnection cnn

Please note that I am running a Windows Service application using the .NET Framework 4.6.2, and only occasionally it gets this error: 2019-04-22 18:35:36.7727|ERROR|DataIntegrator.MyService|ERROR: ...
user8128167's user avatar
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Receiving error (Code 52) from a signed driver

Sorry about the length but I wanted to get as much detail as I could in. TL;DR: A driver file I signed using signtool & Verisign is still giving a Code 52 error when I install it. I've created ...
komodosp's user avatar
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programmatically pin to quick access for another (or all) user [duplicate]

using inno-setup, so if there's a better way, please say so. I've got a powershell command that will pin a dir to the quick access. something like: (new-object -com shell.application).NameSpace("D:\")...
Keith's user avatar
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What might be causing vxworks and windows to ignore eachother

I have a machine that boots (simultaneously) VxWork and Windows 10 IoT. The hypervisor sets up two virtual Ethernet adapters. I can see that both exist. The VxWorks VM is sending out UDP packets to ...
Matt Ellen's user avatar
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System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException while trying to create a system restore point using C#

I'm using the following C# code from this stackoverflow post. ManagementScope oScope = new ManagementScope("\\\\localhost\\root\\default"); ManagementPath oPath = new ManagementPath("SystemRestore"); ...
Ed.'s user avatar
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Registering C++ DLL on 64-bit machine

I have a C++ DLL that I wrote that is failing to register on a 64-bit machine. Note the 32-bit version of the DLL registers on a 32-bit machine. We build the DLL on a 64-bit Windows 7 computer using ...
TylerE's user avatar
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UWP app in assigned access mode keeps getting sent back to Windows login screen

I'm running a UWP app in assigned access mode, and I'm noticing that, despite changing the power settings so that the screen saver never comes on, quite often the generic Windows 10 login screen will ...
Amanda_Panda's user avatar
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Windows 10 IoT enterprise DotNet version

I have a very old .NET 2.0 based application which uses a HID-conform USB device to get data into my application. The hardware gets upgraded to a Windows 10 IoT Enterprise based system. I did not ...
S.Spieker's user avatar
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RS-232 not working on windows 10 ioT

Currently I have a simple working windows form application running on windows 7 embedded that talks serially with a scanner. I wish to switch over to windows 10 ioT platform and be able to run the ...
pum1115's user avatar
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'Provider load failure' during installation process

I execute two Powershell scripts during a installation process from a desktop application under Windows 10 IoT Enterprise. %WINDIR%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ...
Niklas's user avatar
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Iotstartup Application data not ready on IoT Enterprise

I have a UWP background app that previously ran on Windows IoT Core that I now need to run on Windows IoT Enterprise (Windows 10 Enterprise) and have been following this tutorial to try and debug it ...
Oliver Hathaway's user avatar
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UWF_Volumes has no entries with CurrentSession=False

since some time now I try to figure out how to correctly setup this new UWF (Unified Write Filter). Unfortunately it seems there is only documentation for Win 8.1 industry (here), not for Win 10. I ...
casiosmu's user avatar
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Diagnosing why a custom shell on Windows 10 IoT gives black screen

I am configuring Windows 10 Enterprise (IoT) to run a custom shell, but running into the "Black screen with nothing other than a cursor" phenomena. My application - a .Net4 Winforms app - is ...
Zippy's user avatar
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