I needed to get the MAC address of several PCs as well as there IPs.
I came across this command over PowerShell to get the MAC address
Get-NetAdapter -Name "*Ethernet*","*Wi-Fi*"| Select Name,MacAddress
I had to use a different Cmdlet to get the IP
Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "*Ethernet*","*Wi-Fi*" -AddressFamily IPv4 | Select InterfaceAlias, IPAddress
The problem arouse when I tried to run them in PowerShell file such as example.ps1
Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias "*Ethernet*","*Wi-Fi*" -AddressFamily IPv4 | Select InterfaceAlias, IPAddress;
Get-NetAdapter -Name "*Ethernet*","*Wi-Fi*"| Select Name,MacAddress;
The result would come as follows and not both cmdlets would run. It was always the first out that ran and it was always after the pause. It drove me nuts
Press Enter to continue...:
InterfaceAlias IPAddress
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How do I make both cmdlets run in PowerShell script and see the outputs? I want them to execute in order and have the pause happen at the end
I can get to run in a bat file if I just add powershell -Command "PS_COMMAND_HERE"