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7k views Issue for Google Maps Platform users [closed]

Today i got a message from google cloud platoform, its mentioned a "Notification Title: [Security Alert]: Issue for Google Maps Platform users" how can we resolve the issue. ...
Manoj Bhanu's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Calling Commands From Other Commands, and answer prompts with yes

I want to create a console command that help me through a site deployment by calling other Artisan commands (a migration, followed by a series of functions that will fill the table with data.) ...
Hoyt Jolly's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

My wordpress website Home Page gets scattered

I have inserted the image, that how my WordPress site homepage is scattered, my other site pages are working properly but home page is not I have installed a theme.
Ayush's user avatar
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0 answers

Why the webpages of my website are not appearing on deployment?

I am deploying my react website through Github pages. Upon clicking on the deployed URL I am getting the following content (similar to github description of commands): Can someone point out where I am ...
Vatsal A Mehta's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why getting The target environment doesn't support dynamic import() syntax error in react?

I have a react application which I want to deploy on netlify.However Im getting the following error: The target environment doesn't support dynamic import() syntax so it's not possible to use ...
Vatsal A Mehta's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

"404 Not Found" on React website subfolders [duplicate]

I have a website at Source code: The issue The internal links to the different pages work. I can click on the &...
superAnnoyingUser's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How to setup composer on hostgator shared hosting? [duplicate]

I have a custom PHP website that uses PHP firebase admin SDK along with composer (Dependency manager). The website is working perfectly on my localhost. when I try to upload my website to the ...
BaazTech's user avatar
0 votes
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how to publish a react js website on gitlab

i created a static react js project and i pushed it to git-lab excluding node modules. But now i am not able to publish my website it is showing deploy failed. but the build was successful. i know ...
Adithye T S's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I am trying to get data form my vuex store but it is giving an error

I am having some trouble with vuex getters in my project. I have a route that displays all users. When I visit that route it shows AllUsers.vue component. Inside this component, I am using UsersList....
Robin's user avatar
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1 answer

How can i test my changes before hitting the Reload button in Pythonanywhere?

I want to test my updates and changes before hitting the Reload button to make sure that there are no server error 500 or any bad thing that could happen so I don't lose users, ...
NeedHelp's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Serving static files with digitalocean

I am using DigitalOcean to serve my static files for my website. I have used Django and Postgres for database. I deployed my site with a DigitalOcean droplet, uploaded my static files in the ...
Alexander Chrome's user avatar
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I cant edit background image. Using The gem theme. Error with custom.css

I keep getting an error, TheGem's styles cannot be customized because file "/home2/stargbb9/public_html/wp-content/themes/thegem-child/css/custom.css" cannot be modified. Please check your server's ...
Ryan Hyndman's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Serving many sites on same address and port without IIS

I need to serve many sites, on the same address and port, with different path, without using IIS. For example, two static sites and one NodeJS server. I want to access them in these addresses: http:/...
cooldave's user avatar
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UI Design (How to make it look professional)

I recently finished (well almost) developing my first Frontend and Backend web development project and hosted it online. I noticed a few errors pop up but I can fix those in due time. The main problem ...
user10083690's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Same background image gets displayed multiple times on the webpage

I've build a simple web page which includes a background image in the body tag and the background-size is set to cover in css file.When i resize my chrome window the original image gets displayed ...
xufor's user avatar
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web2py error: requires web2py 2.15.5 or newer

I'm trying to launch a web2py app I made using pythonanywhere. I packaged the app and then uploaded it using the admin site, but now when I go to the page it's supposed to be on I get the error "...
mmaron's user avatar
  • 21
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1 answer

How can i upload my website?

I'm new to web design. I built a simple website by bootstrap studio and I've exported it. I got a free domain/host from to upload my website. I uploaded my folders (css-js-img-bootstrap) and ...
ali's user avatar
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Failed to start jekyll service

I am following a guide to install jekyll on my server(running CentOS 7) , as I want to get better at web development as a hobby. Disclaimer, I am not using a reverse proxy on this server as I want to ...
Evin Pasqualetti's user avatar
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Having two bootstrap links causes accordion to not work properly

I have included two bootstrap links in my HTML page. This is causing issues with the accoridan I have included. The accordian once opened wont collapse when clicked again. I have figured out that ...
John D.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Alias Multiple Commands in Linux

I am managing a website using git. One of the requirements for the git repository is that bare = true. It uses a post-receive hook to manage pushes from my local computer. The problem is that ...
theEpsilon's user avatar
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Website changes not reflected

After changing something in my website and uploading to the server, I don't see the changes in my browser upon reload. The website loads from cache. It gets reflected after I refresh the page twice or ...
Monicka Akilan's user avatar
1 vote
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Angular - ngRepeat Order before Filter (pagination + ordering)

I have an ngRepeat ng-repeat="row in rows | orderBy:tableOrdering | filter:currentPage" orderBy:tableOrdering will return integers from 1 to 1000 and order in that fashion. filter:currentPage will ...
KernelCurry's user avatar
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git checkout -f results in modified, unstaged files

For my website I have a bare repository (where I push to) and a clone with working directory which serves as document root. In the bare repository I've setup a post-receive hook to auto-update the ...
Blizz's user avatar
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2 answers

I can't remove bottom white portion of my website

I have made a website for my fake business but I can't get the area at the bottom of the page not to be there. So further information, I want the whole page to take up all of the browser window and ...
igeer12's user avatar
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3 answers

How to make same website layout for mobile devices (not responsive)

I've tired for finding an answer of a question. I want a website that can be seen same from mobile or similar device. I don't mean about responsive rather I mean, from mobile visitor can see same ...
user1896653's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails deployment issues with Windows

This is my first website deployment and I'm quite a beginner in web development. I am using Windows and Ruby on Rails and I am having a lot of trouble deploying my website online. Also, I'm using ...
Chris Fahmy's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make same website layout for mobile

I'm having trouble with a website I'm working on. This is the website here. The top navigation bar is not okay at mobile/tablet view. It's okay at desktop only. See the image of mobile view: I don'...
user1896653's user avatar
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deploying website on IIS giving problems why?

i developed an site using forms based authentication, that site is working when i run from visual studio builtin server, but when i deploy it in a IIS server its showing following error when i ...
Raghuveer's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Error when deploying site of a maven multi module project with FTP

I have a multi module project. When I launch mvn site:deploy, the deployment of the base module works fine, but it fails to create the directory of the module sites on the FTP server: [INFO] Error ...
julien's user avatar
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Deploying images after CSS Minification/Merging

I'm using Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4 and MVC 2 on this project with YUI Compressor running as a post build event. The thing is we had one big css file which was not maintainable so we've split it ...
Michael's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

How to share session among Multiple Domains on single website?

I want to share session cookie among domains. I have more than one domain: - 1. 2. 3. 4. mydomain.da ...and many other language based Now, I have single website ...
Waqas Raja's user avatar
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2 answers

Deploy a website in one country

I have a website and i need to deploy it in a single country for example Lebanon. In other words, any request that comes to the website from any other country should not be responded to. I think I ...
Ghyath Serhal's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Git for Websites / post-receive / Separation of Test and Production Sites

I'm using Git to manage my website's source code and deployment, and currently have the test and live sites running on the same box. Following this resource ...
Walt W's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

svn checkout and update without the .svn directory

I have a website under svn and I want to patch the live website with what's currently in the repository (i.e. effectively calling svn update on the live website), but I don't want .svn directories in ...
Charles Ma's user avatar