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SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform 4.3 formula to calculate the total number of re-admission patients within 14 days

I want an SAP Webi Universe formula to calculate the total number of re-admission patients with the same diagnosis within 14 days of discharge. Note: I don't have specific diagnosis. I have Admit Date ...
Raz1122's user avatar
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WEBI: Count student who pass threshold based on running sum

I would like to create a summary report which counts the number of students who have crossed a certain  threshold for the number of hours attended. I would like to create a summary report which counts ...
fhc-cbp's user avatar
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Create a variable to bring multiple values from another table

I am trying to create a webi report from a universe I have creates two queries. The data in query 1 has the following data ID Name 1 Tom 2 Brad 3 George 4 Adam The data in query 2 has the ...
JK36's user avatar
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Webi formula for extracting date from text field

I have got the following web intelligence formula (Business Objects) which works for most of my data to extract a date from a text field; =If(Pos([Note]; “R”) > 0 And Length(Substr([Note]; Pos([...
Blowers's user avatar
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Webi: Creating a calculated dimension?

I have a report with OrderIDs and related boolean dimensions for each order. I want to create a calculated dimension counting the boolean results for each dimension/object. Is this even possible in ...
Sofie H's user avatar
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Conditional "Y/N" cell value based on set of columns?

I want "Date of Milestone Attainment" to be the column i look for in this code to see if there is a date and "received MSG" to say "Yes" or "no" based on if its ...
Ryan Mrozinski's user avatar
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SAP BO WEBI link two queries

I am relatively new to SAP BO and need support with the following requirement: I have 2 queries: The first query contains data with participant names for events. An event has many participants. The ...
Iskasa's user avatar
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How do you construct count measures in a cross-table in Webi Business Objects?

I'm trying to create a series of tables based on various people data, so how many staff work in Team A, Team B and so on (team info at row level) and then split further by types of worker in ...
badger1234's user avatar
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how to create in webi a text input control based on partial text or number for filtering a BO Report

I'm creating an input control in my webi report. I would like to filter a specific column based on the text filled in the input control. This search shoul be partial and could contain number or chars. ...
coeurdange57's user avatar
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Flag by Sales and Date

I'm having a problem with a flag on Webi, I have a universe with stores, product sold and date of sale, another one with store and date in which an specific enhancement was received on the store for ...
IttookJohnLee's user avatar
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Previous Month and Current Month

I'm new in the WEBI report in SAP BusinessObjects and I need to create a variable in the Month(Int) and Year(int) that the output of the report shows the current month and previous month. For example ...
Allison's user avatar
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How to use feature toggles in SAP Webi

As of 4.3 SP4 feature toggles can be defined in the CMC. I am not familiar with these toggles and documentation is scares. Where can I find the available feature toggles and how do I use those in a ...
Raoul Labega's user avatar
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My WEBI report is sorting numbers from source Excel sheet in a binary style

I'm new to WEBI (self taught at work) and am currently having some trouble. I'm running a report from an Excel spreadsheet, where column A is numbers from 1-49. It looks fine in the query preview ...
Carl Stevens's user avatar
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How to display data in webi cross table in different format?

I have the below data | Week | Region | Sales | Profit | | ---- | ------ | ----- | ------ | | 1 | A | 100 | 50 | | 1 | B | 150 | 25 | | 2 | A | 120 | 80 | | 2 ...
Vijay's user avatar
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Align Monthly Results for the Same Control into One Row

I have 12 session results over the course of a year. The results all relate to one control but the control is performed monthly. At the month the table displays as follows: Control Table I would like ...
N Robertson's user avatar
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How to sum without the numbers from duplicate rows?

I have this set of table on my report: Order Id Denomination Unit Amount code 04214214421412 100 80000 1 04214214421412 50 50000 2 0215424214214214 100 90000 1 21421421421 50 6000 1 21421421421 ...
reva dwi's user avatar
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How to handle two parallel fn / procedure calls which rely on the same temporary table

I have a Business Objects Excel report which has 2 worksheets each with multiple columns. For each worksheet BO will do a SELECT from a different pipelined table function in Oracle DB (and each of ...
David McKinney's user avatar
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Aggregating in SAP Business Objects Webi

I think the issue is fairly simple but I can't manage to get to the result. I would like to aggregate the result for each store, but keeping in the report all the rows, including the Client and ...
DatAlessia's user avatar
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BusinessObjects - export cells as 'general'

I created a variable in BusinessObjects that's just an Excel formula. That's all fine, but when I export my report to Excel, it formats the cells as 'Text' but I want it to format them as 'General' (...
user20964314's user avatar
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Webi schedule export csv to outlook

I am new to business objects. I created a report in Webi and then created a daily job to send the report as a csv data file attachment to my outlook inbox. My question is... Will Webi automatically ...
Cookie's user avatar
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SAP WEBI sharing link for webi document as a User

As a User when Open a webi document how can I share the link of the document ? In the browser header i only see the login URL so I cannot copy it from the browser.
András Czeitner's user avatar
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Connecting SAP BO to Snowflake to import data

I have a requirement to import data to Snowflake from SAP BO (WEBI) system. I know the other way round can be done that is getting Snowflake data to SAP BO. But how do I connect the SAP BO system to ...
Purva Shankar's user avatar
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Webi 4.1 BO variable not aggregating

I have created a measure variable: = If IsNull([OBJECT 1]) And IsNull([OBJECT 2]) Then 0 ElseIf Not(IsNull([OBJECT 2])) Then DaysBetween([DATE 1];[DATE 2]) Else DaysBetween([DATE 1];[DATE 3]) ...
ECEUK's user avatar
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WEBI: Trying to get a value based off of 2 other values being true

I have a formula that shows when an account has purchased an item : placement=Sum(If(([Sale Qty]+0>0 And ([Sale Items Qty]+0>=1));1)ForEach([Customer Nbr])) The issue I am having is that I need ...
Jonathan Roach's user avatar
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How to evaluate record for multiple conditions in Webi 4.2?

Each record contains I've created a variable, Category, using if conditions, but it only evaluates the record once. For example, ID 24 is identified as only New when it should be identified as both ...
hlock's user avatar
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How to count value with changing margin in WEBI?

Hi Guys, it sounds easy but it doesn't... Customer got several invoices in specific periods (months). We want to calculate the final amount (total+margin). The problem is that margin is changing ...
bekart's user avatar
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How do I get two rows of data when merging queries and the second contains multiple lines

I'm just started working with Webi (4.3) using the universe. I've created two queries using the drag and drop interface and filters and got it to display most of the data I am interested in by merging ...
JK36's user avatar
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Return only first of the month from column webi business objects

I have a column as below, what can I do to only return only the rows that are the beginning of the month when the query is called. In the case of the image shown it would return 01/04/2017. I dont ...
shazma's user avatar
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Web Intelligence - Countifs

I am trying to use an excel like 'Countifs' function in Business Objects, but it always outputs 1 which is incorrect. How do I replicate this to Business Objects? =IF(COUNTIFS('TabOne'!A:A,[@[Account ...
N30C0rt3X's user avatar
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SAP webi 4.3 get first and last date of a selected month & year

I have a report that’s connected to oracle database. This report takes 2 prompts Month (in number) Year Is there a way that I can get the first date and last date of the selected month & year ? ...
Aragog's user avatar
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How to export Structure from WeBI report

I want to get the technical name of the fields that are used in the WeBI report. Is there a way to export the structure of my report to retrieve the details. Thanks Niki
Niki's user avatar
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Show only last occurence of the field

I have an issue with a report I am trying to make in SAP. The problem is that I want to only show each SR NUM only once. But there are many appearances in my report. I saw that each number has ...
KateB's user avatar
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Webi: On opening, filter data by current user name which can be in or not in a given list (no prompt)

(SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform 4.3 Support Pack 1 Patch 11 Version : Disclosure: I'm not born english speaking, but if I have understood correctly, we should now use "they",...
selsay's user avatar
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Webi Business Objects formula for last day of current year

How do I write a formula for the last day of the current year (i.e. 12/31/2022) in Web Intelligence Business Objects?
Kaleb Simmons's user avatar
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Rows aggregation by string concatenation?

I am working on a SAP Webi 4 report where I have a table that looks like student discipline exam session josé geo june session josé geo september session josé math june session from which I would ...
mazu's user avatar
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Report parameter showing in two reports

I have two reports in one doc, the source is relational SQL. I am using the prompt for the first report, but for the second one, I am not using it. When I run the second report, it still asks for the ...
coool_sweet's user avatar
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How to run two different queries in same document?

I have 2 reports in the WEBI document, for every report, I need to use different SQL. I tried to create another report with different SQL, but it changed the same query to the first report. Second ...
coool_sweet's user avatar
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Prompt date in report with default today's date?

I am using relation SQL as a source for my query as below select * from table where date = ? what I need is when the user runs the report, it should prompt to date parameter. the default date should ...
coool_sweet's user avatar
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create folder and pubish sap webi report

i am new to this and this is my requirement. i need to create a folder for my team and have reports available there instead of sharing them to my inbox. we do have a BO admin team, so where should ...
coool_sweet's user avatar
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Fetch min value excluding zero in column in SAP BO WEBI?

I have a column in SAP BO WEBI. For example, I have the following values in my column. MONTH 0 0 2 4 3 When I try the Min() function in WEBI like this Min([MONTH]), it returns 0 for me. But I ...
Ygz Nb's user avatar
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Webi: How to let user scale numbers in a table (thousands, millions, ...) (not in charts)

(SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform 4.3 Support Pack 1 Patch 11 Version : Hello everyone, Let's say I have this table with On the left, an identifier representing a product On the right, ...
selsay's user avatar
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Duplicate query in webi

How to duplicate a query in webi, in query panel if the query is not duplicated then what is the reason and how to resolve this issue suggestions please Thanks in advance Shoaib
shoaib ahamad's user avatar
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HyperLink in Webi Report not responding

We can't click or right click the link on the WebI report that usually downloads an Excel sheet, However we can click it when we export the report to PDF format or opening through an Internet Explorer,...
Ajil T.P's user avatar
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Data exists within database but doesnt show up on webi report

Hi I am building a v simple report as below; when I include the customer reference number and filter for another column (resolved time) being NULL then the number of incidents are reduced. (I know ...
shazma's user avatar
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Datedim function not returning yesterdays date webi

My Datedim function is not returning yesterdays date in webi, any ideas on how to show 13/04/2022, even if it has null values? Thanks
shazma's user avatar
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Why is my output report showing errors although it shows up normally when refreshing data in webi?

Why is my output report showing errors although it shows up normally when refreshing data in webi? My excel file output is the first screenshot, the report view in webi is the second. I am able to ...
shazma's user avatar
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WEBi Date Variable

I have a column with various dates and I need to only show data 3 days from current date - I've been able to show the date from 3 days ago but not able to link it to the column date. Any ideas how I ...
Caroline Waterhouse's user avatar
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SAP - Web intelligence Cell Reference

I have created 7 cell references in WEBI with the purpose of averaging seven cells (for a week), the referenced cells contains a percentage value eg 99.25%. However, when I calculate an average on the ...
shazma's user avatar
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Error in Webi when the language parameters change

enter image description hereI got this error message whenever I switch the report langage from french to english in WEBI. enter image description here Can you please help me solve this problem ? thank ...
DevSAPBO's user avatar
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Report shows date instead of datetime on Webi export?

I am using Web Intelligence for reporting however, the SQL script i use runs fine within Oracle where it displays the date and time of a column. But when i run this report through web intelligence and ...
ConfusedJJ's user avatar