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Download Webi report from Excel

With newly released Webi there's no way to manipulate reports with VBA like it was in DESKI era. I'd like to know if there's a way for me to click a button with parameters in Excel sheet and get a ...
Sebastien FERRAND's user avatar
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How to get "Generated By" field in Webi?

In my WebI Report I would like to print the Author or the Last modified User name. How can I obtain it?
Niki's user avatar
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Schedule weekly Webi report using SDK

I am trying to schedule a Webi report using SDK, I can schedule Once, Monthly and other types. Could anyone tell me how to schedule a Webi report weekly? I can set the schedule type to WEEKLY and ...
user1544460's user avatar
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How to read union and combined Webi reports with Java BO SDK?

I need to read Webi reports metadata information which has tables and columns. I can able to read few Webi reports metadata info, but for combined and union Webi reports I am not able to read any ...
Navyah's user avatar
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Exporting Webi to Excel throws java.lang.NoClassFoundException :com.crystaldecisions.celib.trace.h

I have to export the Webi report in the excel format and show it to the user .Environment present is BOXI R3 . ReportQuery: Select * from CI_INFOOBJECTS where SI_NAME ='xxxx' and si_kind ='Webi' and ...
user403386's user avatar
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Get folder where Webi report is stored in FRS

I have a report on Webi server. I need a code snippet to show the folder where the report is located.
user727272's user avatar
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Return SQL query BOXI R3 Webi using Rebean API

Has anyone figured out how to return the SQL for an object that is in Webi using the Rebean API? I have got the ReportExpression of the column but, from there I am having a difficult time retrieving ...
XanderLynn's user avatar