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The remote server returned an error: 400 Bad Request (WCF)

I am using WCF and wsDualBinding, WebHttpBinding. I want my server to send a wsdual request to the client, which then processes the request and sends a json back to the server. <system.serviceModel&...
Jochen Middleboroguh's user avatar
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The maximum message size quota for incoming messages has been exceeded

I would like to ask for your help because sometimes I get an error message when I call a service : The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded. To increase the quota,...
Jojo's user avatar
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How to host simple REST service using .NET core

I'm trying to migrate WCF (WebHttpBinding) to .NET core. Because, WebHttpBinding is not available in coreWCF. Here my server code to host the REST service: var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder();...
Murat's user avatar
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How to secure self-hosted WCF WebHttp server?

I have a REST server over SSL. Initially, the client logs in with the credentials. To avoid sending the username/password for each request, I have created a custom token which is returned to the user ...
Ace's user avatar
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Can I expose multiple webHttpBinding endpoints in the same port in Biztalk?

I would like to have two endpoints with the same port and the same name, but hosted on different tcp port with different transport security settings. I.e https://endpoint:443/ and http://endpoint:80 I ...
Piotr Grudzień's user avatar
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Upload greater than 8 MB streams through WCF Service

I'm trying to upload photo(attachment stream) through window service , using REST configuration (webHttpBinding), but I get this exception here is the binding configuration I used (I tried all of ...
Noor Shaker's user avatar
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Provide exceptions for wcf webhttpbinding

I have to change a binding for wcf webservices from tcpbinding to webhttpbinding with basic authentication and ssl. Webservices are self hosted in a console application and in a windows service for ...
user1069516's user avatar
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WCF Rest self hosted certificate secured service returns 401 unauthorized

I want to create a WCF console self hosted - server side authentication with Certificate - rest service. I encountered a problem with actually invoking the Service, since i always get in the response ...
Goran's user avatar
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GWT with http loadbalancer gives invalid SID value

I have 2 openfire servers and an elastic loadbalancer over them and built a gwt application that using http bind at port 7070 when connecting directly to one server it works good but when it connects ...
Mai Tarek's user avatar
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SSL-protected RESTFul WCF Self-hosting service

Summary I am trying to implement an SSL-protected RESTFul WCF service, but following error occurred and communication failed. making the HTTP request to ‘
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How to disable credentials input for HTTPS call to my WCF hosted in windows service

I'm just creating my first WCF project, so I have a lot of deficiencies in knowledge in this field. My problem is that when I'm calling my WCF url in web browser, I have to enter the credentials but I ...
Blaato's user avatar
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How to set an incremental property during model binding automatically

I have an input request body for my ASP.NET Core MVC application which I am binding to a request model in C#. public class Request { public int Index {get;set;} public string DocType {get;...
Code-47's user avatar
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BizTalk WCF-WebHttp - How to add parameter to Url with same name

A QueryString normally allows name/value-pairs, where the same name can occur several times. When using WCF-WebHttp and BtsHttpUrlMapping, for caling a REST service, it maps from a property schema, ...
Martin Bring's user avatar
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Can't get file size when loading from WCF service host by web browser

I have some test WCF service with streamed webHttpBinding, which allows to download files by web browser. The problem is browser doesn't show file size and download progress. This is the service ...
ds1709's user avatar
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WCF Client Certificate

WCF service is configured for client certificate with X509CertificateValidationMode.Custom and a custom X509CertificateValidator. Binding is WebHttpBinding with WebHttpSecurityMode.Transport and ...
Sency's user avatar
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The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. wcf httpbinding basic

I create a simple wcf service [ServiceContract] public interface IService1 { [OperationContract] [WebInvoke(Method = "GET", UriTemplate = "/Data/{data}")] string ...
Ehsan Akbar's user avatar
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custom authorization and authentication in wcf webhttpbindig

I create a simple wcf service with webhttpbinding as you can see : [OperationContract] [WebInvoke(Method = "GET", UriTemplate = "/Data/{data}")] string GetData(string data); and the ...
Ehsan Akbar's user avatar
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How to have QueryStringConverter parse byte enum names

My wcf webservice uses webhttpbinding(msdn) to expose a REST interface. Some methods accept an enum as parameter; e.g.: [ServiceContract] public partial interface IStrangeEnumDemo { [...
Kasper van den Berg's user avatar
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How to call WCF REST service method in a browser

I had created WCF REST service which return JSON format. My question was " I am unable to find my Operation Contract method in a browser?" Below is my Service Contract using System.ServiceModel; ...
Shakeer Hussain's user avatar
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Differences between an app vs a wcf app with webHttpBinding

I have a WCF service that makes several TCP endpoints available and I'm looking at allowing a webHttpBinding as well. So far it seems pretty straightforward to allow requests from a browser to such ...
Zach Smith's user avatar
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Http-bind taking 6000ms

I have a CRM that is programmed with PHP,javascript and jQuery. We also have a XMPP and http-bind for voip. My problem is: When I load the CRM, the first couple of http-binds take normal time (<...
jogoe's user avatar
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How can I return HTTP-400 from a BizTalk Rest service?

I am using BizTalk 2013 R2 and I have a RESTFUL service. How can I return a HTTP-400 response to a client?
Kenank's user avatar
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WCF - How to correctly configure MVC Client consuming WCF Service?

I am perfectly aware that this problem has already been discussed a whole lot of times, but it is a specific configuration of my project that I miss to grasp which makes my Service - Client ...
Ionna's user avatar
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How to perform Load Test of WCF service having WebHttpBinding with JMeter

I am very new for JMeter. I want to test my WCF service which is using WebHttpBinding. I have gone through the documentation but no help in my case. Can you please suggest how to do that?
Deepak Arora's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

WebHttpBinding with Http and Https

I am trying to use https & http for the website. The website has .svc files which act as REST service and called from JavaScript. My Config: <system.serviceModel> <behaviors> ...
Billa's user avatar
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WCF REST Services | WebFaultException Handling

I am testing a WCF REST Service to throw WebFaultException, which contains the error details (created a class ExceptionsView to hold the error details) and the httpStatusCode.BadRequest. From the ...
Santosh Navle's user avatar
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Long time running WCF 504 GATEWAY_TIMEOUT error

I am developing a WCF web service on webHttpBinding, client application calls this WCF webservice on demand (HTTP POST) or via scheduler windows service ( currently using Each call will ...
Bo Hu's user avatar
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The HTTP request was forbidden with client authentication scheme 'Basic'

I have this bug when i try to create a new user using a remote wcf service, other services work fine. {"The HTTP request was forbidden with client authentication scheme 'Basic'."}. My user controller ...
dardouri90's user avatar
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Adding webHttpBinding endpoint to an existing netTcpBinding

I have a working service which exposing netTcpBinding at the following way: <service name="MetaData.Service.MetaDataServices" behaviorConfiguration="MetaDataServiceBehavior"> <...
Dor Cohen's user avatar
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Exposing selected operation contracts as ReST causing error Operation 'method name' of contract 'IContract' specifies multiple request body

Here is the scenario. There is an existing service contract with some methods which are getting consumed by a desktop app. Now need to expose some operation contracts via ReST. But it demands to ...
Joy George Kunjikkuru's user avatar
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Cannot Get WCF Basic authentication to authenticate user

So at this stage after trying to get this working I am now resorting to asking you lot this question. Yes I went through a bunch of stack overflow questions similar to mine, but to no avail. All I ...
wickd's user avatar
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Time Out issue in HTML5/jQuery application

I am developing an HTML5/jQuery application in .NET 4.0. The application is used to upload the excel files using WCF Rest services (webHttp). The uploaded files saved in SQL Server drop zone and then ...
JSK's user avatar
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How can I use strongly typed parameters in the uri path in WCF with WebHttpBinding

Okay, I've searched a bunch for answers to this question and I can only seem to find articles and documents for .NET 3.5 from 2011 and back... so I'm hoping to find more recent information for WCF in ....
BenAlabaster's user avatar
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WCF - webHttpBinding endpoint not found

I'm new at WCF. I've managed to put in place a working project in VS 2015. In this, I have two Services Contracts, each with a Operation Contract. I also have a DataContract for the composite Class I ...
Luc Wanlin's user avatar
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Not able to connect Database from webhttp binding

In my ASP.NET 4.0 web application I have created a WCF service with webhttp binding (that service is part of the ASP.NET application and not a different project or solution). The service works fine ...
JSK's user avatar
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WCF service stops handling calls for 15 seconds

I faced a strange behavior in one of my WCF services. This service worked fine for around 1,5 years but since a few weeks it shows some kind of "outages" (unfortunately I cannot post images cause I'm ...
azuric's user avatar
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WCF - WebHttpBinding - RESTful - Performance Issue

first time poster so go easy on me. I am currently trying to address a performance issue when hitting my web service after a one minute period of inactivity. Literally after one minute of THAT user ...
Reshaos's user avatar
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wcf CustomWebHttpBehavior works only on the first endpoint

I have a wcf (.net 4.5) with one service and multiple interfaces\end points. This service is declared as follows: <service name="MyService.Service1"> <endpoint address=...
Programer's user avatar
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WCF Service on remote server returns 400, works fine locally

I made a small console application that hosts a WCF Service, this application is also the client and implements the Service. It works fine on my local machine and returns the data in JSON to the ...
Vern's user avatar
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WCF ignore duplex in webhttpbinding

Hi i have an service looks something like this. [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple, UseSynchronizationContext = false)] ...
Dendei's user avatar
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Sharing the same port for WCF REST and ASP.NET Web API

I've an existing JSON based service implemented using WCF webhttpbinding. This service is hosted in Windows service. We've implemented SSL as well. Now I'm planning to create new JSON based services ...
VJAI's user avatar
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WCF REST webHttpBinding - 404 Error

This service I can see the JSON data while calling methods through browser when hosted on our IIS server but after moving it to client's server.. I can't see the data from browser though I can see ...
Mukarram's user avatar
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.NET 4.5 WCF rest with custom Authentication

First of all, I am new to WCF. I created a REST webservice using WCF. It only has one operation that retrieves the list of products (in json format). This is invoked from web using jquery. It works ...
VeRo's user avatar
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How to cancel a wcf request silently without being noticed by the client

Is there a way to silent cancel processing a wcf request without being noticed by the wcf / web client? My web server is developed using WCF with WebHttpBinding and listen to the 80 port. What I ...
mind1n's user avatar
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How to call a dualHttpBinding(callback contract) from a webHttpBinding service in WPF

Hi all I am facing one issue with dualHttpBinding and webHttpBinding in my application. Here is the overall scenario I have a dotNet and Android application which consumes a WCF Service (which has ...
G K's user avatar
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The authentication schemes configured on the host ('Anonymous') do not allow those configured on the binding 'WebHttpBinding' ('Basic')

I was following the tutorial here:, to implement User Authentication in WCF service ...
Dawid O's user avatar
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MessageSecurity with webHttpBinding

I am reading security concepts of WCF in 'Programming WCF Services' book. In that i got points like generally transport security is good for intranet scenarios because of point-point etc. For ...
Akhil's user avatar
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Connect a self-hosted WCF-Service via WebHttpBinding fails in Kerberos-Mode

I have a self-hosted WCF service that is accessible using WebHttpBinding. This service should get a kerberos token from the internet explorer on the client and then he should impersonate with this ...
Floyd's user avatar
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How to use Microsoft JWT Token Handler to secure webHttpBinding based WCF service

I need to secure a WCF Service that uses webHttpBinding with tokens, but having a hard time figuring out how to do so. It is my understanding that the recommend way of doing this is by using JWT ...
Bahr's user avatar
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webHttpBinding WCF service responds over HTTP but not HTTPS

I am developing a WCF restfull service on my machine and when I hit the HTTP service endpoint the service responded as expected. However, when I hit the HTTPS endpoint I get a 404 Not Found back. The ...
Phil Murray's user avatar
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