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Publish/expose RESTful API using WCF-WebHttp

I have a requirement to expose/publish a RESTful API service from BizTalk 2013 r2. I have published a service in IIS and when I browse it is working, but I am unable to call the API from SOAP UI. I ...
sivaraman vasu's user avatar
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BizTalk WCF-WebHttp adapter Client Certificate not found

When configuring the WCF-WebHttp security tab, I have set Security Mode to Transport, Client Credential type to Certificate. When I go to browse for Client Cert, it comes up with the only options ...
Bensonius's user avatar
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3 answers

How to add xml prefix using XDocument?

How do I add xml prefixes using XDocument to an existing root element? I have the following XML: <processSalesOrder> <header/> </processSalesOrder> and I want it to look like: &...
satish's user avatar
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Solution to upload image file via WCF service?

Being surfing for last 3-4 days downloading, running and fixing issues with available demo projects online, none of them work so far. I need to upload an image using WCF webservice. Where from client ...
KumailR's user avatar
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Passing current authentication credentials from UWP app to web service to access resources on server with these credentials

My Windows 10 UWP app is calling a WebAPI web service that I have created. I need to pass the current credentials on the client side when calling the web service so that it can access other resources ...
slayernoah's user avatar
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This method or property is not supported after HttpRequest.GetBufferlessInputStream has been invoked

I am trying to browse and upload a file from client to server using Angular Js and WEB API.I used Input file type for user to select file and post the file to WEB API. In web API, I am getting ...
Hem's user avatar
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60 votes
2 answers

Difference between WCF, Web API, WCF REST and Web Service?

What is difference between WCF and Web API and WCF REST and Web Service? Is WCF really so complicated that the webapi should be used? Whether WebApi can do all the work and do not take advantage of ...
Aiyoub A.'s user avatar
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-1 votes
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How to Insert data android to C# restfull webservices

I tried to connect cross platform Android to C# wcfrestfull webservices My Que. How to insert data Android to Wcfrestfull webservices?
Amit Jesani's user avatar
1 vote
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QueryInterceptor similar thing in Web API

I'm actually migrating some parts of my previous WCF services to Web API. I had used QueryInterceptor on my Machine entity which checks whether the current user has access to the desired data ...
Ajay B L's user avatar
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How should i return data in Web API Controller Methods?

I have a UI that needs lots of information. Most of the information has been identified as separate entities in database. For example, displaying the details of an Employee. The UI page might be ...
Ravi Sankar Rao's user avatar
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portType is coming null in wsdl parsing

I am in the middle implementation small program of WSDL parser. But I am getting ptobject is coming NULL. This is happening with the wsdl mentioned in the program. I don't think WSDL is wrong ...
user2329702's user avatar
-1 votes
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I have been getting this "System.NotSupportedException" exception for a while now, I ran out of options. I get this error when I try to access the findAllUsers() funtion from my browser. I have model ...
kilojoules88's user avatar
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How do I use ASP.NET 5 WebAPI from WPF client

I have an existing WPF client, and I am building new standalone WebServices using ASP.NET 5 WebAPI. I want to expose some metadata, like WebApiProxy or .wsdl/Mex, so I can auto generate a Proxy class ...
jenspo's user avatar
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-4 votes
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How To Do CRUD Operations in WEBAPI in using AJAX

I would like to perform CRUD Operations on WEB API in using AJAX JQuery.I am very new to web api
Siva's user avatar
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How to send automatic scheduled emails

There is an C# web application through which we can get the recipient emails, time zone and their smtp server details in to the database.I have two requirements: 1. Consider a table in the ...
Lalli86's user avatar
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Service Behavior Equivalent in ASP.NET WEB API

I am modifying an existing WCF service to a WEB API. In the WCF service, we have some operation behaviors that checks the validity of session id passed in SOAP header.Do we have any equivalent for ...
Vishnu's user avatar
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How to send a webservice request to .svc site in jmeter?

I'm a tester who's been asked to stress test a wcf webservice application, this is by no means my domain. I've seen many tutorials/demo's online that explain how to send a message to a web service ...
Pixie's user avatar
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WCF calling Third party Web Service

I have a workflow of a payment within a third party. Because in POS we don't have a way so that the third party could send the response after the user paid in is phone I thought that I could act in ...
user1425879's user avatar
1 vote
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user agent value in IIS and my Log file is diffrent

I want to log the user agents information in my log file. So I used this code: System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent; It works fine, when I'm using the browser to consume my web service (...
Mohammad's user avatar
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How to add Correlation Token parameter to web api request?

I'm using web api without deep understanding what it is, just knowing that each editable entity become a resource, that means has the uri, when web api provides the interpretation of PUT, POST, GET, ...
Roman Pokrovskij's user avatar
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Disambiguation in ASP.NET WebAPI routing using Action

Hi I have this REST services GET admin/delegateduser GET admin/delegateduser/id GET delegateduser I succeed configuring the route with this mapping: config.Routes.MapHttpRoute( name: "...
Ivan BASART's user avatar
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An exception of type 'System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1' occurred in mscorlib.dll but was not handled in user code

I am trying to consume WCF web service and get following error. Its a third party service so dont have much control over it. I have tried making tracing work but nothing seems to work. Cant get ...
Jay's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to create query expression for Odata for get by Id

I have created an OData service and now I am trying to consume this service at client side. I wants to create an expression such as for the below url in the c# query expression-
user1301587's user avatar
2 votes
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How to work with [Required] attribute & Model State Validation within Web Api Put

Currently I am facing, a problem, when try to call Web Api put method from MVC Api Client, lets describe my code structure bellow Test Model (Web Api end) public sealed class Test { ...
LeoQns's user avatar
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If I can write HTTP Service in WCF, why should I use Web API?

I've gone over other WCF vs Web API question as well as blogs. It is possible to write HTTP service with webHttpBinding in WCF too. So why should one move to Web API when it is possible to use WCF for ...
user avatar
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how to create header/body validation filters in c# webapi

I am passed the request with post method. I want to validate the request(header/body) using filters. how I can configure the thing using Web api. below are my request : x-ln-request:<?xml version=...
kiriti's user avatar
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WCF vs Web API preference

I currently have a WCF service that the website uses to display data. I also use the same service to run a computation that takes about 8-9 hours and it saves the data it computed into the database ...
iefpw's user avatar
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Securing REST Service using a simple Token

I have a drop-down in my application for which i populate the data using an Ajax call as shown below. This works fine and my Web API URL is "" $(...
shanmohan's user avatar
3 votes
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Communicating between multiple decoupled systems

We have multiple, decoupled systems. These systems provide public APIs which are consumed by mobile apps and other client applications. We now need these systems to internally communicate with each ...
Dave New's user avatar
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Query Service PositionBasedPaging doesn't work in MVC WebAPI

I want to get records by using paging from Query Service of Dynamics AX 2012 through MVC WebAPI. When I run this code in Console Application works fine. QueryServiceClient client = new ...
user3300763's user avatar
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If Web API can be used just for Authentication using OAuth 2 in ASP.NET MVC4

I'm working on segregating the authentication part of my MVC4 application using DotNetOAuth 2.0, Which will means that one project will do only authentication and send out response,based on ...
Vivek Singh's user avatar
21 votes
3 answers

Dependency Injection in WebAPI with Castle Windsor

I want to implement Dependency Injection in WebApi application using Castle Windsor. I have following sample code - Interface - public interface IWatch { { DateTime GetTime(); } } ...
Sumit Deshpande's user avatar
2 votes
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ChannelFactory with Json.Net formatter

I have a web api rest service set up and can use the httpclient + formatter to use it without any problems. But i want to implement this usage with a channel factory and replace the default ...
Looooooka's user avatar
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Using own domain model/entity on client with wcf data service (uses web api/odata/entity framework) as service reference

Here's my situation, I'm trying to create a WPF application that connects to my own web odata service (uses web api and entity framework). I have my own set of domain models/entities in the server ...
Boggs's user avatar
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how would one get methods exposed in a webAPI project?

How can I programatically get a list of public methods w/parameters that are exposed in my webAPI project? I need to provide this list to our QA dept. I dont want to compile and maintain the list ...
sme's user avatar
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webapi route with controller and action

Default webapi route - api/{controller}/{id} In realtime scenrios may require more get and post methods Is it recommended to change this like default routing - api/{controller}/{action}/{id}
Ram's user avatar
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How to debug Json between Local IIS Website and Local

I'm really struggling to know what the problem is here... I have 2 websites configured in IIS... **PH.Website** (STANDARD MVC PROJECT) **PH.Api** (MVC WEB API PRIOJECT) When you hit the PH....
Exitos's user avatar
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dropping characters when passing json to webapi method

I'm attempting to pass a string to a web api method. The string on the client side looks like this: "shipment id :{{{shipmentId}}}", but at the server, the {{{shipmentId}}} is being dropped and the ...
user1202839's user avatar
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MVC Web API POST request not working from client application but working from chrome Postman extension

I have a web API service with the controller as follows. RoutePrefix("api/Product")] public class ProductController : ApiController { [HttpPost] [POST("InsertProduct")] public ...
Prasath's user avatar
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Attribute routing not working

I'm new with attribute routing with aspnet web api. public class UsersController : ApiController { [GET("users/me/brands/{id}")] public IEnumerable<Brand> GetBrands(long id) { ...
Thiago Custodio's user avatar
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Overload WebAPI controller action doesn't work with viewmodels?

The following works: public class UsageController : ApiController { public int GetMilk(string param1, string param2) { return -1; } public string GetBilling(string ...
Robert Christ's user avatar
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WCF service, WCF Data Service, Web Api, SignalR? What to use?

I know there might not be one simple answer for this, but i was hoping if somebody can point me in the right direction... We have an ASP.NET webforms application with its own MS SQL database at our ...
Jeroen1984's user avatar
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RESTful application [closed]

Roy fielding came with this idea and a lot of application is built around this. But I am really really confused why it is called Representational state transfer. Don't we go from one page to other ...
Roninn's user avatar
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Migrating WCF Services to ASP.NET Web API - reuse ServiceAuthorizationManager?

I am migrating some WCF services to Web API. Is is possible to reuse the ServiceAuthorizationManager or is it strictly for WCF?
jchadhowell's user avatar
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PostAsync HttpClient error with Web Api - System.AggregateException "A task was canceled."

I'm trying to call PostAsync method using System.Net.Http.HttpClient from the Web API. I get the following error: System.AggregateException "A task was canceled." Task: Id = 1, Status = System....
pfeds's user avatar
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WebAPI returning UnAuthorized if missing Header Value

Using APS.NET MVC 4 WebApi Each request must have a Header called "version" if it doesn't or the version is too low, I need to return an UnAuthorized value to the client. I'm not sure how to send ...
Ian Vink's user avatar
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System.Net.Http.HttpMethod cannot be serialized, WCF Web API

I am using the HttpClient library to create a WCF Web API. Snippet from service contract: [ServiceContract] public interface IMyService { [WebGet(UriTemplate = "Foo/{id}/{...
Dan's user avatar
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How to properly pass stream through rest service to retrieve its length

I'm passing the stream this way: StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(openFileDialog1.FileName); byte[] fileStream = Utility.ReadFully(sr.BaseStream); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)...
fiberOptics's user avatar
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How to return deep serialized object (with complex type properties) in Asp.Net web api?

I have next classes: public class Event { public int Id { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public List<ImageLink> Images { get; ...
Roman Bats's user avatar
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.net web api updating model on PUT

So I'm trying to update a model. Here's how my models are set up: public class Event{ public int Id {get;set;} public string Name {get;set;} public DateTime Date {get;set;} public int ...
gdubs's user avatar
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