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In Azure DevOps, how to setup a task to update my database with Entity Framework code first?

In Azure DevOps, in Continuous Deployment, in Release pipelines, I do a deployment of a classic MVC ISS application on two stages: staging then production. This classic app also connect to a classic ...
Bastien Vandamme's user avatar
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How do I provide service principal's authorization for an API call in a DevOps pipeline

I have an Azure CLI task in a release pipeline that I would like to make an API call from back to the same project. The task is executing under a Service Principal, and it makes available the ...
end-user's user avatar
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Azure DevOps Release Pipeline: Apparent contradiction between Releases tab and Deployments tab as to which is the current release

We have a release pipeline with several stages. I'm trying to determine what the release is that's currently deployed to the UAT stage. It seems that the Releases tab and the Deployments tab for the ...
Simon Elms's user avatar
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Azure Devops pipeline schedule releases old releases

I have scheduled releases setup in our Azure Devops pipelines. At the moment they are scheduled to release at 6am every day. What I have noticed is that when the schedule runs it deploys all releases ...
BuckBuchanan's user avatar
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Problem Transforming Server and Db name Parameter in database project Dacpac using Azure Devops release pipeline (Produces Extra bracket)

I have sql DB project created in VS 2022, In there I have a Stored procedure and I Parameterized the Server and db as it connects to different server using link server. I create a build in Azure ...
user464291's user avatar
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How to add tag to a build from classic release after successful deployment to stage

I want to tag a build that is part of the release pipeline automatically after it is successfully deployed to a specific stage[Env]. This will help us deploy the same build in different release ...
karthik's user avatar
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Azure Release Pipeline - Execute a PowerShell script from a remote server

I need to create a release pipeline for coping two .dll files and remotely execute a PowerShell script. What I did, Wrote a bash script to download the .dll file and PowerShell script file from ...
Kalana D's user avatar
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How can i get the Options>Integrations configuration parameters from my projects

I want to get the configuration parameters of Options>Integrations from my releases/project. I want get that configuration of all my releases so i can check which ones are missing that ...
Matías Rodríguez's user avatar
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Issue with EV2 YAML Approval Service Not Displaying Deployment Review

We are experiencing an issue with the EV2 YAML Approval Service in our project. According to the documentation, we have configured security groups in the Release and Deployment Approvers tab within ...
sushma padala's user avatar
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Azure DevOps - Releases - Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS) Asset Deployment - Error in request to deploy file asset

My automated release fails when trying to apply a package to an environment using 'Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS) Asset Deployment' Error string: Error in request to deploy file asset: 'You don't ...
Michael's user avatar
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Azure Devops 'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command on my Release pipeline

I am trying to build my release pipeline to copy files from one repo to another (in the same project) using Git commands but I keep getting "git not recognized error" The first task is only ...
Dorkly's user avatar
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Replicating Classic release pipeline setup on YAML

How do I achieve this kind of a setup on YAML: I am specifically wondering about the artifact section. How do I achieve it? What I think I ought to do is have resources of the type pipelines and ...
Anonymous Person's user avatar
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Using Azure Devops deploy release to multiple repos

so I am trying to deploy changes from my CoreDb repo , that's a SQL database project to a release. This release would just be script changes that multiples countries would grab into their repos and ...
Dorkly's user avatar
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Azure DevOps REST API - Update pre-deployment artifacts

I'm trying to add a new branch to the target environment, specifically UAT, as part of the pre-condition artifacts. However, when I run the code, the release definition isn't displaying—it's just ...
doubledecker's user avatar
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Need to exclude checksiteNode parameter specified in the appsettings.json while releasing in the azure devops

We have a DTAP (DEv, Test, Acc and Prod) environments, and when we do a release in the env's for node specific. (In Acc and PROD I have 3 nodes), while trying to create a release in Azure DevOps,the ...
Kitty's user avatar
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Duplicate a VS Web Deploy Publish (.pubxml) in Azure DevOps

I have an ASP.NET web app that I host via an Internet Service Provider (NOT via Azure). I manually deploy this in Visual Studio using a “Web Deploy” publish profile (a .pubxml file). See below. ...
RunzWitScissors's user avatar
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Azure DevOps releases - how to properly perform a release pipeline (Linux)

I am trying to to perform a release of some build artifact on a self hosted Linux Ubuntu agent. I created a deployment group and installed the Azure agent on the Linux and added that single agent to ...
TheDoomDestroyer's user avatar
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Azure Pipelines - Conditional expansion of a Template

When using Azure Pipelines, I would like to execute a job (expanded from a template), based on the result of the previous job. Is there any way I can do that? What I've tried is the following: - ...
Cosmin SD's user avatar
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Could not find any file matching the template file pattern

I am migrating the classic release pipeline to the YML Pipeline. Note: The build pipeline is already a YML pipeline. Post writing the yml and running the jobs getting below error for azure deployment ...
Nagarjun's user avatar
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Same Azure Release Task in Two Different Release Pipelines Behave Differently git clone *> $null

I have two different Azure Releases that each have the exact same task that includes cloning a repo, except for one difference. I have to send the output to null in one case and not in the other, ...
Adam Winter's user avatar
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Scheduled run for existing release in Azure DevOps

I want to schedule a run for Release on Azure DevOps. But I found out that when the schedule is run, it will create a new Release to schedule run, not the old Release. Is there any way to set up a run ...
Tín Trương's user avatar
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start-process : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command

I am adding the Powershell task in the Azure pipeline to start the exe by taking the commands in the pipe and starting the process with two argument lists. Also I have to wait for the exe to load with ...
Tom's user avatar
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Azure Devops - How to pass database connection string as environment variable dynamically (azure cli)

Currently I'm using azure devops to deploy an app container to azure. I've created my release pipeline and added each ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE within variable group. In order to call the Environment ...
shah harshil's user avatar
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While building the Azure pipeline getting an error like .NET 5 has some compatibility issues with older Nuget versions(<=5.7), usedotnetcli/restore

While building the azure pipelines with classic editor i am getting the below error in build .NET 5 has some compatibility issues with older Nuget versions(<=5.7), so if you are using an older ...
divya bommerla's user avatar
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Azure pipelines is failing with KuduStackTraceURL error

I'm trying to deploy fucntion app code via Azure DevOps release pipeline using Azure Function deploy task. A private endpoint is attcahed on this function app. I'm trying to deploy code via self-...
surya Teja's user avatar
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Approval on azure release pipeline - on task level

I have the release pipeline and I would like to set the approval on the task level. For example: I have the below powershell tasks and each of the task should have approve or disapprove to execute. if ...
Greencolor's user avatar
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Azure CICD pipelines

One of our customer is using the release pipelines with powershell code to deploy databricks notebooks ( dev-tst-uat-prd). The way it is built is not really practical. So we have one workspace for ...
Greencolor's user avatar
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how to verify if other build has been built successfully before deploying the release in azure devops

We have a requirement where after the QA2 Release we have to trigger a build which will do some activity in qa2 and create a build. We have to pass some parameters or change some if build fails so we ...
karthik's user avatar
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After creating a deployment pipeline specifying the resource name, all existing pipelines now require permission to deploy

We have several Yaml pipelines using the same deployment environment. A new pipeline has just been created using Yaml that specifies the resource name (as well as the environment), as we want to ...
Tim Wooldridge's user avatar
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Azure DevOps - How to specify specific stage deployment for release pipeline on specific date

I'm trying to figure out how to set up scheduled deployment, with a specific stage, and with a specific branch. Currently, I have our dev stage environment scheduled to deploy release Mon-Fri in the ...
Tscott's user avatar
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Creating an Azure DevOps release pipeline using YAML config only

So I am able to create YAML only build pipelines (some of which also include release steps) And these now work very well. We also have a selection of release pipelines which were built using the ...
Kev's user avatar
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Does Azure DevOps have a way to replace files in a ZIP artifact during release pipe?

Presently we have an Azure DevOps project that builds a ZIP package and stores it as the artifact. We are then performing XML/JSON transformations (as part of a Release pipe, utilizing pipeline ...
Xorcist's user avatar
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My Flutter release apk has conflicting packages when updating

This is specifically for Android. I have a flutter application that goes through DevOps pipelines to build an apk and then publish it to App Center for internal use. I've been having issues getting an ...
Jacques0813's user avatar
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Unsupported authentication scheme 'WorkloadIdentityFederation' for Azure endpoint

I have release pipelines which were working perfectly fine till 3 days back, no change was made, but now i am getting below error Unsupported authentication scheme 'WorkloadIdentityFederation' for ...
Code Noob's user avatar
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Rollback in a classic release Azure Pipeline

My actual deployment will be from stage1 to stage2. Now I want to be able to rollback stage1 if there is an error or rollback on stage2 if stage1 passes and stage2 does not. I added stage3 as a way to ...
Marccelus Enoh's user avatar
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Azure DevOps - Release Pipeline - Download pipeline artifact task - Dedup size does not match the downloaded size Error

I have a build pipeline for my Angular project in Azure DevOps and have publish pipeline artifact task as shown in below image: It runs and successfully published the things on the path. When I run ...
Rizwan's user avatar
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YAML release pipeline is getting triggered automatically by a build run completely many days before

I have a classic build pipeline and a YAML release pipeline whose YAML trigger looks something like below: resources: pipelines: - pipeline: BuildPipelineCI source: BuildPipelineCI trigger:...
osim_ans's user avatar
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Trigger release pipeline once one job is completed in Azure devops

In my continuous integration pipeline I have two jobs one is for docker code build and another for code vulnerability scanning (which takes too much of time) I want that once my first job is completed ...
Hanzala Siddique's user avatar
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Where is azure pipelines tasks logs are getting stored in agent

What We Need In azure release pipelines logs, there is one link get generated in task log output i want to use it as a variable in next tasks. I was thinking to parse it from the logs but unable to ...
Hari Shekhawat's user avatar
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Azure pipeline branch name for build and release

I am trying to setup a Azure Devops build and release pipeline to build and deploy a Databricks job using Databricks assets bundle. I have been following the following Documentation: https://learn....
Tarique's user avatar
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Replace Token task in the Release pipeline does not replace token in file

I'm new to this of Azure DevOps release. I'm trying to receive an artifact that contains a zip file that inside there is a config.json file that contains a simple variable inside. {"apiUrl": ...
Josue's user avatar
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Variable group not resolved in File Creator task in Azure Pipelines

I have a project in Azure DevOps to build and release e2e tests for other FE projects. We are moving from conventional GUI pipelines with task groups to YAML pipelines, but I am having issues when ...
Bice's user avatar
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Error: VS800075 when downloading artifact from another project

I'm doing training where I use two projects where, project A will have the artifacts that will be used and, in project B, I will build using a deployment group. During the execution of the release ...
silvathiago25's user avatar
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Deploy Docker Image into AKS cluster using Azure Release Pipelines with the parameters like clustername, acr, resourcegroup

I started learning azure devops pipeline trying to Deploy Docker Image into AKS cluster using Azure Release Pipelines ex: simple python app,create docker image and deploy docker image into AKS cluster ...
User's user avatar
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Azure Devops Releases Retention not working correctly

We use release pipelines for releasing docker images onto dev/test/production. For prod stage, we have set a retention of 365 days and we also want to keep the last 10 builds. The main reason is so ...
Michele's user avatar
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azcopy not working on Azure Hosted Build Agents

We were using AzureFileCopy to transfer files to a VM. The latest release has introduced a bug which means you receive an error when trying to do this. Apparently the url and the SAS token should have ...
Andy B's user avatar
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How to build an artifact from a given branch in azure pipelines?

I am super new at this. I want to build an artifact based on a branch in my azure devops repository i.e An artifact from development branch and use that artifact to release to my dev environment in ...
mithil-shah-92's user avatar
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Powershell script started failing to add new release variable via the API "Error: An empty body in the POST request is not allowed"

Powershell script is setting new release variable but it started failing suddenly $url = "{organization}/{project}/_apis/release/releases/$releaseId?api-version=5.0&...
nhs's user avatar
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How to sideload an 'uwp app/appx package' to a target machine in deployment group, using Azure DevOps

I am trying to sideload an appx package into a windows 10 machine which is part of a deployment group using a release pipeline in azure DevOps. The problem is the agent deployed by azure DevOps runs ...
Demetron's user avatar
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Set-AzSqlServerActiveDirectoryAdministrator : The '' segment in the url is invalid [closed]

There is an issue with Set-AzSqlServerActiveDirectoryAdministrator not working in Azure DevOps release pipeline due to the latest az version 11.3.1 pushed by Azure to all pipeline agents. This could ...
Shahid Sayyed's user avatar

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