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How to Process Data on GPU Instead of RAM for This Python Code?

I'm currently using the following code to process audio data, but it runs on the RAM. I want to offload the processing to the GPU to improve performance. my code : def prepare_dataset(batch): ...
Elena Aston's user avatar
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ValueError: Expected input batch_size (2) to match target batch_size (4)

Here is the code for a text classification task I am doing. The issue seems to lie here. This is a multi class problem. I have 3 labels. I tried several things. I changed the format of the labels to ...
Andreea-Codrina Moldovan's user avatar
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How do I fix "ValueError: The model did not return a loss from the inputs"?

I am writing a program in Python. What it does is to train a question-answering model, and it uses a custom-made dataset from a JSON file that I created. However, I ran into the error from the full ...
Jungle Zee's user avatar
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During the training of the language model, an error occurs: torch.cuda.OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory

During the second iteration of the finetuning of the language model, an error occurs: optimizer = AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=1e-4) scheduler = get_linear_schedule_with_warmup(optimizer, ...
Geanry Blog's user avatar
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I have text data to perform sentiment analysis. With 3 classes I want to create embeddings and get centroids of the data. Any ideas?

I have text data to perform sentiment analysis. With three classes (-1,0,1) I would like to create embeddings and get the centroids of the data so new data can be assigned according to the centroids ...
snaikkk's user avatar
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Calculating similarity score in clone

I am currently trying to clone the popular browser game and I am having trouble with as to how to calculate the similarity score between two words (the target word and the user inputted ...
FarajSiddique's user avatar
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Module "" has no attribute "Field"

I am trying to define a vocabulary with PyTorch to later input my dataset into a Neural Network. This would be the first step to create a dataset. This is the code I am using: text_field = torchtext....
gmunda's user avatar
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TokenClassificationChunkPipeline is throwing error: 'BatchEncoding' object is not an iterator

Following this HuggingFace Anonymisation Tutorial. Using pytorch 2.0.0 and transformers-4.28.1 Running the code as it is, I get an error over the custom pipeline: def anonymize(text): ents = pipe(...
George Petropoulos's user avatar
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I am getting error here torch.embedding(weight, input, padding_idx, scale_grad_by_freq, sparse) when I call trainer.train() function of GPT2 model

I am new to NLP and I was trying gpt2 to train on my own data. from transformers import GPT2Config, GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer, TextDataset, DataCollatorForLanguageModeling, Trainer, ...
Shubhankar Kumar's user avatar
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Why do people set label token's value that has <pad> token to -100 when Language model is pre-trained?

enter image description here Why do people set label token's value that has token to -100 when Language model is pre-trained? For example, values with pad token in the following figure, are converted ...
kimchdragon's user avatar
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nn.Transformer src/tgt/memory masks fail to work

nn.TransformerEncoderLayer produces exactly same output with same src,no matter what src_key_padding_mask or src_mask is. Likewise,nn.TransformerDecoderLayer output is not affected by any one of ...
haoxing's user avatar
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Split torch tensor : max size and end of the sentence

I would like to split a tensor into several tensors with torch on Python. The tensor is the tokenization of a long text. First here is what I had done: tensor = tensor([[ 3746, 3120, 1024, ..., ...
Alex's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torchdata'

How can get the training data as text (or list of texts) from PyTorch Dataset(<>) Object ? Or more specifically from torchtext squad 1 or 2 the Q&a version I ...
Farah Rostom's user avatar
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BERT training error - forward() got an unexpected keyword argument 'labels'

I'm trying to train Bert for question answering using squad. At the end I wanna use Labse for this and train it again on other language and see the score growth. As I train bert I immediately get this ...
Mateusz Pasierbek's user avatar
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How to do text vectorization in Torch as a model layer

Is there a way to get a Torch model to do text-vectorization? In Torch, I can't find a way to do the vectorization inside the model. Every example I have found applies the vectorization inside the ...
Frank's user avatar
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Is there a way tell a trained transformer model (e.g. from hugging face) to cast to float?

I am attempting to run the T5 transformer on an M1 Mac using MPS backend: import torch import json from transformers import T5Tokenizer, T5ForConditionalGeneration, T5Config #Make sure sentencepiece ...
DrRaspberry's user avatar
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Pytorch NLP Huggingface: model not loaded on GPU

I have this code that init a class with a model and a tokenizer from Huggingface. On Google Colab this code works fine, it loads the model on the GPU memory without problems. On Google Cloud Platform ...
Nazareno De Francesco's user avatar
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implement do_sampling for custom GPT-NEO model

import numpy as np from transformers import GPTNeoForCausalLM, GPT2Tokenizer import coremltools as ct tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2") sentence_fragment = "The Oceans ...
Olexander Korenyuk's user avatar
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Using RTX3090 with Haystack

The current release of Haystack ( supports GPU's but it is not using a new enough CUDA support (>= 11.1) to work with my RTX3090. Can I just uninstall the current version of torch and ...
Michael Wade's user avatar
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pyTorch: how to reset its state?

I'm using pyTorch and for some reason - after refactoring my code - it's not working anymore. The error is: File ".\api\deepmatcher\data\", line 420, in load_cache ...
Rafaó's user avatar
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Fine-Tuned ALBERT Question and Answering with HuggingFace

I'm trying to create a question and answering AI, I would like it to be as accurate as possible without having to train the model myself. I can create a simple AI using the existing base models like ...
johnny 5's user avatar
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How to load a fine tuned model from BertForSequenceClassification and use it to tokenize a sentence?

I'm following this tutorial ( in order to fine-tune a BertForSequenceClassification. After I train the model, I ...
Lucas Penna's user avatar
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Heroku keeps installing the torch package which I uploaded before

I am deploying to heroku but exceeded slug size of 500 mb. remote: Collecting torch>=1.0.0 remote: Downloading torch-1.7.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (776.8 MB) Torch keeps ...
ant_22's user avatar
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Train n% last layers of BERT in Pytorch using HuggingFace Library (train Last 5 BERTLAYER out of 12 .)

Bert has an Architecture something like encoder -> 12 BertLayer -> Pooling. I want to train the last 40% layers of Bert Model. I can freeze all the layers as: # freeze parameters bert = ...
Deshwal's user avatar
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How to get reproducible results of T5 transformer model

I'm trying to get reproducible results of T5 transformer model: import torch from transformers import T5ForConditionalGeneration,T5Tokenizer def set_seed(seed): torch.manual_seed(seed) if torch....
Fluxy's user avatar
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Why W_q matrix in torch.nn.MultiheadAttention is quadratic

I am trying to implement nn.MultiheadAttention in my network. According to the docs, embed_dim  – total dimension of the model. However, according to the source file, embed_dim must be divisible by ...
Akim Tsvigun's user avatar
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How to use batch to run RNN model with texts that have different length in each row?

I want to use torch.nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence in pytorch to deal with this problem, But I dont kown how to get torch variable when it has different size in the last dimension? torch.nn.utils....
wa007's user avatar
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Huggingface Bert: Output Printing

I'm new to coding, and could use guidance as to why it is printing oddly like it is. While this is related to NLP, I believe this error could most likely be explained by somebody who has greater ...
Johnny's user avatar
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Visualize text classes in a scatter-plot

I am looking for ways to investigate in my train data 'modellability' and check if the classes are well distinguished in terms of vocabulary... etc. I am a bit embarrassed but I was wondering if it ...
monti's user avatar
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Distill bert and svm for text classification

I am using DistillBert from hugging face to get the vector embedding of the words. The output for the example in hugging face will be a torch tensor with three dimensions. how can I feed these ...
sima's user avatar
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pytorch TabularDataset: can't load a large file?

I have this training set of about 1.4 GB, but I can't load it in a TabularDataset. >>> REF = data.Field(lower=True, tokenize=tokenize_char, init_token='<sos>',eos_token='<eos>') &...
Yingqiang Gao's user avatar
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how do you generate an ONNX representation of a pytorch bert pretrained neural network?

I am trying to generate an ONNX file for the pytorch-pretrained-bert example. In this case, I'm running it with the following parameters as per the main export GLUE_DIR=...
James Fremen's user avatar
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Unable to use bidaf model without using 'cuda_device' : bidafPredictor._model.forward_on_instance(inst, cuda_device=-1)

I am trying to use bidaf question answer model source from : This class is created to use the library provided by ## REQUIRES ...
parinaya-007's user avatar