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Why the tint color is applied to other icons?

Consider this simple layout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="
GVillani82's user avatar
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How should I change the color of the icons and title in the top toolbar using material design? -NoActionBar theme - Android Material Design

I started using material design and am not to familiar with the guidelines (I'm following the tutorial from While following ...
madbeans's user avatar
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how to make a Short top app bar using material design?

Fortnightly’s short top app bar: Material Design On the scroll, the top app bar collapses to become a short top app bar, allowing more space for content. The short top app bar contains... The short ...
Bolt UIX's user avatar
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Android Material Toolbar surface color looks different on two different toolbars

I'm trying to change the background color of the material toolbar to the surface color with: android:background="?attr/colorSurface" which works as expected (to simplify it I set the background ...
Timo S.'s user avatar
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Adjust toolbar opacity [duplicate]

Is there a way to adjust the opacity of the toolbar? I don't want to make it fully transparent, but tweak its opacity like 80% or 70%. If it's possible, can you share some code please?
Mervin Hemaraju's user avatar
5 votes
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How I implement new material gmail toolbar without nested scrollview?

I want to implement new gmail like toolbar without nested scroll view, which is scroll able, but when scroll down background should be visible. It will look like this:
Koushik Debnath's user avatar
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How to Resize the toolbar according to the length of the title?

According to the fragment in which I am setting the title of my Toolbar, but some titles are very long and the App puts three points: What I want is to display the full title, not decrease the size ...
Berroterán's user avatar
7 votes
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Display ProgressBar in Toolbar

I would like to show a ProgressBar during the update process at the bottom of the activity's toolbar. However, I still haven't found the right solution for it. How should I start? I've already tried ...
twister21's user avatar
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2 searchview on toolbar

Somehow I have a predefined searchview. When i implement a searchview trying to use Material Design I already have one and I'm left with 2 of them. This is my main_layout which creates a searchview: ...
Josu Vázquez's user avatar
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collapsing toolbar layout wont disapear while scrolling

I'm new to android developing and I want to implement a layout like below: but I faced a big problem so what happened in I used coordinator layout and appbarlayout inside it a collapsing toolbar ...
mahdi navidi's user avatar
0 votes
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How to change toolbar menu item background color?

I need a way to change the background color of menu item just how twitter app does before showing a picture in full-screen mode.
Alexander Perfilyev's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to setTheme to dark on one Button

Guys are possible setTheme from ThemeUtils with one button ?? look at screenshot just one button 'invert' to set Light to Dark and Dark to Light ? if possible how to do it ?? pls help me my code : ...
Wahyu Hidayat's user avatar
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How to prevent hide toolbar by scroll itself

I have problem with CoordinatorLayout and behavior of Toolbar. As usual I want to hide/show toolbar by scroll.And it is work fine.But if I fling on Toolbar itself it will hide independently of ...
Demin Aleksei's user avatar
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Make Tool Bar Transparant in Frgament

I want to make Toolbar as transparent in fragment, I have attached Image here,Here I cant able to see full image, Can I get help from some one to resolve this issue?
kavie's user avatar
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Android bottom toolbar like snapped

I am looking for something like toolbar for image editing app. Is there a standard UI component or third party library which implements toolbar like snapseed app from Google? Thank you.
Sergey  Pekar's user avatar
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How to make toolbar fixed while scrolling in android?

I have researched all the previous question before posting this question none of the previous solution worked for me. I need to make my Toolbar static while scrolling it goes up while scrolling butI ...
M.Yogeshwaran's user avatar
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AppBarLayout fitSystemtWindows=“true" does not work when layout_height is wrap_content

I want to build a collapsing Toolbar with views add to CollapsingToolBarLayout dynamically. so i need to set AppBarLayout wrap_content. Then i create a phone & tablet module in android studio 2.2 ...
luckybilly's user avatar
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ToolBar above BottomSheetDialog

How to show a ToolBar above a BottomSheetDialog ? When the dialog is shown, the screen gets a dark tint so the ToolBar seems to be below the dialog and not clickable. How can I my ToolBar (or any ...
David Seroussi's user avatar
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Changing Toolbar text color

I am trying to change the text color of the toolbar,but at no vail. Here is my code. styles.xml <!-- Base application theme. --> <style name="BasicTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light....
Theo's user avatar
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destroying shadow DrawLayout

The following image shows there is a shadow on my toolbar. How can I remove this shadow and place my menu just under the toolbar? This is my toolbar code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&...
Reza's user avatar
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How to change position of close search button at the toolbar in android and animate when expand?

I have search field at the toolbar,but when I tap something the Close button appears not on the right side. Also when I tap to Search button there are no any animation.. It has some margin.How I can ...
Mikhail Valuyskiy's user avatar
-1 votes
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Toolbar with text

I have a Toolbar with text "App de prueba" and a menu icon, but the app name is on the left side, how can delete the app name? Thanks!
josedlujan's user avatar
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Best way to add android standard icons in Xamarin

I'm using a Toolbar from "". What is the best way to add (standard) icons into your android application? What i did... I downloaded the icons from this website (...
JeffreyM's user avatar
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How to change Toolbar home icon(back arrow) color in new material theme?

I tried everything one by one present on links like How to change color of the back arrow in the new material theme? How to change Toolbar home icon color Change toolbar back arrow color How to ...
Shirish Herwade's user avatar
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Activity Toolbar not behaving correctly in Fragment

I am creating a app with NavigationDrawer and Fragments. I created NavigationDrawer project in Android Studio. In my main activity, I have added a FrameLayout container which gets replaced by a ...
user2498079's user avatar
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How to make extended app bar with tabs collapse and expand while scrolling?

newbie here. I'm currently developing an app for our project at school and we wanted to show the logo on our extended app bar and will fade out and collapse upon scroll, so is there a way on how to do ...
brettbrdls's user avatar
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Toolbar hides PagerTitleStrip and part of RecyclerView

Screenshot 1 and Screenshot 2 of my app The problem is basically this: The PagerTitleStrip and the RecyclerView go below my Toolbar even though I have set layout_behaviour to my ViewPager. More ...
iBobb's user avatar
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How to make Toolbar overlay and be immersed?

I want to make my app be immersed seems like this following reader app, but it doesn't work as I wanted, can someone give me idea? Normal When normal, the toolbar and the status is hidden. Pull the ...
WuHaojie's user avatar
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Disable CollapsingToolbarLayout elevation

I'm using code from this answer. And I'm trying to disable the elevation of the toolbar when collapsed. I tried putting android:elevation="0dp" to all xml tags but it just didn't work out. Any ...
Hendra Anggrian's user avatar
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Android toolbar height difference

recently I started working with android toolbars. I am testing on android version 4.4.4 and 5.1.1. I am facing that the toolbars height are different. I have been trying hard to find an answer with ...
t0thkr1s's user avatar
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How to change Menu indicator color in activity ToolBar

I want to change menu indicator color in activity ToolBar, Now its color is not white or it has alpha option, I want to be White I am using AppCompatActivity and here is my toolbar xml code <?...
JustMe's user avatar
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How to add a background image on toolbar?

I'm learning about material design in android. I want make a toolbar with a background-image, but without Collapsing Toolbar. I wanna to set fixed background image. I don't know how to do it Any idea,...
rottencit0p's user avatar
9 votes
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Collapsing Toolbar with image from url?

I did a collapsing toolbar with image for my android app. It works perfectly with the image from drawable. My problem is when I retrieve image from a URL and assign it to the same image view. The ...
sughan90's user avatar
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Primary difference between ToolBar and CollapsingToolBar

What is the difference between ToolBar and CollapsingToolBar in android? I tried finding it online but couldn't get any useful resource
g_vk's user avatar
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6 answers

how to change the color of the toolbar and status bar colors according to image color in android material design?

I started learning Android material design. I learnt some new features in the lollipop version. Today I am trying to change the color of the tool bar and status bar according to an image's color. Can ...
kartheeki j's user avatar
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Change Toolbar Background

Hi i have an activity with relative layout in CollapsingToolbarLayout. the result is < android:layout_width="match_parent" android:...
Saeed Darvish's user avatar
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Change background color of title in CollapsingToolbarLayout using scrim or color overlay

I have been dealing for a while now with changing the color of the background of the title in the collapsingtoolbarlayout but only when is expanded. Why I want is either have a transparent scrim ...
neteot's user avatar
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Is a refresh icon in an Android Toolbar considered deprecated now (did 'swipe to refresh' totally take its place)?

My question is more from the design point of view, related to the Material design philosophy. So do all newest apps now completely rely on the swipe to refresh UX pattern when it's possible to apply ...
VladimirVip's user avatar
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Android collapsing toolbar show toolbar when scroll up

In my app i have a detail page with collapsing toolbar layout and a litview below it. And i need to show only toolbar when i scrolling up, and when i move to the top of listview show full layout. ...
iCaesar's user avatar
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How is this layout implemented? [duplicate]

I'm looking for an implementation of the following layout. How can this be achieved? It looks like an Appbar with two toolbars.But how can you adjust the white content space to the white toolbar? I ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Change toolbar color, height and views during runtime

I have one activity app with navigation view and toolbar. When user choose option from navigation view I want change toolbar height (from standard 56dp to "extend" -> 128dp
Heroes84's user avatar
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How to create a certain toolbar using com.prolificinteractive:material-calendarview's CalendarView?

How can I make toolbar like at this photos: This is first state And this is second state I use Collapse Toolbar with CalendarView. I use this library for CalendarView com.prolificinteractive:...
metalink's user avatar
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Changing icon in Toolbar on click

I have defined a Toolbar in my activity which inflates a menu that has one icon. I would like a way to change that icon; Such that when I click on it, it changes to another icon or color...Here's my ...
Bmbariah's user avatar
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Fragment layout overlaps status bar when keyboard appears

I have a fragment for user input,when the keyboard appears my fragment screen is shifting even above status bar and tool bar. Without keyboard -
Anshul Kabra's user avatar
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Collapsing toolbar Android define when color transformation to begin

do anyone know how to define when the toolbar to start colour transformation from the image to some colour?I mean that the transformations begins when the collapsing is almost done and the image to ...
user3703313's user avatar
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How to hide and show material toolbar when the scrollview scrolled?

In my android app I'm building a simple ScrollView inside a RelativeLayout! it also has a material Toolbar. How do I make the material Toolbar hide with transition when the user scrolls up and show ...
Mihir Shah's user avatar
17 votes
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Toolbar with EditText material design

I'm trying to make Toolbar with EditText within it like this: Right now I can do some thing similar but only with static title, Any ideas to get started?
Heysem Katibi's user avatar
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Unable to hide the Toolbar + Recycler View

i Created a Tool bar without using Collapsing Toolbar. I need to hide the toolbar on scrolling up the Recycler view.i followed link for scrolling/hiding toolbar http://android-developers.blogspot....
user2350138's user avatar
8 votes
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How to implement a placeholder UI as launch screen

I was looking for a way to implement a launch screen. I finally found the best solution possible, which was posted by Ian Lake here. However, it explains how to implement a branded launch screen, not ...
javmarina's user avatar
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Toolbar Has Automatically Set Margins

I made a Material Design Toolbar, but the end product results in a toolbar with margins on the top, left, and right sides of the toolbar. How do I make it so that the toolbar doesn't have these ...
Nexus's user avatar
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