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Can you apply a regular expression for a param in Svelte's Routify?

I currently have a route which I have configured to be (foo|bar). So now my child route of example accepts the following combinations: /foo/example /bar/example However, when I navigate to my example ...
Yulian's user avatar
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How to bundle multiple components into single module in Svelte?

I have an application build using Svelte (v3), Routify (v2) and Vite (v3). Home page of application comprises of various sections and each section comprises of multiple components. Hence when this ...
Aakash Goplani's user avatar
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relative path of image gets affected by nested routes in routify

I have a nested route in routify with the below folder structure, where the image is placed in public folder and referred here and I'm using the image in App.svelte. Everything works fine. when I go ...
kishore Rajendran's user avatar
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Adding and preserving i18n basepath on Routify

I want to use an i18n basepath on Routify. In other words, my URL is like this: And I want to change it to this:[CURRENT_LANGUAGE]/about-us/ I've followed ...
Ulvi's user avatar
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Routify exact path for using isActive?

I'm building a restaurant review site using Svelte and Routify, I have a path "./reviews" that shows the current user's own reviews, and paths for reviews on different categories of ...
Hank's user avatar
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