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Squish | Unable to launch cmd .exe

I am trying to automate command prompt of external device and explorer.exe.But squish is not able to launch it.Please provide method or code to do so. I have tried setting its location in AUT settings ...
raghav goyal's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is there any way to take input from user while running the python script using Squish. #Squish

I have a below scenario: In my script, I am entering the credential and logging to the application, after login it asks for text code that is sent to the mobile device. Currently, through code only I ...
Pallavi's user avatar
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Squish fails to load Qt AUT

I'm trying to automate my Qt QML application using squish. When I try to capture the testcases for my AUT squish fails to load it. The server log display Squish Qt toolkit support failed: ...
Tracey's user avatar
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Unable to call Squish functions in Python modules

Problem: Unable to call squish functions in Python modules. Imported squish & added squish. in front of its function but doesn't seem to work. import gAPI screenshot(obj, filename) ...
Naomi Wang's user avatar
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The attachToapplication shows timeout handshake

Integrating squish with robotframework using python library. Creating the test case using attach to application ${autname} ${host} ${port} ${timeout} Shows a timeout expired during hand shake How to ...
AMINE JEBALI's user avatar
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how to run squish qt test cases on pyqt5 application running on source code

I am new to squish ,so please help me solve this issue . Is there any way to attach pyqt5 application running on source code (.py) file as a aut in squish for qt, I am using this command to run pyqt5 ...
P Sairam's user avatar
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How to using multiple object maps in the same test suite (squish)?

I try to build up a usable framework for squish based test cases. Actually it uses one gigantic Object map, which is surely not works later. So, I wanted to split the text based Object map to several ...
Molnár Katalin's user avatar
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When spying GUI objects with squish, Different GUI namespaces are displayed (uiAutomation vs Wpf) depending on the connection type (LAN vs WIFI)

So I'm using Squish 7.1.0 and when running some scripts remotely they don't work when i'm connected through ethernet but they do through wifi (I am trying to migrate to using only ethernet). I went to ...
jajajo's user avatar
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Setting up a Windows agent for Jenkins to work with Squish

Rather an answer than a question, but I thought there might be other people running into the same issue. Thus I want to document and share the solution I found here: We have been using Squish to test ...
PrkwyDrv's user avatar
-1 votes
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how to run the squish qt test suit from the python script

when trying to run a testsuit from the python script the report generated by squish is always showing RuntimeError: Could not connect to Squish server at host, port 4322: Connection refused. ...
P Sairam's user avatar
1 vote
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Squish GUI testing for Java, use windows primary mouse button rather than set mouse button manually?

My workplace uses Squish for testing our Java gui, and I recently had an issue where no tests would run properly on my machine, we eventually worked out that this was due to the fact that I use a left-...
LJenkins's user avatar
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wand 0.6.11 constructor running in the context of squish requires 2 constructor arguments. Which arguments?

wand 0.6.11 running in the context of squish with python 3.8 seems to require 2 constructor arguments. Which arguments? I want to use wand.image to compare the result of an image export function of a ...
Aril Spetalen's user avatar
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Read JPG/PNG using squish and fetch CSS properties

We need to add an image components verification where we need to verify CSS properties like font-size, font-family, position (x and y axis) etc. are matching with the benchmark data (Excel/JSON format)...
Arunkumar G's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there any possibility to run all test suites and generate report?

Is there any command with squish runner or any option available in squish to run all the test suites in single run and generate report of complete project?
Srinivas R's user avatar
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Unable to load/display GUI Window

Followed steps mentioned in squish website, Downloaded and copied and in test suite folder. Copied below script ...
Srinivas R's user avatar
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Where to install python library or package

Using squish tool to automate my application, Need to know in which path python library should get installed. Using Linux environment. Also is there any possibility to add python library in squish IDE?...
Srinivas R's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to handle known Object not found error and continue next line of script execution?

Tool : Squish Script : Python How to handle known Object not found error and continue next line of script execution? Tool : Squish Script : Python How to handle known Object not found error and ...
Srinivas R's user avatar
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Squish 7.0.1 is missing the startwinaut.exe binary

The Squish binary startwinaut.exe appears to be missing from a clean installation. I'm trying to start an AUT using Squish 7.0.1 and the startApplication("msiexec /i \"C:\\myinstaller.msi\&...
the_storyteller's user avatar
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3 answers

How to delete text characters in the text field(eg: username field) in squish tool

Unable to delete text in textbox in squish tool using python. Anyone kindly support. d.clear() is not working, unable to clear entry in login username.need to clear all text characters in username ...
Srinivas R's user avatar
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Can you use Squish for Android with other IDEs?

I find Squish IDE extremely clunky and counter intuitive. I wanted to try Squish testing but I would like to use some other tools to write scripts, like VSCode or PyCharm. Is it possible? Could you ...
ifeeltiredboss's user avatar
-1 votes
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mouseMove fails with nRuntimeError: Failed sending fake pointer move

I'm running squish (Qt and Windows) on a Windows VM. I use Remote Desktop (RDP) to access the VM. I'm trying to run a suite of tests from the command line (No Squish IDE). Everything works fine if i ...
FatTail's user avatar
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@unittest.skip(reason) can't work on main function

I'd like to prevent/skip some tests cases during runinng others in python. I couldn't achive to use @unittest.skip(reason) on my case. It always generates a Script Error in python unittest. My code; ...
Erol's user avatar
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Simulate Bluetooth "Out of range" scenarios for test automation

I've an Android phone which needs to be paired with an embedded device (Qt based application on Linux) which we test. I've automated the basic scenarios using ADB commands, to turn on/off BT on the ...
Sumantha's user avatar
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Qt QML Type Combobox Item cannot be accessed in Squish

I am trying to automate my GUI testing with Squish Qt tool. My Qt application was developed using QML scripts. For my automation, I have to select item in a Combobox(QML Type), this is the code i am ...
smuthu06's user avatar
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SQUISH issue to recognize "&" in GUI object names

I use SQUISH to perform automated tests (written in python) on a GUI application (based Linux SUSE 15) with Qt version 5.9.4. This application contains objects with properties (example name of a menu) ...
Charly Moreau's user avatar
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Qt6Widgets.dll cannot load error "Squish 7.0.0 Qt 6.2.3"

I am using Squish 7.0.0 6.2x for my Qt application which is built on Qt 6.2.3. While launching the AUT from squish its throw error "could not load Qtwidgets library qt6widgests.dll : The ...
smuthu06's user avatar
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squish qt: How to create QList<QUrl> in squish javascrip

Squish claims that we can directly access all QT API from squish script. I am able to create some QT objects in javascript from Squish QT, e.g. // create a new QObject let qObject = new QObject(); ...
foxhlchen's user avatar
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Squish Remote Control(UI of qt app) from py script

Is there any way i can start Squish Remote Control(UI of qt app) from py script.Trying to avoid Squish IDE. I searched in squish api but hasn't find solution.I guess Remote System should be used. from ...
Marko Knezevic's user avatar
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Squish Date Time Scroll Bar Test

How can I scroll till specific object visible in Squish Tests (QT application)? The scroll bar has date (Month, Day and Year) to pick. Please provide any suggestions on how to locate the object and ...
rdeep's user avatar
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imageSource property is unavailable on Squish IDE?

I would like to know if an image is green or red in a button I test with Squish. My problem is that the imageSource property of my Qt object button is blank in Squish IDE so I don't know if it ...
Autechre's user avatar
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Keep a class running in a python subprocess or thread or process

I am using Squish to automate a Qt-based GUI application. I look up qt objects in the application recursively. Since it's time-intensive, I would like to cache objects once found for later reuse. I ...
shashank singh's user avatar
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Squish sometimes fails to startApplication on the second test case in a Test Suite when running Valgrind

I have a Squish Test Suite with two test cases inside. It runs fine normally. However, when Valgrind is enabled, the second test case fails maybe 50% of the time, with the error: Script Error ...
Alchete's user avatar
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Squish test: get active or top window by Squish

I am creating automation tests using Squish, application depends on hardware, so I cannot kill application from processes because it is not good for hardware. When test cases are failed, the script ...
kwit04ka's user avatar
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Reset office application state on start

I use squish for testing and it doesn't close the tested application correct always. In that case office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) starts with some recovery options (previous documents getting ...
shuriksun's user avatar
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PyQt in Squish IDE

I use Squish IDE in python for automatic tests on Qt Application. During the execution of test case, I want create an external graphic interface to give information test. I have installed PyQt5 ...
Andrea Valitutto's user avatar
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Squish test functions always pass when used with squishtest module

We are using Squish for Qt 6.6.2 on Windows 10 with Python 3.8.7 and running our tests using squishtest module with Robot Framework 4.0.1. We are having an issue with the test functions provided by ...
Morkkis's user avatar
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waitForObject returns the first object matching the pattern. Is there a way I can get list of all objects?

I need a list of all objects with same property/type. Is there a way or an API(just like waitForObject) where I give the type/property and get list of all objects. I am using Python script for Squish.
Vidhi Bansal's user avatar
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Public slots not visible in Squish

I have a small application, written in Qt, in which the MainWindow class is having 2 public slots namely: class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT . . . . public slots: quint8 ...
BikashRDas's user avatar
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Lost AUT connection between test cases in Squish

We are using Squish for QT in Python. For my tests I need to start application before execute test suite and close when execution is done. To achieve this I do next steps: Register AUT in Squish IDE ...
kwit04ka's user avatar
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Reinitializing a PyQt5 App without restarting (for GUI testing with squish)

Is it possible to reinitialize (reset) a pyqt5 GUI App without needing to be closed and restarted? I mean to bring the Pyqt5 App to the original status (like deleting all entries that the user made ...
Muhammad Alba's user avatar
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Eclipse (Squish) add custom annotation types

Hay, has anybody experiences with adding custom annotation types or appearance color options to the eclipse squish IDE? I'm trying to find a way to highlight previously verbalized words in the editor (...
Hoehlenhund's user avatar
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Get an object by coordinates without using a name in Squish

I have a problem, waitForObject or findObject only works with elements that are in names. But I need to get these objects simply by coordinates, I use x, y. Is this in principle possible in Squish?
Maximilian Black's user avatar
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Custom Python keyword for Robot Framework - Expected 0 arguments, got 1

I'm creating a Python keyword library using Squish for Qt for running a custom Qt application GUI tests with Robot Framework. Currently I'm running Robot Framework 3.2.2 on Python 3.8.7 (and Squish 6....
Morkkis's user avatar
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About dragging images with Squish for Windows using Image-Based Testing

I am executing automation testing with Squish for Windows using Image-Based Testing. But some of the events are not working! For example, i have a control looking like this: My sample control I would ...
Bao Tran's user avatar
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Squish for Windows keep inspecting the whole application window

I've just moved from using Squish for Web to Squish for Windows to automation test a window application, and i'm having this issue. When i tried to record and playback testcases, Squish keep ...
Bao Tran's user avatar
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How can I scroll till specific object visible in Squish Tests (QT application)?

I want to scroll to a specific object till it is visible in squish tests. This scroll is a horizontal one. I'm using a QT application. Currently I'm using mouseDrag method to do that. But it doesn't ...
Omesh Dhanushka's user avatar
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Where are Squish tools located?

After installing Squish IDE I get a window that asks for the location of Squish tools. I can't get past it, because the OK button is always disabled and when you click cancel the program exits. I also ...
Matebo's user avatar
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Code control couldn't go inside the child class constructor in javascript

I have been learning squish to automate a desktop application and I'm using Javascript at language to write my tests. So I have these three following classes in my code : Actions, Button and ...
Peter Jackson's user avatar
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How to detect colorisation on a text box with Squish and Robot framework?

I have a desktop application that has a form that people fill out in text boxes. If an invalid value is entered, then the box turns pink with a red border. I am using Robot framework with Squish to ...
brian_dm's user avatar
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How to use an object in Squish as a pure QT object

I am trying to write a Squish script in python to print all children of a custom QObject. For confidentiality reasons I cannot share any details about the QObject type. The script prints lists all ...
Vidhi Bansal's user avatar

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