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Where-Object square bracket column name

How to filter a PowerShell object that contains a square bracket column name? for example: $data | select-object DisplayName, ``[Custom.Class`].Name would return: DisplayName [Custom.Class].Name Cat ...
Charlie's user avatar
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-8 votes
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How to flatten extra dimensions in lists down into a single dimension for Python? [duplicate]

Question1. Do you always have to convert a list to string to remove square brackets? Main Question. I want to remove extra square brackets of a list nested in a list. The [] index of the nested list ...
Handsome rob's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What are the differences between list() and square bracket in Python?

I get to put in some strings, and make it into list, each characters seperated. some_string = input() string_list = list(*some_string) print(string_list) but list doesn't get this argument if string ...
CHANHYEOK KIM's user avatar
-2 votes
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Meaning of two double brackets ([][]) in Java

What is the role of a pair of double brackets ([][]) in Java? reference code(Leetcode 1351. Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix): class Solution { public int countNegatives(int[][] grid) { ...
Abhishek Thakur's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

sed command returns error about Unmatched (

I need to get rid of the double square brackets, I only need them once. However I get the error below after this command: sed -ri 's/("opening_hours": \[\[)(.*?)(\]\]/"opening_hours&...
jjk's user avatar
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Passing var with square bracket into function, like this [1], brackets not recognized PHP 8.2

PHP 8.2: The last 3 hours I am searching for a solution to identify square brackets from a text. In case I place the string text directly in the function, I can identify the square brackets: $...
Tom Friedrichs's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

React custom hook square bracket curly braces

The point is to use the same custom hook to make different API calls. The problem: When I return with {}, it works. When I return with [], it doesn't: It does not enter the ApiGetDogFactsComponent ...
João Fidalgo's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

How does this overloading of square brackets work [duplicate]

I want to avoid printing space (" ") or an underscore ("_") after the last element of an array while printing them using a for loop. The problem mentions one of the way to do so, I ...
Faizan Ahmed's user avatar
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what is the purpose of the \ because they do not affect the function of the code? [duplicate]

I have a university assignment to create a noughts&crosses/tictactoe game from a given template and this below was part of it: board = [['1','2','3'],\ ['4','5','6'],\ ['7','8','...
Ethan2001's user avatar
0 votes
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What is the meaning of [:, 1:] after np.genfromtxt()? [duplicate]

I am struggeling with python now. i'm trying this script. I am sure this is a very common syntax in python, but it is so generic I can't find any explanation that make sense to me. Can you help me to ...
Duccio Fabbri's user avatar
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Json parse in square bracket with same name

I am successfully parsing an api in square brackets with a single name API output : {u'energyDetails': {u'timeUnit': u'DAY', u'meters': [{u'values': ...
Rafel Lampič's user avatar
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why this deconstructuring return array's length? [duplicate]

I can't find description about this code in JS... let arr = [3, 1, 5, 1, 2, 1, 1]; let { length } = arr; console.log(length); why this code work like arr.length and how should I call it?...
vaaast_lake's user avatar
-2 votes
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Square brackets problem in GET form method

I'm working on a form in my aaa.php file, with checkboxes using square brackets in the "name" parameter : <form method="get" action="bbb.php"> <input type=&...
Fabien Nguyen's user avatar
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what does only right bracket in an equation such as b] = [A]y] means? [closed]

I am writing a paper that uses one of the equations from an old(1969) paper Now I have been asked the meaning of a single right bracket? It seems it's differentiating between one dimensional and 2 ...
jaskaran kaur's user avatar
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What is functionality of the '[recur]' in 'return (None, [lng])[recur]'

I've solved this challange on CodeWars in the other way, and now I'm learning from other solutions. One of them is: # Recursive solution def sqInRect(lng, wdth, recur = 0): if lng == wdth: ...
Woogie Boogie's user avatar
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Powershell command Start-BitsTransfer fails when source file paths contain square brackets [] [duplicate]

EDIT: I'll leave the question here as the help docs don't mention wildcard escaping, but using [WildcardPattern]::Escape('C:\temp\file[file].txt') works. On Windows (10) it's valid for file paths to ...
Geordie's user avatar
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How to remove '[' character from a string with re.sub function? [duplicate]

I want to remove the '[' square bracket character from a string. I am using re library. I had no problems with this square bracket ']' but I still having problem with this square bracket '['. My code: ...
Mattia Martino's user avatar
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Getting rid of unnecessary square brackets in a list

I have a list and I'm trying to append a series of new elements to this list in a certain order: Day, IDs (Array), Month, Year. I'm able to add these new elements to the list just fine, however, there ...
peru_45's user avatar
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2 answers

TypeScript array square bracket syntax with type values

Is it possible to write "isHoritzontal" using square bracket array syntax AND WITHOUT a variable assignment? I see it's possible with a variable assignment (ie. const a: Placement[] = ["...
cchapin's user avatar
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1 answer

Iterate Through the Keys of an Object with a Statement

Why is it that bracket notation allows the code to run meaning the count variable works, and when I use the dot notation the code doesn't work?[ const users = { Alan: { online: false }, ...
notrickhere's user avatar
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How to remove double square brackets from each rows of dataframe and data should not convert into string or list in python

As you can see in image I want to remove all square brackets from Problem column df["Problem"].astype(str).replace('[','',regex=True).astype(str).replace('\]','',regex=True) Note: By using ...
Sajid Choudhary's user avatar
4 votes
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C++ square bracket overloading with and without const/ampersand

I am writing C++ code, and ran into a case where I wish to overload the square bracket operator for my class. From various sources, I find that you usually make two methods to do this, one with the ...
Henrik Hillestad Løvold's user avatar
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C++ operator overloading [] and return types

I'm just revisiting C++, and I have a question about overloading of the [] operator, and more specifically why my program doesn't work. Given the following code in vec.cpp: double Vec::operator[](...
Henrik Hillestad Løvold's user avatar
2 votes
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PHP replace patterns in string with URLs

I have a few hundred html files that I want to show on a website. They all have links in them in the following format: [My Test URL|] The problem is that some ...
user754730's user avatar
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Command with 'creates' is not idempotent when using filenames with square brackets

I have a task that creates multiple files, if they not exists. It works, until a filename is used as item that contains a pair of square brackets. I've tried to escape with backslashes and {% raw %} ...
jandi's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

What is the [][] (double square brackets operator) operator in python?

I am new to python and I was looking for the correct way to do a ternary operation when assigning a variable. I found a post on stack overflow of someone suggesting something like this: var = ['...
mijorus's user avatar
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2 answers

Why isnt the indexing in this python script working?

I'm writing this script for an assignment so I'd appriciate being talked through it rather than simply being handed an answer. Basically I'm trying to convert feet to meters, meters to feet, and ...
Johnny Rinaldo's user avatar
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Regex to parse multi-brace (and brackets) string

I am currently working on an import feature in a Java project and am receiving objects as a string. A structure similar to JSON is being used here. Objects are enclosed in curly braces and lists go in ...
Chris van Darg's user avatar
-2 votes
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Error reading JSON file containing square brackets in Python

I need to modify the values of a JSON file that is being used by another program. It looks like this: [ { "ENABLED": "True", "NAME": "Cage", "CODE&...
jedi2191's user avatar
4 votes
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Is this a correct characterisation of the behaviours of square brackets in Scheme, Racket, Common Lisp, and Clojure?

I've recently done some digging. Due to my lack of Lisp experience, I want to verify what I've found. Is this a correct characterisation of the behaviours of square brackets in Scheme, Racket, Common ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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Why two single square brackets side by side in R

I am trying to learn data-cleaning with simple code. My central question is: what is the use of two single square brackets side by side? Here is df as an example. df <- data.frame(x = c(1:3, NA, NA)...
ronzenith's user avatar
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How do I display square bracketed followed by round bracketed text in HTML without it being registered as a hyperlink?

I have an example that I am trying to write out in another forum, but I believe HTML formatting is registering my example as hyperlinks. Here is what I am trying to write out: [who is](who_is_was) [...
John89's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

How to print a value from a variable in square brackets? [duplicate]

last= "smith" I am trying to print this line: John [Smith]. The answer is last = "Smith" msg = "John" + " ["+ last +"] " print(msg) But I don't ...
Noob's user avatar
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How do I look in a string with text inside quotations, but ignoring anything inside brackets using regex?

For example my string is: var str = 'Hello "Counts1 [ignore1] Counts2 [ignore2] Counts3 [ignore3] Count these too"'; How would I get everything inside the string that is inside quotations ...
user avatar
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2 answers

How pandas is handling square brackets [] and how to avoid that?

I have to read a tomcat access-log that has lines like: [06/Nov/2020:00:43:04 +0200] /wsi/services/ServicesReadRequest 2265 200 21 trying to read the file as csv, setting all ...
Tamas Deak's user avatar
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Removing excess square brackets when dumping to JSON multiple times

For every time I dump a dictionary into a JSON file, a pair of square brackets is added, which I cannot figure out how to avoid. I use "try" to write to an existing JSON file (where the ...
filassy's user avatar
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PhpStorm reformat square bracket on same line

I am working in a Symfony project, using PhpStorm and I have selected 'Symfony 2' as the preset to reformat code. However the rest of the codebase has the following style: $updatesTable->addRow([ ...
Leon Segal's user avatar
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Copy-Item doesn't work with square bracket in destination parameter [duplicate]

I am trying to copy a file from a folder to another using Copy-Item $source -Destination $destination but in $destination I have square brackets: Copy-Item doesn't throw an error but doesn't copy ...
Emanuele Lacopo's user avatar
-1 votes
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accessing length of an array inside an object gives me 'TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined'

I get an error TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined when trying to access length of an array inside of an object that I get from mapstatetoprops... In my actions folder, i created a ...
F Alem's user avatar
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Remove elements in the square bracket of a string from Python

I am required to remove the elements within the square bracket of a string. However, I am unable to get the desired results. Below is desired output I am required to get: Example of the Output [[apple]...
Dumbo The Elephant's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to overload operator[] for indexing the shared_ptr elements of a custom vector class?

Currently, I'm creating my own vector class, and I like to create instances of any class via shared pointers. So, is there a way to overload operator[] in order to achieve the following code? class ...
Gökalp Öztürk's user avatar
0 votes
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How to print arrays with square brackets instead of curly brackets in Laravel? [duplicate]

I have this piece of code in my laravel controller and it prints an array as below: Iitems is a collection. $i = []; foreach($items as $item) { $i['grid'][$item->color]['color'] = $item->...
user avatar
-2 votes
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I'm just wondering if anyone could clarify why Square Brackets are being used during a Function call-back in JavaScript?

So, I'm currently working my way through JavaScript and often find myself getting the 'information overload' block regarding information... I was hoping someone could clarify for me that why, if I ...
Mike's user avatar
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Powershell script with a path with square brackets in a string for

I can't get my Powershell script to work with a path which has square brackets. Input path is "c:\temp\yeah [thats it]" param ( [string]$folderPath = $env:folderPath ) $folderPath = $...
Marcus's user avatar
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how to use grep to search for text strings from a file that contain square brackets?

I have 2 text files. I am trying to do the following: Loop over all lines of file1 Find all lines in file2 where a given line fro file1 is a substring So I want to do something like this: for l in `...
I Z's user avatar
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How to remove extraneous square brackets from a nested list inside a dictionary?

I have been working on a problem which involves sorting a large data set of shop orders, extracting shop and user information based on some parameters. Mostly this has involved creating dictionaries ...
Patrick Singer's user avatar
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How do I distinguish reads from writes when using the Proxy Pattern without breaking interaction with primitive types & member access for other types?

Preface I'm asking this question after a week of investigating and reviewing dozens and dozens of proxy pattern implementations. Please, do not incorrectly flag this question as a duplicate unless the ...
Fake Code Monkey Rashid's user avatar
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WP "retrieve_password_message"

do you happen to know how to remove those square brackets that come in the theme email template sent to users? Thank you!
Luis Llanos's user avatar
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Finding differences in .JSON files using Powershell Compare-Object, problems with square bracket values

I am trying to compare two .json files using # Compare two files $BLF = (Get-Content -Path C:\Users\...\Documents\Android1.json) $CLF = (Get-Content -Path C:\Users\...\Documents\Android2.json) $...
esr's user avatar
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1 answer

Javascript / React use of square brackets [duplicate]

I know there are a whole lot of questions on square brackets in javascript - however, I did not get an answer to my requirement class SignIn extends Component{ constructor(props){ super(...
code_kbd's user avatar
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