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SQL Job Manual Run vs Scheduled RUN

I am having a situation with the scheduled job running longer when it runs on scheduled time, but runs absolutely fine when executing manually. The job is basically for creating the csv file using ...
SQL Rookie's user avatar
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SSRS Subscription Jobs in AG

We use SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) for reporting purpose. The report server is part of AG (Availability Group). We have one primary and three secondary servers. When we create an SSRS ...'s user avatar
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I have this SSIS package with many tasks. While the package sometimes run fine but sometimes it just fails. I have observed one thing that the package fails because of couple of tasks, prominently one,...
Max_431's user avatar
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Why does the "Next Run" date not correlate to the schedule for this SSRS subscription job?

I migrated a SQL Server Reporting Services v2012 server to a v2019 server and found afterwards that at least one report subscription is executing on a date which does not match the schedules that are ...
user644407's user avatar
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Azure SQL Elastic Job using Microsoft Entra Authentication with a User-Managed Identity

I need some confirmation, I am creating elastic jobs in Azure SQL. The documentation is good from Microsoft, but I wanted to make sure I understood the job authentication correctly when using a user-...
MintyOwl's user avatar
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SQL SSIS job failing

I have a SQL Server 2022 application running on 2 nodes redundantly, one of the jobs (SSIS) is failing on the primary node saying the service account can not find the specified file, the exact same ...
DJ Kiuru's user avatar
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SQL Job runs slow after reindex (and adding/removing SET ARITHABORT ON)

I have a SQL 2019 Server that is a multi-tenanted environment, so I've got lots of identical (apart from the data) customer databases on it. There is a need to aggregate some data every 30 minutes in ...
mark jerrom's user avatar
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SQL query where if any job steps fail it need to be notified to user, when job is executed

Is there any SQL query where if any job steps fail it need to be notified to user, along with job execution for only failure notifications. For example: If we have Test job and it has 6 steps, if 4th ...
Hari_SQL_DBA's user avatar
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Failed to create an IDataAdapter object

I have SSIS package which consist Execute SQL Task step. Where package variable contains SQL query that executes on predefined SQL Server. There is no parameter mapping nor any more complex config. ...
meekash55's user avatar
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Does Sql job schedules with same name affect job working

I have a SQL job which has stopped working. Every thing was fine. One thing i noticed that there were multiple schedules with same name and different times of the day. I updated the names and give ...
Abdul's user avatar
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SQL Agent Job executes delete statement instead of Delete-Insert

I have written a stored procedure, code shown below. I have scheduled a job to execute this stored procedure. The job executes the procedure in 10 seconds and deletes the table but DOESN'T insert any ...
xorpower's user avatar
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Powershell Reportwrongprovidertype is not valid?

Write-Host "Script" Write-Host "Execute on [$Sever].[$DatabaseN] on $Date" $Server = "servername" $DatabaseN = "name" $Date = Get-Date -format "yyyy-...
Live's user avatar
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How to create a schedule with condition to run in Oracle

I need create a job schedule. My job must be run after table sources from DWH team run are done, but I can't control this. I only can see table_name and complete_run_date_time in a log table from DWH ...
Edward's user avatar
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MSSQL Using Job @powershell running stored procedure

can i have steps based answer to my query we want to run stored procedure as job on regular interval using power shell style formatting output to file. Procedure contents: simple select query Some ...
Mountain Man's user avatar
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SQL Server not sending email when job fails

I have a job with a step that runs the following code: SELECT * FROM TABLETHATDOESNTEXIST I have a SQL Server Agent Operator tied to my target email. I've set up the job so that when the job fails, it ...
whatwhatwhat's user avatar
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Microsoft SQL Server Agent Job: Get Schedule that triggered the Job

I have SQL Server Agent Job on my System that copies data into at table for later evaluation purposes. The Job runs on two types of schedules every Friday every week and last day of the month. The ...
Christoph Larisch's user avatar
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SQL JOB schedule: how to skip certain month

I need a report that runs once on the following month below: JAN,FEB,APR,MAY,JUL,AUG,OCT,NOV (essentially skipping MAR, JUN, SEP and DEC) and this is how I do it (I had to have two schedules to ...
BobNoobGuy's user avatar
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SQL Job failing when one of the steps attempts to connect to another server

I have created a job where step 1 calls for the deletion of data from table1 on server "ucpdapps2". Step 2 calls to pull data from table5 on server "archive" and place it in ...
WGraulich's user avatar
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SSIS and SQL Server Agent Job Notification duplicates the error mail

I have an interesting issue. I will try to keep it simple as explanation. I have a SSIS package which has an Event Handler (OnError, including some extra logging info) with Send Mail Task which is ...
HackingWiz's user avatar
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Run Sql Job in The first day of every shamsi month (persian date) [closed]

I want to run a SQL Server Agent job every first day of shamsi (persian) month.
alinn's user avatar
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Change Server IP and SQL Server Agent Not Execute Jobs

I changed the IP server that I have SQL Server on, now all the jobs I wrote on the old IP server, are not running on the new IP server. I get the error Executed as user: NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT. ...
Saba Soleiman Goli's user avatar
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Do we have to implement syspolicy_purge_history job in case of azure database, as there is no msdb

I migrated from sql server to Azure db. While migrating I found a job named syspolicy_purge_history, do I also need to implement it on Azure db? As I found the syspolicy_purge_history job is targeting ...
SAJID BHAT's user avatar
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Running a SSIS package as a job in SQL server management studio

I have a SSIS package which has a Script task in it with no errors. When I run the package in my local it is running without any errors, but when I deploy the package and schedule it as a job, both ...
SM079's user avatar
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SQL - Query to get db/table names and update statistics

I have a query which generate 'Update Statistics' queries for me which I then run manually. I do something like: select concat('Update statistics ',Database_Name,'.dbo.Table') from Dbinfo..Tables I ...
JCP's user avatar
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Managing security for an SSIS package accessing another SQL server - best practice

Lets suppose I have to create and deploy an SSIS package to sql server (name it SQL1) load some data from another sql server (SQL2). On SQL I want to create a job as well to execute this package. Lets ...
Zoltan Hernyak's user avatar
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Best Way to Monitor SQL Server Agent Job Step

What is the best practice to monitor SQL Server job steps? I have a single job with 50 steps. Sometimes, some of the steps are taking longer to complete. I want to have a monitoring process that ...
Data 2020's user avatar
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Sql jobs failed randomly to acquire connection after the activation of the Always ON feature

Since we activated the Always On mode on our server, we have some issues regarding our SQL jobs (running SSIS package) which failed randomly with this message : Failed to acquire connection "DB&...
ElRoro's user avatar
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Opening a rowset for "Sheet1$" failed. Check that the object exists in the database

I am attempting to create a SSIS Package in SQL Server Management Studio. The package simply imports data from an Excel File on a corporate shared drive and into a database table. Upon completion of ...
JustAWanderer's user avatar
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Failed to acquire connection SSIS

I am executing a SSIS package from SQL job. I am getting following error time to time. Execute SQL Task:Error: Failed to acquire connection "<>". Connection may not be configured ...
udaya726's user avatar
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Measure time of running SQL job and start another if it exceeds a certain amount

I have a job that usually run for about 17 seconds. Somehow, that job sometimes take hours to run. I'm looking for a way to measure how long that job have been running and when/if the job has been ...
Eivind Hauger's user avatar
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Code: 0xC0029151. The process exit code was "-1073740791" while the expected was "0"

I'm trying to load multiple tables from SQL server to Teradata by launching Fastload through .bat files on Execute Process tasks one by one. If I run the batch files directly, it works. I run the SSIS ...
HarryS's user avatar
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Execute SQL Job base on file modified data

I have several SQL Jobs which are all scheduled to run at a certain time of the day. These Jobs generally execute SSIS packages which fetches the source data on a different server. In some cases the ...
PKirby's user avatar
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SQL Start Job and transaction rollback

In our database some "lazy" table updates are applied. We call an update as "lazy" when they can be executed later (not too late but not at the very time when the real and ...
Zoltan Hernyak's user avatar
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Using sql query on ssis server sql job using powershell

I want to invoke a sql query/SP on sql job in a ssis server using a powershell script but I don't know how to do that. I've used powershell to run sql queries on sql database but not jobs on ssis. ...
HAH's user avatar
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What is the purpose of Alert inside a SQL agent job?

I am creating a new SQL agent job. I have already configured the job step and notifications so that the operator received an email upon failure. I also see an option called 'Alerts' - I understand ...
variable's user avatar
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Comma Separated Job names are not pulling Job ID in for execution in While Loop but working fine when queried a single Job Name

Below SQL Script is not able to fetch the Job ID due to some problem while running with comma separated values Same is running fine if I query JOB ID one by one instead of comma separated dROP TABLE #...
V J's user avatar
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How can I get a query of possible login names for SQL job owner?

I'm trying to get the list of all possible login names for a job owner. The following query SELECT * FROM sys.syslogins WHERE hasaccess=1 gives me close to what I'm looking for but it returns ...
pdube's user avatar
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Using SQL Server Management Studio to run a Job to make an API Call instead of a SQL Procedure

Is there a way schedule a job in SQL Server management studio to make API calls (SOAP or REST) directly from SQL Server. Where can I find more rules/syntax etc to do this. I need to make API calls on ...
YelizavetaYR's user avatar
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SFTP file transfer error - connecting to an unknown server and add its host key

I have created the batch to transfer the file using SSH keys, I checked the public and private key mapping on both the servers and it's working fine. My Windows batch code using SFTP command is as ...
Irfan's user avatar
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SQL Server 2019 > Agent Job execute > Error 'Culture is not supported'

Within the Job History logs - Error on Step 1 : Culture is not supported. Parameter name: culture 3072 (0x0c00) is an invalid culture identifier. Prior to this issue, I changed the server (MS SQL ...
Peter O Brien's user avatar
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SQL Server Agent for job failures without activating the Emails

I have a scheduled SQL Agent job which runs over the night every day. I want to set up a email notification for that job but I also have some constraints for that particular server. Constraints: I can ...
Hasan's user avatar
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Scheduled Job Failure ERROR: [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 7344)

I have encountered the following message from one of the failed job which is scheduled hourly. Executed as user: EBGROUP\svc_denue6dscl003_sq. The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server ...
Hasan's user avatar
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One Job in SQL agent run twice in same time (like a parallel)

we have jobs in sql agent runnig schedually. We know at least about one job (scheduled every day at three different times - morning, afternoon, night) which rarely (apx one per several months) fires/...
fio's user avatar
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SQL job calling ssis package

I am getting below error when running a sql job that calls SSIS package. Does anyone know what is the issue? "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object : at Microsoft....
Jane Fonda's user avatar
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How to run SQL job on specific dates?

So I have a job that I would like to have run on the first friday of a fiscal calendar. In this case, the first friday of the fiscal calendar month does not always match up with the actual calendar ...
ocean800's user avatar
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SQL Server job gets stuck occasionally

I found my SQL Server job gets stuck occasionally, about once every two months. Since I am not from DBA background, I need some to help to rectify the issue. So far, I have tried to pinpoint the issue ...
Nerdynosaur's user avatar
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How to generate XMLA script of an SSAS tabular model using SQL job?

We are using SQL jobs to deploy SSAS models deployed in UAT server to production server. Two steps we are currently following are: Sync model of UAT to production. Process (full) the production model....
NewDevNinja's user avatar
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ProcessStartInfo returning The directory name is invalid when invoking from SQL Job

I have a SQL Job that's running on a DB Server and on one of the steps it calls an application server to run an exe "cmd Exec step type" the exe application "C#" is invoked ...
Marwah Abdelaal's user avatar
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How to start an sql job by completion of other sql Jobs?

I have 5 sql jobs. But I have to start the 5th sql job only when all other 4 sql jobs are been completed. Is it possible to achieve it? Thanks in Advance,
Anish's user avatar
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SQL Server Job access denied

I have a few jobs i created in SQL Server which were setup and have been running for months. For some reason now howrever, whenever i try and add or edit a 'step' within a job, it comes up with '...
rc27's user avatar
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