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Setup SSH Key for authentication for Gerrit plugin in IntelliJ

At the company that I work at we use Gerrit for code reviews. When using it from Eclipse I can setup the SSH key that is generated from Gerrit to be used for authentication for cloning, pushing etc. ...
Atanas Donev's user avatar
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What is the easiest way to manage adding/removing entries to the authorized_keys files across many servers? [closed]

Title pretty much sums it up. If you have a bunch of servers (that you can easily SSH into) and want to grant other people SSH access via their public key, is there an easy way to keep all of the ...
railsguy42's user avatar
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Multiple git account associated to folders and SSH Confiog

I'm working with multiple GitHub account (let's say userA and userB ...). My folder architecture is Projects/ |- userA/ |- projectA1/ |- projectA2/ |- ... All the repository accessible ...
Valentin Vignal's user avatar
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SSH Server Verification Failing - Is Exchange Hash in Correct Form?

I'm writing a simple ssh client in C using the OpenSSL library to handle the Diffie-Hellman operations (big numbers, hashing, computing the shared key, server verification, etc.) I'm running a ssh ...
Ruben Boero's user avatar
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Deployment key issue - error in libcrypto

Preface: I am a very new dev, so many things are still new to me, excuse for my limited knowledge! I'm adding a small deployment for a site I'm working on, specifically to grab what I push to our ...
Mark's user avatar
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Troubleshooting SSH Connection Issues on WSL

I'm currently setting up OCaml on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and encountering issues with SSH authentication when trying to connect to GitLab. Despite multiple attempts to generate SSH keys (...
Jacob Parsons's user avatar
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Add ssh key to Xcode cloud to access bitbucket private repositories

I have one project and in which I have multiple private cocoa pods. i hosted all pods in my private git repository. I have local pod specs repository which have multiple pod specs for different pods. ...
Moinuddin Girach's user avatar
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[email protected]: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic)

I followed exactly the guide here: to the letter. For some reason I still cannot ssh to the instance... Here is the full ...
ellgee's user avatar
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Ansible-generated SSH keys works with Java 17 but not Java 8

I am generating SSH keys using an Ansible script that works fine with Java 17, However it's not working when using Java 8. The issue seems to be related to the encryption algorithm used in the ...
Nish's user avatar
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Ssh does not use keys in ssh agent [duplicate]

SSH simply refuses to use the keys inside of the ssh-agent. Yes i have verified that the keys are in the agent and that the ssh agent is running. I have also set IdentitiesOnly to no in the ssh_config....
Caped Bojji's user avatar
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Issue Cloning Repository After SSH Key Change

I recently changed my GitHub SSH key and updated it in my GitHub account. Most of my private repositories are working fine, but I’m having trouble cloning a specific repository that I’ve contributed ...
Alzubair Mhmoud's user avatar
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Multiple users successfully authenticated, but SSH keys not working on Windows 11

I'm trying to set multiple GitHub accounts for multiple projects I'm working on. It just won't work. First of all, I'm on Windows 11. I've created the keys, they're in C:/Users/User/.ssh/... I ...
Chantal's user avatar
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Is there a way to automate generating an SSH key for git clone every time I spin up a new remote server?

Currently, every time I spin up a new remote server, I create a new SSH key and register it with my GitHub account to clone private repositories. I believe using an SSH key is mandatory for this, but ...
narumi's user avatar
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Attach multiple SSH Keys to a user in a SFTP server

I want to create multiple unique SSH keys for multiple users for an AWS SFTP server. In my module call, I'm creating users and SSH keys by passing a map of objects : module "users" { ...
Satyam Raj's user avatar
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Error in libcrypto, Permission denied on Gitlab CI Actions SSH command

In gitlab ci/cd, I tried to deploy code to VPS using ssh key to connect but i met this error Load key "/builds/socialmedia-askvolt/mynodejs-app.tmp/SSH_KEY": error in libcrypto Permission ...
Nguyen Anh Viet's user avatar
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Can't sign in to github BUT gh works with ssh key, but 2fa recovery states no valid ssh keys for recovery?

I have different github account for different organizations. One which I use rather infrequently, I can't login into. The password reset email works fine but apparently I signed up for 2FA and lost ...
philip's user avatar
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2 answers

Jenkins Docker Container: Ansible fails to connect via SSH when run via Jenkins, connects fine if not ran via Jenkins. Failed ssh: muxserver_listen"

I'm running a Docker container of Jenkins with Ansible in the same image. Ansible is updating another Docker container on the same Docker network. Useing an ssh key file. Tested using root user and ...
harrypottar's user avatar
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How can I debug an SSH connection in Eclipse RSE

I can connect to the remote server with a ssh key pair, but I cannot get the connection to work with RSE using these keys. RSE ignores the certificate and insists on a password. I’m looking for output ...
TomEE's user avatar
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SSH connection autentication says ok, but still fails to connect

enter image description here as showed in the image above the connection works but permissions say denied but i double checked the permissions on the linux server to 600 and 644 using chmod command on ...
Marcelo Jaeger's user avatar
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Unable to fix SSH Permission denied (publickey) error

I keep getting this error whenever I try to access a server via ssh using VSCode's Remote Explorer or command line terminal. I already checked this question, but was unable to solve the issue. I have: ...
The Blind Hawk's user avatar
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How to Configure CI/CD Pipeline to Pull Changes Using SSH Key or Access Token Without Username and Password?

I am in the process of setting up a CI/CD pipeline and need some guidance on configuring my script to automatically pull changes from a target branch. I would like to achieve this without the need to ...
ATUL VERMA's user avatar
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github permission denied for user. but ssh -T works

I'm so confused. I try to do ssh push to a repo and I get: error: Permission to somerepo.git denied to jenia. fatal: Could not read from remote repository But when I do ssh -T I get: Hi ...
Jenia Be Nice Please's user avatar
-1 votes
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MAC OS on AWS EC2- Need to use service account instead default ec2-user account and need it for hardening the OS

I have a requirement that MAC OS on AWS EC2, Need to use service account instead default ec2-user account while doing ssh like (ssh -i /path/to/your-key.pem ec2-user@your-instance-public-ip ), This is ...
New-to-MacOS-EC2's user avatar
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Github: Can't clone with ssh

I am trying to clone a private repository in a vps (or droplet) with linux, I followed all the steps in the official docs and when I run the command ssh -T [email protected] I get the successful message: ...
Daniel Valencia's user avatar
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Libcrypto error in Docker container in Azure DevOps pipeline

I have a Azure DevOps pipeline that I use for Terragrunt CI. The source Terraform modules that I am using in my repo are stored in a second repo, and so in order to run terragrunt plan you need to ...
Gabriel Kelly's user avatar
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Is there a different way to set-up multiple git profiles for bitbucket?

I currently have my config file for ssh set up as follows: Host HostName User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_account1 IdentitiesOnly yes Host
zeropsi's user avatar
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Jenkins EC2 agent - Host key verification failed

I'm using Jenkins EC2 Plugin to spawn agents on demand. During my job I have to clone other repository, so I'm using sshagent. However I was getting Host key verification failed error, so I've added: ...
Frendom's user avatar
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git pull on webserver from github via SSH

I created a website locally and pushed the files via ssh to github. For that I generated an ssh-key and had now issues. No I am trying to pull those files on my webserver (connection via ssh). But I ...
Tobias Schmid's user avatar
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Cannot ssh into the container when created using podman with proper ssh-keys as well

I am trying to create a ubuntu container using podman and able to bring up the container successfully. However when I try to ssh into the container using ssh-keys it is not working. Here is my ...
Madhuri's user avatar
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How can I get ssh agent (or similar) to work for a git signing key?

My setup works perfectly fine for the authentication ssh key: Host ...
Vala's user avatar
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Issue: Cannot SSH into self hosted GitLab Server Using Public Key Authentication

I have searched this issue and followed many instructions on how to connect to gitlab via SSH from RHEL8 client. None of the common resolutions / configurations are working to solve this connection ...
JW Baker's user avatar
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EC2 Instance with persistent SSH Host Keys using Terraform

I am creating an ec2 instance for usage as a bastion host, using terraform. The instance is reached via an elastic ip. I deploy ssh-keys to the bastion host using a shell script inside the user_data ...
RadioDevMan's user avatar
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how do I clone github repo ssh key to cli, i keep getting syntax error near unexpected token `newline`

I keep getting syntax error near unexpected token 'newline' I am using windows and git bash I copied ssh key for GitHub repo I was expecting to clone GitHub repo I downloaded code editor trying to ...
ShmacksUp's user avatar
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Do I have to create a new ssh key pair every time I try access my repositories from different servers?

I created an SSH key pair and added it to my GitHub repository 1-2 months ago. Now I want to connect from a new server. I want to clone the repository I have on my GitHub to this new server, but it ...
Gunel's user avatar
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Git clone through SSH key cannot find private repository with access

I have access to the repository via the UI, I can download via zip but I can't clone it via SSH. I can clone other repos on different orgs though. I have tried to re create my ssh keys but not luck. ...
fcpauldiaz's user avatar
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I'm having trouble connecting to the Colab server via SSH

Attemptiing to set up an SSH tunnel to a Google Colab instance using Ngrok. However, it encounters a ConnectionRefusedError, indicating that Ngrok is unable to establish a connection. This could stem ...
Jhngir Khn's user avatar
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Not able to use GIT through SSH

I've created a new SSH key on ~/.ssh/id_rsa and I added the public key (~/.ssh/ on my Azure account but when I try to perform any action on git it returns the following error message: ...
Luis Felipe Martins's user avatar
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Unable to use browser for EC2 AWS login with inbound rule including my own IPv4

all. I am new to AWS and have limited tech support knowledge, so please bear with me. I recently created an AWS account for personal (not business) related reasons. I am using EC2, and Linux for ...
Kyle Schmidt's user avatar
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Unable to push from RStudio to GitHub - URL error 403

Hi I am new to RStudio and GitHub. I am trying to push a file from RStudio into my GitHub Repository called Testing2. It's a practical exercise that's part of the course I am doing. However, I am not ...
Shaurya Parikh's user avatar
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GitHub Actions SSH Deployment Error to Google Cloud VM

I'm encountering an error while deploying to my Google Cloud VM using GitHub Actions and SSH. Previously, the workflow was working flawlessly, but now it's failing during deployment. Details: Workflow ...
Shivank Anchal's user avatar
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Generate a PuTTY-compatible private key with a passphrase

I want to generate a private key that is encrypted with a passphrase and can be used by PuTTYgen. My solution only needs to work on .NET 8. While a PPK in proprietary PuTTY format would be nice, I'm ...
maxmoore14's user avatar
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ssh-ed25519 string to public key in java

I'm pretty much novice in cryptography and has an issue with loading a ed25519 public key string into It works when I try a key using openssl, but not when I load a key which ...
dimuthu's user avatar
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ssh-agent empty through ssh remote session

My scenario I have a linux machine (fedora workstation 39) for development, I have java, node, podman, IDE's, everything works as expected. For git I setup keys (to clone using ssh) and gpg (signature)...
Bruno Rozendo's user avatar
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How to resolve BadHostKeyException with paramiko? [duplicate]

I have following code to connect to a linux box and run a command, But I'm facing BadHostKeyException even after I have added WarningPolicy and AutoAddPolicy. print("---CCCCCCCCCCCCC--...
mac's user avatar
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cmake git clone via ssh fails on windows with Host key verification failed

i have a C program which is build using cmake unter linux and macOS fine. I tried to cross-compile it under windows with cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" .. but I ran into a strange error. Within ...
solick's user avatar
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I can´t clone my github repository with a ssh key

I can´t clone my github repository with a ssh key , the terminal said me -"[email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have ...
user avatar
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Error trying to push a comit to a GitHub Organization

I'm getting the following error while trying to push a commit to a github organization, that I have just been added, using the command "git push --set-upstream origin X11 forwarding request ...
Rian Santana's user avatar
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Mirror Gitlab to Bitbucket Cloud - Authentication problem with bitbucket

I am trying to setup mirroring so that I can push any commits I make to my local gitlab instance to my bitbucket repo. I have created an access token on my bitbucket repo but any attempt to add it to ...
Anthony Cregan's user avatar
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Can't clone or push into my GitHub repository using SSH from VS Code terminal and the default windows terminal

When I try to clone into a repo from the default windows terminal and vscode terminal It says [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. It appears ...
Fayis Razal's user avatar
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Key fingerprint mismatch on terminal and Github account

I added an SSH key to my GitHub. I run ssh -T [email protected] to check if I set it up correctly. The key fingerprint that showed up on terminal was: The authenticity of host ' ('...
Jasmine's user avatar
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