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DAX Dynamic Measure as a Slicer in Power BI

I am trying to create a slicer in Power BI. This slicer is based on the selected value. As a result I want to get the results of 'WeekFilter' as my Slicer. But unfortunately Power BI won't let me, ...
daantheboss's user avatar
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Slicer filter on embedded power bi by API

In my embedded power bi report I'm using a component name Smart Filter pro by OKVIZ. I want to select some items using filters by javascript. I tried according to their documentation but its not ...
mestu's user avatar
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How to make Slicer Work on Inactive Relationship in PowerBI?

I’m working on a Power BI model with the following relationships: DimManager is connected to DimProjects through a direct relationship (via ManagerID). DimProjects contains project-level details and ...
Meet Bardoliya's user avatar
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Create a dynamic DAX table where at least one slicer applies

I have a report where my stakeholders want to know the distinct count of a individual_id based on if ANY slicers apply, rather than if ALL filters apply which is default PowerBI filter behaviour. I've ...
travelsandbooks's user avatar
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Issue with PivotTables when running VBA Code to Loop through Slicers and Print to and Save PDFs - Couldn't Complete Action Because Theres Already

I tried to find a previous QA on this, but I haven't been able to find a solution. I have inherited a connected Excel spreadsheet that has one worksheet that contains a slicer with about 170 different ...
CasWalker's user avatar
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Power BI/DAX: dynamically filter table values with slicer

I have a Power BI table visual with a column "Monthly Report" containing text values such as "2024 08 August" "2024 09 September", etc... There is an associated column &...
Hawkins.bp's user avatar
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Calculate Year-over-Year Difference with User-Selected Reference and Comparison Years Using Slicers

"How can I create a measure in Power BI to calculate the difference (%) between two selected years, where the user can choose both the reference year and the comparison year from slicers on the ...
Ana Cristina Ocampo Wilches's user avatar
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Power BI Slicer options settings

In Power BI, I have three slicers: Slicer 1, Slicer 2, and Slicer 3. Slicer 1 acts as the primary slicer, with two options labeled "program" and "non-program." Meanwhile, Slicer 2 ...
Beatrix's user avatar
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Sum of Value between Slicer Dates

I want to get the sum between two slicer dates without breaking it out by month. The number should be static for the dates selected. Here's an example of the data I'm trying to get information from: ...
thisisnotluisa's user avatar
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Power BI - Get slicers to mirror data from the same period of the previous selected year

I have a table visual containing the individual quatation entries made by each broker. Firstly, I wanted it to display the data from the same period of the previous year based on the selection made in ...
cimino_cimi's user avatar
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How to use a selected slicer value to do a calculation on it and use this calculation result to filter a pivot table

I need to use two filters, YEAR and YEAR-1 values, on two distinct pivot tables. The YEAR value is selected from a slicer, for instance, 2024 and then, the first pivot table connected to this slicer ...
MARCELO KNUST's user avatar
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Power BI current week information only on visual - does not change due to slicers

I am trying to create a measure that feeds the visual, however I cannot get it to just look at current week or last week without being affected by slicers. Here is the code so far: VAR CurrentWeek = ...
Nicki King's user avatar
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Power BI Date Table Slicer Returning Blank Visualizations

I am trying to create a date slicer with the date dimension table that will reduce records/count of records in a visualization based on the dates selected by the user. The date dimension table has an ...
user26852647's user avatar
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M Query parameters aren't connecting to my data slicers! Bind to Parameter?

I've spent a couple hours on a project today and I'm getting stuck on creating some date slicers for a Power Query I have in DirectQuery mode. I've seen a few people run into this but without a ...
Nathanael Nolan's user avatar
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Use slicer to dynamically select column

How can I use a slicer to dynamically select a column from my table? I want to have two slicers: the first to select the function and the second to select the column. I can get the first slicer ...
Jack's user avatar
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Powerpivot with slicer on two tables [closed]

Trying to learn PowerPivot and slicers using two simple tables. Titles: Media: The tables are linked by ID I created a pivot table listing the Titles > title field and a slicer based on the ...
user167850's user avatar
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Creating a new slicer in Excel duplicates an existing slicer connected to another pivot chart

I have an Excel file containing many pivot charts with slicers connected to each chart. I have noticed that when I create a new pivot chart by duplicating an earlier one (ie: by copying an earlier ...
IqbalHamid's user avatar
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Using OR condition between >2 slicers, and slicing even if not all slicers are active

I want to be able to filter my visuals based on whether any of my multiple slicers are active. I have been able to display data fitting any of the values in my slicers (rather than all of them) using ...
travelsandbooks's user avatar
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How to fix slicer position in excel during cell scrolling in any direction

In excel when i scroll cell in any direction that time slicer position also be scroll in cell direction but i want to fix slicer position for any scrolling it remain fix at their position I try to fix ...
Manav Sutariya's user avatar
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How to use Measure as Slicer in Power BI

I have a measure, i want to filter it with a slicer with under stock, over stock In 'Table' visual , optimum , how to do it in Power BI StockStatus = VAR Department = SELECTEDVALUE('3_month_sales_&...
THASNI HAKEEM's user avatar
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Dynamic MTD and YTD slicer using YTD Data

I have provided the image of the sample data where I have YTD data (Actual, Plan, Prior Year) by period for a city. I already have a slicer with periods. Suppose I select Period 6 in the period slicer,...
Lijoy's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to insert a slicer before the vba code runs?

I have created a vba code which copies data from the main sheet to a new sheet depending on a specific cell "Status". If Status is set to active then that particular row is copied and pasted ...
Juan Jacobs's user avatar
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Is there any way to update caption of excel's Slicers using c# code for spire.xls

Is there any way to update caption of excelsheet's Slicers using c# code for spire.xls I have tried some part of code googled through internet but it was only for PivotTables and not for the Slicers. ...
Jitendra Singh's user avatar
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Distinct count from multiple tables and slicers

To create a gap analysis, I want to create a customer-specific table or matrix, showing products for a given customer, and a second one showing all products available in that country. We have the ...
Fem's user avatar
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Multiple Slicers with Multiple Selection in each with AND condition in Power Bi

I am working on a model that filters items based on the criteria given in the slicers. In this I want to filter the item through three slicers Hierarchy Slicer Attribute Slicer Attribute Value Slicer....
Vignesh K's user avatar
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Macro to work through list of slicer options and print the sheet to PDF

I have an excel dashboard, the data within which is based off what country the user selects from a 'Geography' slicer. This code previously worked fine in another workbook, but now that I have copied ...
Ethan Bright's user avatar
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How to See / Generate a List ALL Slicers Attached To / Controlling a Excel Pivot Table

In Excel I can go to a specific SLICER, right click, select Report Connects, and see a list of all PIVOT TABLES in my Excel workbook with checkboxes to identify the subset of PIVOT TABLES that are ...
Doug Moore's user avatar
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PowerBI DAX - Using the result of SELECTEDVALUE() in the FILTER() Function

I have the following code to create a new Table in PowerBI based on a condition: VAR Auswahl = SELECTEDVALUE('Y-Achse-Langzeit'[Parameter]) VAR Tabelle = ADDCOLUMNS( 'Daten Langzeitanalyse', ...
ValentinM's user avatar
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Power BI: Automatically set "Between" Data Slicer to Current Data

when opening my report user-confusion may arise from the fact that a date slicer is not automatically extended to the current date of data available. My question therefore is: Does anyone know a ...
Tobi94's user avatar
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Selecting most recent date in slicer

I need to select the most recent date slicer dynamically in this specific tab. My current code selects all of the dates listed in the slicer. Sub maxdateslicer() Sheets("FIP").Select ...
healeydm's user avatar
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How can I get a current year vs prior year comparison in dax using selectedvalue and a month and year slicer?

The measure I created works fine for current year no matter what year and month I select. However, the prior year measure has missing values in some locations. The values should be there because they ...
Bre's user avatar
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Dynamic Line Chart with Selection and Its Higher L1 & L2 Categories

Thanks to anyone who takes a look. I've been frustrated for a few days, trying many ways and checking numerous posts, parameter (not working). Model Detail: I'm working with a 3-tiered data model and ...
Nori KUO's user avatar
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Calculation based on 2 Years selected from slicers

I'm still new with Power BI Desktop and I have one scenario where I have current and previous years as two slicers which user should select. and based on that the calculation should be subtraction of ...
Sam_UAE's user avatar
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How to have default slicer selection based on another slicer

I have two slicers, Month and Week. The Week slicer filters the Month slicer, so whenever I choose a week, it filters to that corresponding month. There's my question, is there a way when I choose a ...
Jay Li's user avatar
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Powershell Pivot Tables Slicers not linked even though using same data source

Using powershell I have created multiple pivot tables in the same Excel worksheet using the same table at the Data Source. I then open the excel file and add a slicer to one of these Pivot Tables and ...
Nick's user avatar
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Power BI slicer dropdown with array values

I want to create a slicer for availableDataTypes field. I have array of values in availableDataTypes field.In the dropdown I want only [1],[2],[3] & none Options It should be a multiselect ...
Pervez Bellary's user avatar
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2 Slicer in same Power BI dashboard is not working properly

In my dashboard There is a matrix. In that first column is product. And the rest of the columns are Week1, Week2, Week3 upto week 52. Values in these columns are price of products in each week. I need ...
Pranav Pt 's user avatar
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"Preselected Slicer" Custom Visual, Pre-Selection Measure

What should I be giving the Pre Selection field in order to have a certain value selected by default on load in my slicer? I've tried a LOOKUPVALUE statement that yielded the matching string, and I've ...
Trevor's user avatar
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VBA to change selection on a Power Query Table Slicer

I have been stuck on this all day and would really appreciate some help. I have a table which I created in Power Query and have loaded this into an Excel worksheet named "Pay Com". To this ...
Kully's user avatar
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Facing Compare Issue in powerBI

I am trying to compare the response time to two releases of the product. But when I trying to create the comparison table, I am facing issue. In the below picture 1 you can see that, both release ...
Biswajit Sharma's user avatar
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Power BI Percent of Total but not Top N

I am trying to calculate the percentage of premium which should change as I apply slicers on the data. The below formula for a calculated measure works perfectly. % of 2025P Gross EP = DIVIDE(SUM('...
chunkychocochip's user avatar
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PowerBI Slicer to filter column headers

I'm trying to have a slicer that uses certain column headers as a filter. The visuals are using a measure that is calculated from the "NPS Response" column, and I haven't been able to get ...
Michael's user avatar
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How to create pivot table of a pivot table OR add a pivot table into Power Pivot

I created a dashboard sourcing the data through Pivot tables generated with a Data model. The challenge I have at the moment is to get a slicer that shows the actual values of the pivot table (not a ...
Ana's user avatar
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How to sync selection from a "Attribute Slicer" to another page of same report

in the page 1 of my report, I have two slicers as below. One is Practice name slicer, the other is Project name. Selection of practice filters out the project name slicer. Based on the selection from ...
udani's user avatar
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PowerBI: How to remove filter on specific column in chart

I'm working with specific columns from a table. I have a "data" column for each month of the year and a "data_last_month" column for December + percentages. I have a chart filtered ...
no_named_nobody's user avatar
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How to take last data available based on the slicer?

I got a request for a visual to take the last data available based on the slicer. We have year, quarter and month slicers in the report. If multiple months are selected, there will be no summarization,...
ttruhcheva's user avatar
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Using a single slicer to dynamically filter multiple pivottables from excel data model

I have a project for which I am creating a dashboard. In this dashboard I have multiple pivotcharts that use slicers connected to all pivotcharts to filter and visualize data. This works great when ...
Pēteris Andrušaitis's user avatar
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Categorizing category name based on date range and slicer selection in Power BI

I have the following datasets: DatasetL I wanted to write DAX code in which I haven't found the right logics for the following case below: The table of datasets above represent Subject Table with ...
ami's user avatar
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How to make a default values

I have county names as dublin1, dublin2, dublin3 how to make a single default name as dublin to those values in power bi? I have tried to remove duplicates but it is not a correct solution. I have ...
sky's user avatar
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Power Bi, diference between 2 sliced cards

Power Bi desktop, How can I display in a card the difference between 2 cards which are sliced each one by months? I have a measure displayed 2 times. Each measure is sliced by 2 different slicers (the ...
Csm's user avatar
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