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How to Validate an SMS from SignalWire LAML webhook in PHP?

I needed to "validate" incoming SMS messages from the service SignalWire (aka, make sure SignalWire was the one who actually sent it). This was for a PHP application, where the incoming SMS ...
Richard's user avatar
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How can I forward a SignalWire call to a Relay application from a PHP LaML webhook, and handle it in a JavaScript-based Relay application?

I'm developing a PHP application that utilizes SignalWire for handling incoming calls. I've set up a LaML webhook in PHP, and when a call is received, it triggers the webhook successfully. ...
Jithin Lukose's user avatar
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ERROR : "No Route, Aborting" when handling incoming call

I am trying my custom configuration to handle freeswitch call using Elastic SIP Trunking. I am not using mod_Signalwire. I want to handle route custom with multi-tenant system. Below is my ...
jack's user avatar
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Preview doc files in a video conference using the SignalWire API

I am trying to show documents in a video conference that I've implemented using SignalWire. I want to show text and preview of the document to the all participants in a conference just like a ...
full stack's user avatar
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getting error "Call to a member function send() on null" while sending sms through Signalwire api using laravel

Using relay client api to send sms from Signalwire it gives an error message "Call to a member function send() on null" in file vendor\signalwire\signalwire\src\Relay\Connection.php $this-&...
prem chand's user avatar
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How to change the height of video stream in SignalWire video api

Hi all I am using Signalwire's video calling functionality to make a video calling app. I am facing one issue here, as most of the times, we use video calling through phones or small screen sizes the ...
Amara's user avatar
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The protocol is not available, Signalwire Relay Client Subscription

I am trying to subscribe to Signalwire phone numbers using Relay SDK with following code: this.client1 = new Relay({ project: 'myprojectid', token: jwtToken, }) this....
Saira Nawaz's user avatar
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Reactnative Signalwire application unable to establish Ice server peer connection

I am trying to implement Signalwire calling in a react-native app. I am facing issue in connecting ice servers. Sometimes it connects and calling between two persons get successful. But most of the ...
Saira Nawaz's user avatar